Am I the only person whose hype for Nier Automata was ruined by the demo? I thought Platinum making the game was supposed to make it good.
Am I the only person whose hype for Nier Automata was ruined by the demo...
am I the only one
does anyone else
>Platinum making the game was supposed to make it good
All the old Capcom members were either promoted or moved on, what's left is the "B team" which is also the A-Team. Platinum hasn't released a good game in years.
It's how I expected it to play.
I just want a fucking action game again, a real one, not that slow dark souls stuff thats poploar now. Why does the one developer makingthese anymore have to suck at it so much?
None of Yoko Taro's games have good gameplay, although more recent installments have it appear that way at first. This shouldn't be a surprise if you actually care about the series and don't exclusively jack off to Toobie.
Did you play the first one OP.
The Demo was better than the first Nier in terms of gameplay, the original was a chore to play at times.
I own it but I have yet to touch it
>OP is a fag
Thanks for the clarification.
Anyone that says these things is always a faggot. OP is no exception.
not sure what the appeal of nier automata is. the demo was pretty lack luster . But i digress, to each to their own
>Am I the only person whose hype for Nier Automata was ruined by the demo?
>I thought Platinum making the game was supposed to make it good.
Combat is better than in original Nier.
What are you comparing with?
other platinum games.
Are other Platinum games 25 - 50 hours long semi open world aRPGs?
>there will never be a Vanquish 2
Fuck everything.
It played exactly how I expected from the videos we've seen, did you not watch those?
no but they were actually fun to play. I dont understand the logic of "its longer, so there has to be less to it"
I wish it was less Bayonetta. I love some Platinum games (W101, Vanquish) but Bayonetta was the only one I could not get into. Hoping the full game changes with a full moveset and such but the dodge is something I don't like in these 2 games.
>the one developer makingthese anymore
Well there's your problem, no real competition in this field means they don't need to put in as much effort because fans of these kind of games have nothing else to get.
>I dont understand the logic of "its longer, so there has to be less to it"
You missed the point.
What I was trying to say that you're comparing apples and oranges since Nier:A isn't just your next CURAYZEEE slash fest.
I can understand you prefer different games so if Nier:A gameplay isn't doing it for you maybe look elsewhere since the focus will be on the story / rpg instead of pure fighting this time.
>maybe look elsewhere
Where else though? Who the fuck else makes CURAYZEEE slash fests anymore?
Why the fuck hasn't this been ported to PS4 and PC yet?
They could make a quick buck doing so.
>Where else though?
Hell if I know. I'm on board because I liked first Nier and that game play we got in Automata is a really big improvement.
Nah I'm sorta with you.
The demo was pretty mediocre, it was obviously supposed to show off the combat but the combat was a really floaty, generic Platinum combat. And the enemies weren't that great (probably intentional knowing Taro), but that boss fight was really fucking bad.
I'm hyped for the chip system though, as their stream shown how much the chips can affect the gameplay by introducing witch time and parries (Hopefully the parries work like MGR).
The only thing I hope for is that the main game has a little more impact on hits.
Fair enough but people are pinning their hopes for a good Platinum action game on this because there's not much else on offer.
Welp, sucks to be them I guess.
Maybe if some of them get to like the story/characters they won't leave completely disappointed.
>25- 50 hours
Sure maybe if you're a fucking handicap with one hand
Rumour its coming next. Sega guy hinted at it in an interview this year IIRC. It's coming soon.
It plays and feels better than Bayonetta so I'm not sure what's the problem is desu.
>unironically preferring previous Drakengard entries' gameplay
You should literally just kill yourself live on Twitch right now.
>the combat but the combat was a really floaty, generic Platinum combat
None of that makes sense. Rephrase your argument without using buzzwords with no substance or meaning.
>the enemies weren't that great
These are literally level 1 grunts, you imbecile.
>RPG game
>made by Platinum
>after 2014
>>because there's not much else on offer
>continuation of yokotaroverse
>cute robutts
>only semi-open world action rpg with not-horrendous combat
>3d bullet hell
And 2B is 500000000000 times hotter
It's a Taro game, but with not completely garbage gameplay. What the fuck are you complaining about? Go play Drakengard 1 and you'll instantly like the new Nier.
Well yeah, she has human proportions for one thing.
Floaty = No impact, you moron. Swinging your sword in mid air and hitting an enemy feels no different. Floaty has always been used to describe this, as well as no feeling of weight when swinging weapons, which this game also suffers from, but the weapons literally float so I'm not to bothered by that.
>These are literally level 1 grunts, you imbecile.
So are pic related, but they are fun to fight/beat up. Mainly due to hitting things feels great in MGR.
Great. Now those people will be shitposting Nier threads because of this.
I feel your pain though. Action games are kill. And I don't even like DMC that much, I just want a Ninja Gaiden game by the old cookie face team.
>Swinging your sword in mid air and hitting an enemy feels no different
You mean apart from the bright flashes and sparks that appear on every single swing when you strike an enemy? Your opinion is objectively wrong.
>no feeling of weight when swinging weapons
You mean how heavy attacks have much longer wind up and wind down than light attacks? How heavy attacks lock you in place? Again, objectively wrong.
Go kill yourself.
Until you play in it's entirety, your opinion is invalid.
No. many other trolls seem to think this way too.
Platinum has been contracted to make licensed games for Activision for 2-3 years.
We haven't seen them make anything good for years because they are basically in developer jail for years.
You are the only one, because you're stupid.
You can block and parry aswell
Have you played the first Nier?
If you have you will understand why people like the demo.
It's because the game now contains actual gameplay now along with crazy story structure of Nier.
>no green eyes
>It's because the game now contains actual gameplay
Nier had actual gameplay, sure it was nothing to write home about but it wasn't as catastrophic as many claim.
Playing right now in case you think my opinion is goggle's fault.
Nah it was pretty much within my expectations and I'm happy with it so far. Expectations being Nier with good gameplay granted we didn't get to see much RPG elements outside the jp gameplay streams but whatever, I had a lot of fun with it. I'm very happy about how well it runs too.
I had zero interest in this game, I thought it was more of that panty adventures:xrd-neptunia 348/2 days weeb garbage Sup Forums loves masturbating over, but I gave the demo a chance and ended up really enjoying it. Reminds me a lot of dmc games
I did the same for the Gravity 2 game demo that Sup Forums is also talking about to see if I would be proven wrong again and find another interesting game, but that was garbage as I thought.
>people calling Platinum "that CUHRAYZEE hack n slash developer"
>when they clearly like to branch out to other genres
Do people forget all of Platinum's other games?
Mad World?
Infinite Space?
Anarchy Reigns?
It seems like people only see Bayo and MGR and then call it there
it was serviceable at best a boring slog on average.
This is so much better it's astounding.
The only people I see bitching about the combat are people who haven't played or seen the original Nier or came into this thinking it is a 4 hour long Platinum action game.
those are all cuuhrazy etc
I wouldn't call Vanquish a "hack and slash" and I sure as fuck wouldn't call Infinite Space "CUHRAYZEE" nor a "hack n slash".
>It's a Taro game,
It's a joint venture.
Platinum gameplay
Taro everything else.
So far the platinum side is mediocre compared to their other full release titles. And this is what has been shown off in the demo. Yeah if you've never played a Platinum game then it's the best gameplay Nier has had, barring the hitstop (OG Nier had better hitstop. Use Dark Hand if you want an example), but they clearly hyped Platinum in the initial reveal and so far it's pretty meh. Better than Korra and TMNT, worse than MGR and Bayo.
Taro's side is unknown, but still expected to be great.
An example of the reverse if is, Taro was brought in to write the story of a Platinum title, but the story turned out pretty generic. Yeah it's fine because it's not why you'd play the game, but it's still a disappointment that you could've got something better based on their previous work.
>You mean apart from the bright flashes and sparks that appear on every single swing when you strike an enemy?
A visual cue, is not a feeling of impact. Impact is a combination of: Animation quality, Hitstop, Momentum, Wind up, with yes a nice Visual Cue, and Sound Effect to finish it off.
If you want a better explanation, go find Itsuno's (DMC 3,4) explanation on "what makes a punch feel good".
>You mean how heavy attacks have much longer wind up and wind down than light attacks? How heavy attacks lock you in place?
No they would have a different combination of the above list to make a weapon feel heavier than a light one.
>Go kill yourself.
Nah. I'm waiting for Nier Automata to come out.
>many other trolls
OP explained in pretty normal fashion what he expected.
Much better than usual Sup Forums retardation we're getting in Nier Autoamata threads.
Not him just saying.
You also got to understand that you played a demo.
A demo that didn't have everything the game had to offer.
We have been informed that you can equip some things that increase your power and shit. As well has removing your own OS to kill yourself.
What is to say more move sets and special abilities can not be acquired later in the game and the demo only showed us some tutorial bullshit.
Nier's combat was at it's very worst at the beginning of it's game. At least until you got older.
I am just waiting for the panty shots and suggestive fan art
Yeah we were shown in the new gameplay stream a little teaser of some skills that we can equip, including parrying, what else will be in the game I have no idea.
Nobody cares about the game, Sup Forums is just full of underage b& and AnimeNEET weebs who obsess over fanservice
Shut up Varg you nonce.
Now the dust has settled
Platinum does not make strong games. They make mediocre ones. I'd almost prefer to have seen Ninja Theory take this game on, or modern Team Ninja.
>tfw they actually modeled a vag on 2B
P* is getting really lewd on this.
she has green eyes, it shows in the first trailer, and i believe we'll see her eyes in some cut scene at the end of the game
I know that it's demo, and I am hyped for the chip system. It's just what I'm talking about is the foundation of the combat. Does hitting a jobber with your basic weapon feel good? I'm saying it's not as good as it should be with Platinum at the helm. They should know what makes hitting shit feel good, and it's lacking. Which is what disappointing me. I'm not ragging on the chip system, combos, weapons or anything like that. It's also something that probably won't be fixed in the main game.
If you've never experienced it or don't know about what I'm talking about, then you probably think I'm spouting bullshit. But There's a reason why hitting shit feels good in games such as DMC, and MGR, Yakuza, also fighting games such as Tekken, and Street Fighter. Compared to Heaven's Sword, and Knack.
Why does Sup Forums shits on Nier for having boring combat yet praises Morrowind? Fucking hypocrites desu
>wanting hitstop in your vidya
Fucking cancer, I bet you also prefer 30fps because it's cinematic.
Because retards expect the next DMC/MGR/Bayonetta out of this, although it has been stated from the start and multiple times that Nier:A will be more leaning towards RPG than Action.
This will get your hopes up.
I understand. Hitstop, Hit sparks, Rumble on hitting someone and getting hit. Wind ups and shit. I get that. But I also expect that to be worked on before release. I don't expect Platinum to spend a large portion of thier time developing the game's hit sparks and shit. instead of programming in the actual moves. I feel the will get that shit worked in before release.
The demo we got isn't exactly the 1.0 build of the game. As is 95% of all demo's released.
I thought it was okay. Foundation feels like it's there, but the serious lack of toys made it pretty boring. But seeing as it's an RPG, it might take a while for the combat to really open up.
I like the focus on launching and relaunching. The enemies being more evasive than most action games helps emphasize that and there is just enough to the combo system to get you to optimize damage.
Going to reserve judgement. I'm thinking of W101, and how the game's combat didn't get good until about the last third of the first playthrough when you got enough moves to really get creative.
>Platinum does not make strong games. They make mediocre ones.
It's good then, they're only doing the action part this time.
I hope it does get worked on. I love Taro's games, and it annoys me that a different company feels like it's skimping out on somebody else's game. Even then I don't know which side actually came up with the chip system, Taro or Platinum, but I believe that most of the unique and interesting shit probably came from Taro (the OS chip).
In the end though, it's as you say. Just gotta wait for the game to come out. Only 2 months left.
The only people hoping for that are stupid Platinumfags.
Nier fans are grateful for getting a sequel at all
Automata is perfect because it takes everything that was in place and improved it without going overboard with Platinum tendencies.
Yes, you are a special little snowflake. Now fuck off, fag.
thats obviously not the same 2b
>all this bitching because Taro is a shit developer
>platinum games will be at fault
loving every laugh
>made by Platinum
why does this meme keep happening.
unless you're talking about scale bound it's not being made by platinum.
Its been a few days. I'm starting to feel OP. I can't see enemy hit boxes. Seems the damage indicator goes, AoE on/off for those small robot enemies. How am I supposed to clear Very Hard at this point?
Say with me now:
Platinum has literally only ever made one good game. Why would you think that it would be good?
>Platinum hasn't released a good game in years.
Bayonetta 2 was only 2 years ago
>A visual cue
Hitstop, wind up, and animation variations are visual cues. That's a lot of buzzwording it up.
Zero hates virgins
>Bayonetta 2
It's just a gameplay demo, bruh!
i hope to find the same depth in this game of Drakengard 1 and NIER
>How am I supposed to clear Very Hard at this point?
Don't get hit?
>Am I the only person whose hype for Nier Automata was ruined by the demo? I thought Platinum making the game was supposed to make it good.
You have to be legit retarded if you expected this game to play like Bayonetta or some shit.
It's a refined version of the first game.
Am I the only want who wants to play NIER Replicant via Steam? Shouls we organise a petition?
I want to see Caim in Nier Automata
Nice falseflag idiot.
I want to be the big brother
The american old dad is too stupid
Does anyone know where I can watch the YoRHa stage play? I already read the script, but I want to see it.
You mean spam dodge? It can only work for so many times. When you accidentally stop a dodge right next to a small enemy robot and the game goes proximity damage mode on, at 2B, you're dead. You can't spam the machine gun either because you're constantly dodging.
where in op's post does he say he prefers the old game's gameplay?
what woul happen if kojima, taro, suda51 and sweary make a great together?
Good is a subjective statement. It needs to be compared to something else. The only logical thing to compare it to is previous entries in the taroverse. Since he doesn't think it's good, and we've decided that comparing it to something outside of the taroverse is retarded, his statement implies that he prefers the gameplay of a previous taroverse game.
Face it...Kojima is not a good game developer.