Dragon Quest XI

Fuck its action RPG


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Fuck yes. Go fuck yourselves you turn based nostalgia fags.

>Xbox 360 controller

PC confirmed.

It's not

nostalgia fags on suicide watch

>standard run up and attack enemy basic animation in a turnbased game

ADHD kids pls go

That's even better. Fuck turn-based RPG. Shit is boring and outdated. Carry RPGs to their next stage.

You are retarded


It looks like you just initiate battles by hitting enemies with your sword.
What I mean is that I really hope it isn't an action RPG

I hate DQ and this won't make like the game. But not every fucking rpg has to be a goddamn half-assed arpg. Disgusting.

it's actually turn based but it doesn't throw you in a separate arena. Actionfags on suicide watch, once again. You just never can get the good games can you?

>Losing complete and exact party control is "the next stage"

Dragon quest was literally never good. Commercialized RPG for babbies.

wtf i hate dq now


Its going to be turned based but no separate battle screen

ADD confirmed.

SE want it to sell copies so it'll be turn based.

>you will never get an official copy of dragon warrior monsters remake in a language that matters

>tfw DQ8 looks better than this shit

So this is the power of Level 5

Nice emulator bro

3ds will be turn based for the japanese, PS4, will be action based for the rest of the world.

>except it doesn't
:^ )

Seems more like a low level instant kill. Like in Earthbound.

did you watch the video? It literally is.

looks more like hit to initiate battles kinda thing

What would be the point of making XI an ARPG? Isn't that why Heroes exists?

>I want every game to play the same
Literally why? I mean, DQ is not really known for it's story, but for the gameplay. Why would you be interested in a gameplay heavy series whose gameplay you don't like?

Yes, i watched it but that doesn't mean it's ARPG

It's turn based, pic related

It's not an action RPG just a different take on presenting the turn-based battles.

Square wouldn't chance making a mainline DQ game action-oriented after what happened with DQ9

Jesus Christ the MC looks generic as fuck. They might as well let you customize his appearance like in IX


There's literally no reason to have Run Away (third options) if it is action based

What happened with DQ9?

The best option will be a turn based with positioning and no separate screen desu

>action based

...did i miss that aspect of that game cause i dont remember that at all

>random encounters no longer exist, enemies have to be shown on the map in every game now

>turn based games no longer exist, everything has to have action combat now

worst timeline


>he miss random encounters


It was supposed to be an ARPG. "Supposed to be"

Japan didn't like it. So they went back to turn-based. You can still find what DQ9 originally looked like if you look.

they released this trailer and the fans started sending them death threats, so they retooled the game back to it's original turn-based roots


Japanese Fiona from shrek

huh...thats neat to learn.

>hes some kind of pussy who needs to start every fight with the initiative or outright avoid them

There is no real benefit to enemies being visible on the map.

All games are developed on PC user...

It's a thing where you kill enemies before going into battle. Something like in Persona 3/4 when you're too strong for the enemy encounter.

Just look at the second monster "running away". It pretty much confirms the possibility that encounters are handled like in Chrono Trigger with visible enemies on the map/field.

There's no real benefit to random encounters either, also it's immersion ruining.

Who the fuck let's a 1,000 lbs dragon sneak up on them?

yes there is, you literally just said it
>>outright avoid them

I agree what a shit tier mc worst yet.

>liking random battles makes you a badass

Now I've seen it all

>Japanese dq fans love original integrity so much they forced SE to go back to DQ formula

>Americans will spread their butt cheeks for anything SE calls a FF

Why are nips so based and why do we Americans suck so much?

Who cares? It could be the best/worst game in the world, but it still wont come to the west.

That's probably a system where you can attack the mob before starting combat to one shot it if you out level it or get some extra damage/ an ambush

I blame DQX, online games always ruin franchises.
Take a look at what FFXI have done.

Because liking artificial game lengtheners is what real men do.

ARPG is pretty broad, I think the original means it'll be like the mmo: global time with actions detached from it. An ATB system, like some FF games and Chrono Trigger.

>developers wanna try something new
>death threats and being pissy before its even out
yeah SO based...

I'm sick of this meme.
Literally every mainline DQ game has come to the west except X because SE doesn't believe it would be profitable.

I thought the same of the DQVIII hero and he turned out ok.

Its not even about being pussy or not. Sometimes you just want to complete some quest and random encounter gets in the way

>random encounter in a room filled with puzzles

How is XI responsible for any future FF game being bad.

It's not, you stupid uneducated faggot.

DQ8 hero was a Goku derivative, This guy's an Android 17 clone

>This guy's an Android 17 clone
Don't you mean Future Trunks?

>blaming the most profitable ff game
>blaming the most atmospheric ff game
>blaming the best combat system
>blaming the best ost
>blaming the best ff game period

You're an idiot if you think ffxi killed FF. Merging with enix, after that shitshow of a CEO at square, is what killed FF.

Japan has yet to put out a good, Diablo-like ARPG.

It is you faggot.

>wanna try something completely different
>slaps a mainline title on it so get nostalgia shekels

Even though I hate him, at least nomura had the decency to give the original ffxv a spin off name.

>random encounters are good

I sure love walking two inches of the map just to get ambushed by sixty slimes

>best combat system
>watch your character autoattack for the first 50 hours of the game

nostalgia shekels wouldnt come from NEW titles they would come from remakes or rereleases you idiot

the word your looking for is brand recognition

Could just be a map attack, we've already seen screenshots of turn based battle stuff.

if he had purple hair, he'd be perfect

>they remove random encounters
>enemies now visible in the field
>enemy spawns right in your path a few steps from the last battle anyway, sometimes can't even go 5 seconds without running into the next one that appears out of thin air

wow so different

Probably a quicker way to defeat enemies that are a lot weaker than you.

What the fuck are you talking about? When people see a mainline DQ game, they expect a classic DQ experience, with maybe some new twists here and there.

When you completely change the mechanics and give it a mainline title, you are aiming for nostalgia shekels.

It be the same as if Dragon quest builders was called DQXI

>random encounter in a room filled with puzzles
looks like someone hasn't played best game yet

Turn based JRPG gameplay should be relegated to mobile devices. It fits wonderfully there with the lack of buttons and other input methods. Developers should try to actually use a controller and not stick to ancient gameplay mechanics just for nostalgia's sake

>PS4, Switch, 3ds, NES
Japs are mad. They need to make four games simultaneously.

No its not. That's the first hit to start combat. If you are overleveled you don't have to fight. It's like earthbound

I wish shit stains that didn't like turn based would stay away from games that feature it. Want a button mashing, brain-dead action game? There's already plenty to choose from.

>believing they would be stupid enough to try to turn dragon quest into an action game a second time, after all the rioting and death threats the first time they did it

isnt confirmed yet my man

developers wait for the intial sales number

some of us actually like controlling an entire party of characters without needing to deal with A.I. you know, it has nothing to do with mobile or consoles
action gameplay works fine in games in which you control only one character like dark souls

Platforms selection still weird as fuck.


if a game is about a group of characters going on an adventure I want to control all of them. I don't want to control the generic sworddude while the rest of my team is repeatedly killed by enemies due to shit AI, at that point there might as well be no party.

do you not know what nostalgia is?

I wonder why nobody send death threats to sqenix when they turned FF into dogshit

these DQ fans are really something else...

The benefit is that the gameplay is fucking terrible outside of boss encounters in most JRPGs so putting them on the map is at least a step towards the actual solution of removing encounters entirely.

But then you sometimes get the problem of the developers forgetting that their game sucks, so the bosses' stats are balanced around the assumption that you didn't go out of your way to avoid trash mobs.

they did and people didn't like it

>SE want it to sell copies so it'll be turn based.
>he says this while knowing the highest selling gaming franchise is fucking Pokemon.

Are you trying to prove him right, by telling everyone that the highest selling gaming franchise is a turn-based RPG?

>FF went from mediocre to dogshit for over a decade now
>DQ has always been good
really activates my almonds...

the idea of random encounters was to strech gametime and have some kind of progression

it doesn't really serve a higher purpose

It's like X, I think.

XI was the last true Square FF. XII was when SE became a thing and the franchise had a shitty identity crisis

Go play Wizardry.

Most of DQ's appeal these days is its consistency. Don't change things more than needed.

Shit dialogues, shit battles, shit puzzles, shit plot twists, shit story and shit characters.

yeah thats reasonable

Why wouldn't they release their biggest games on PC? Even 10 year old ports of their older games sell millions on Steam.