i shall start
>ass creed games
>all indie games EVER
>mini haching games
>modern racers like assetto and project cu.cks
i shall start
>ass creed games
>all indie games EVER
>mini haching games
>modern racers like assetto and project cu.cks
ur mom lol
literally CSGO
yep that is fake enjoyment
>deluded into thinking they are having fun
The fuck am I reading?
Witcher 3
Every Wayforward game.
Mental illness is a hell of a thing.
The Last Guardian. I never played Ico but it's literally all of the boring navigating/exploring parts of SoTC without any of the fun of a fucking cool boss fight at the end
>oh boy, more climbing on old ruins and waiting for doggos AI to cooperate
I get they were going for a "wild, untamable" aspect, but it's quite annoying having to tell him to jump 4 or 5 times before he actually does
Stardew Valley
hearthstone + Shadwoverse
GTA: V: Online
Rocket League
>trying to come up with new words
lurk more, newfag
Why do I think the person who made this thread is the same one who made the "games people pretend to like starter pack" thing? Anyone else see that shit
this post seems more nu-Sup Forums than nu-fun
>Just because I don't find enjoyment on a game it means someone else is deluded into having fun
Fuck off with your meme term. People that enjoy bad games is called having shit taste.
Stop replying to bait threads.
>if I don't like something, nobody can like it
>people who say they like it are just pretending
Did you know that thinking like this is a major symptom of autism? And I don't mean the regular Sup Forums kind of autism, but the genuine kind.
Op, I want a philosophical definition of Fun from you, after that you can tell me what is fun and not fun, what makes something fun and not fun
Fun is a buzzword.
There are better ways to say that you are entertained or amused.
"nu" is a bastardization of "new", hence "new" males. I don't see it making sense for "new" fun.
fun is just a buzzword for when you can't actually think of a reason why the game is good
Great idea, Varg, but here's my suggestion: let's cut out the middleman though and just burn down the house of every shitposter.
Such as?
Go back to your linkin park, at least they understand you.
So hold up, if fun is just a buzzword, that means, that a game that is so trivial, it hurt, can be fun ? are you saying that amusement and joy can comes in many forms and its actually subjective to certain individuals ? oh boy.
Artificial fun.
See: Bloodborne
Yeah, but it's not my kind of fun therefor it's shit.
no video games are objective
there are objective good things and bad things and use terms like "fun" and "the story was good"
Learn the lingo newfags.
OP here.
Can you guys get back on topic thanks.
I created a meme. Remember this moment you sheep.
"Fun" is just a jewish invention to keep the white man down.
You created a thread that will be stuck in 10 page by 100th post and forgotten forever in archive.
Stop trying to force your shitty buzzword OP
Not only is this stupid shit not going to be a meme unless you personally force it, it's also been posted before.
>i created a meme
no, you did not
>getting back on topic in and off-topic thread
so fun video games?
>ctrl+f your shitty meme
>2 hits in the entire thread, counting your OP
spicy meme friendo
Sup Forums got it right again
>you're not having fun, you only THINK you're having fun but you arent!
Stop Liking Things I Don't Like (Final Form) (Full Power) (100%)
neo/nu are terms that have literally become worse than people using the phrase 'millennials'