What are the best jrpgs for a newcomer to the genre? I'm playing through P4G right now, I'm really really enjoying it and it's my first one. What other persona games are really good, and any other franchises from any time period. I have a Vita and PC
What are the best jrpgs for a newcomer to the genre? I'm playing through P4G right now...
Next logical step is persona 3 however very similar to persona but in my opinion better is trails of cold steel you can get 1 and 2 on vita
Alright cool, thanks friend
My personal suggestion would be to get a PS4, but before that, I'd reccomend the SNES classics, like ff6 (advance), chrono trigger, and ff4.
>What are the best jrpgs for a newcomer to the genre?
FFX. Even comes with a tutorial.
If you enjoyed Persona play Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time.
Is there a really big jump in the number of jrpgs releasing for it? I'm a pleb and have an xbone, I didn't say cause well ya know, Xbone. Honestly I'd sell it and the games for a ps4 if there's a much larger library
It has P5 at least.
I have FFX and FFX-2 on the way right now btw
If you're playing P4G than you have a Vita. There's a ton of great JRPGs for that thing.
I recommend Disgaea if you think you'll like extreme stat building and customization.
Thanks friend
Persona games are trash. They have all the worst traits parts of the genre. It's like they were designed for people who hate themselves
Start with Final Fantasy, they're not very hard. Pick whatever you want between IV-X. Don't play VI on Steam. Emulate it.
Persona 2 is my favorite but I wouldn't recommend it if you're still new to the genre. Both P2 are harder and grittier than P4.
There's plenty of good jrpgs for the psp/vita and persona is not one of them. They're just really popular because of waifufags
What girl you gonna fug OP?
Probably chie, she a cute
Persona has better writing than a majority of JRPGs, that's why your favorite obscure game doesn't get attention
But I'm legitimately enjoying the gameplay :/ what are the bad aspects of it that are different in other jrpgs?
He is shitposting you fucking newfag
Jesus christ people cant even spot a shitpost nowadays
>Game is beloved on Sup Forums and among jrpg lovers, it even have 3 fucking banners on Sup Forums dedicated to it
>"Its shit"
>o-oh really?
You gotta be a retard
I've been on here since 2012
It just makes you an even more mentally impaired if you cant spot obvious shitposting in this cesspit
P4G isn't even close to your average JRPG so I worry that you won't like others too much.
I'm assuming emulation isn't an option. There's Final Fantasy IX on Steam which is a good old-school JRPG. There's also Tales of Symphonia and Zestiria on there. The Tales of series has bright characters like the later Persona games but it also doesn't have a turn-based battle system, something more like a fancy beat 'em up. There's also Final Fantasy Type-0 but that's more of an action RPG. Do not get FFV and FFVI on PC. FFIV for PC is a fine game if you don't want to try the 2D version for the sake of it. If you do want to try the 2D version, there's FFIV: The Complete Collection for the PSP which might work on your Vita. I don't have one.
Persona 4, moreso than Persona 3 gets a lot of flak for appealing to waifufags. I like the game, I like the characters, and I like the writing but there's a lot of juvenile, asinine scenes and anime ""humor"" in it (actual spoilers: le King's Game and le crossdressing competition. Teddie becoming insufferable after he gets a human form) that were clearly written for self-insert fags. I hear P4G upped those scenes even more.
I guess you're right, you got me
You kind of messed up by starting with P4G. Is it a good game? Most definitely, however it is also by the far the easiest RPG I have ever played. You're spoiling yourself
stop bullying persona-kun!
>Persona 4, moreso than Persona 3 gets a lot of flak for appealing to waifufags. I like the game, I like the characters, and I like the writing but there's a lot of juvenile, asinine scenes and anime ""humor"" in it (actual spoilers: le King's Game and le crossdressing competition. Teddie becoming insufferable after he gets a human form) that were clearly written for self-insert fags. I hear P4G upped those scenes even more.
Was P3 your first Persona game? If you've played the rest of the Persona series you'd know anime humour and 'school-yard' humour has always been present.
Now, answering you seriously
Persona is known for its characters and character interaction, p5 upped the gameplay department but p4 still kinda suck on that
So that makes discussing persona a discussion about the characters and since there are girls, there are waifus
Hence why shitposters flock to call this weeb panty hunter simulator
But in truth Persona is a top of the cream jrpg franchise and not many are as good as it
The trails series, shin megami tensei and to some degree tales of games are regarded as equally good as persona
Digital devil saga (or avatar tuner) is an SMT spinoff game. was one of my first rpgs and loved pretty much every second of it. story, characters, setting, liked all of it. even built my mc like a retard and still got through the game. give it a look op!
and of course, ill throw my hat in the ring of Earthbound. cute little snes rpg that has boatloads of charm an likable setting. i heavily recommend that too.
Of course not. I quite like Persona 1 and the Persona 2 games. You're right, but they definitely didn't have it as much as Persona 4 and they never made me embarrassed to be playing them.
>Digital devil saga
This, OP. I didn't mention it because I assumed emulation wasn't an option but DDS is hands down my favorite JRPG. Everything about it is great.
Thanks friend
Emulations isn't a problem, thanks friend