Quick, Sup Forums, do a screenshot of your desktop without cleaning up!

Quick, Sup Forums, do a screenshot of your desktop without cleaning up!
>reminder that if your desktop isn't vidya-themed, you should kill you are self.

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>i guess ill have to kill my're self
i like it clean

Nah user, don't kill you are self, you're an ok guy.

Post the wallpaper op

The outer circles are an analog clock for Rainmeter, here's the source: pastebin.com/c8SKqzjd


I keep my desktop clean and even went so far to rename the recycle bin to a blank character and give it a transparent icon. I have it cycle through a couple hundred wallpapers, but it looks like it's not on a vidya one right now

>you should kill you are self
you mean, yourself? you fucking retard

You know you can just turn off the recycling bin showing up on your desktop right