>instant pull / kill combo
>retarded amounts of hp
>heals more than anybody can dps
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
How do we make him less of a broken hero, Sup Forums? Literally the definition of anti-fun.
>instant pull / kill combo
>retarded amounts of hp
>heals more than anybody can dps
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
How do we make him less of a broken hero, Sup Forums? Literally the definition of anti-fun.
But playing him is fun, so I don't think he's anti fun, think you just gotta get gud friend
Just bait out the hook.
yes op overwatch is not fun
you either play the following
1.squishy healer
2.squishy dps hero
don't be obvious and stay away from him, road hog can be easily snuck up and ambushed on.
you can also snipe is fat ass with hanzo, widowmaker or anna
I'll bite
>set down the controller
>playing OW on console
lmao git gud I can btfo Roadhog with D.va not even in her mech suit
I play Mercy and Zenyatta
There is literally nothing wrong with playing on a console
Like most heroes that people scream are broken. Remember you have five other people on your team and render his one trick useless by having someone bail you out.
Faggot normies were bawling their eyes out about Bastion being OP. Most people think he's a joke now. Blizzard didn't need to do shit about him.
>getting hooked by Roadhog as Zen
>put the controller down
Bait thread confirmed. Just gonna close this tab on my Safari app and play some Candy Crush on my new iPhone 7+ instead on the new Sprint network (since it's only a 1% difference from Verizon).
>Not taking your chances for an up close headshot
Zarya is the tank that needs to be nerfed
>not D.va
>Bazillion HP
>Farther shotgun range than Reaper
>Can eject and even strong with just a pistol
>Ultimate is basically a nuke
Salty as fuck Genji babby detected. If you're going to bitch about a tank bitch about Zarya or D.Va then you might actually have some validity to your whining.
Not OP but the only time I bitch about a D.Va is when I'm healing and they do an lol so whacky maneuver around a hundred corners and leave me in the dust and then bitch about no heals as they run into a group of enemies.
Yeah dva needs a nerf as well no reload is just ridiculously
Just dodge the hook
Roadhog will only be okay when that hook stun is removed.
If you could still do shit while hooked, Roadhog would have to be more picky about who he goes for.
Don't use a controller.
Imagine if hook didn't make Bastion leave turret mode and Bastion mows him down as he gets closer and closer, then he finishes the enemy team off as well since he is still in turret mode.
Cry more noob. You're probably one of those cucks I rekt with DVA. Have fun playing "proper characters" and shitting it up in gold.
I never understood those "go back to your board' fags but now I do
Did you really need to make a thread to complain about this one character? Why could you not use one of the other 5 threads complaining about overwatch characters to post this shit?
>Let's make Roadhog useless that'll fix him
Stop talking. Stop thinking. Stop breathing.
>Roadhog would have to be more picky about who he goes for
actually he does, at max range characters will have time to use their defensive abilities before he can fire to deal damage since the stun happens when the hook hits.
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
Only if you're actually playing an attack hero or something. But Blizzard has done its best to encourage people to play the game the way it's meant to, with four tanks and an Ana.
Hook still pulls through walls/floors/edges/from across the map.
Hook still has an absurdly long range.
Hook can still enable one shots.
The stun is too much.
>retarded amounts of HP
yeah rosdhog should have only 450 HP while D.va's 600 HP should all be armor
Why can he still hook through walls? It's 2017-2 days, don't tell me the physics technology doesn't exist.
Is this satire?
theres your problem!
If you take the one shots away he's useless
git gud shitter
I bet you play exclusively as girl characters lmao fucking faggot
I don't have problems with Roadhog, I stay out of his range always.
I didn't say remove one shots. At all whatsoever.
I think they should have the hook timer reset if you manage to kill after hooking someone.
>Instant kill/pull combo
Yeah, that's the point. If you're squishy stay out of his range. Anybody at 250 HP or above can easily outdamage him. More importantly, get behind Rein's shield/D.Va and you should have no problem.
>Retarded amounts of HP
No shit idiot, he's fucking huge so of course he needs tons of HP. He's also a major ult battery for your team. He has no shield, no Defense Matrix, no Armor/Shield, he's just got HP pure and simple. If he didn't have the HP he has he'd be totally worthless.
>Heals more than anybody can DPS
Wrong. Basically all of the Offensive heroes can either outdamage him or stay out of his range. If Roadhog misses his hook he is done, end of story. MAYBE if you're a pro Genji you can't instagib him, but if you're a pro Genji why the fuck are you in his range in the first place? You should be bouncing around just outside and going in for the kill.
>If pulled it's over
Only certain classes. And if you got pulled it's your fucking fault in the first place.
Can we maybe have a ban on people who have no idea what they're talking about with Overwatch? I'm fucking middle Platinum and even I know that a solid 90 percent of balance changes proposed are retarded.
Push off.
>play reaper
>enemy roadhog hooks me
>proceed to fucking melt him
>laugh as the visible panic overtakes him
Its seriously one of the most satisfying things in the game.
Get hooked around corner? Should've stayed out of range xdxd
Alot of people still say Zarya needs a nerf.. why? What did they change about her that wasn't enough? Legit question here as I didnt pay attention to the changes to her.
There's your problem. :^)
I think one thing that needs to be reworked is the stun, I remember when the game first came out and you'd have about a 25%-50% chance to rift walk away after being hooked by roadhog, but now it seems like if you're hooked you're dead unless you get lucky with his scrapgun's spread and you dont get headshotted.
His massive health and ability to heal are a downside as much as they are an upside. His healing can be out DPS'd by Soldier, Reaper, and D.Va (And maybe more). HIs healing and massive health pool basically is a free ultimate, so he's a risk/reward character on your team, cause if you miss hooks you're a massive walking punching bag.
>if pulled its over, may as well set down the controller
Look I know you're still made I kept pulling you during our last match, but you dumbass pharah mains need to stop flying so high where everyone can fucking see you
Try not playing a shitty, overhyped game.
>the controller
If you're close enough to get hooked by Roadhog and aiming at him from around the corner, there's a high chance of you getting hooked. It's not my fault you're too stupid to play to your character's strengths and Roadhog's weaknesses by staying out of his range. How do you idiots even manage to breathe?
>I remember when the game first came out and you'd have about a 25%-50% chance to rift walk away after being hooked by roadhog,
I'm pretty sure that was just retards that didn't hold down the fire button letting people get away. I don't ever remember a time as Roadhog I couldn't get a shot first guaranteed.
Listen OP, have you considered getting a keyboard and mouse for your console? You can do that and severely increase your ability to aim while still being able to play with your friends. That should help with roadhog since your damage output on him will make him think twice before going for you.
>also play on console
>enemy team has a pharah
>no one on my team even tries to kill her
>just floats above us and nukes everyone
Shit is so fucking annoying. I assume this is just limited to consoles because people cant aim. Usually I have to switch to McCree. Kinda funny when you start to shut down someone who has been on fire the whole match though. Can lead to some pretty heated hate messages.
Just dodge the hook
Anyone who says Zarya needs a nerf is just woke as fuck
- Zarya main
>Hook still pulls through walls/floors/edges/from across the map.
You were visible to his crosshair when he hit you with it.
Yeah, most likely it was just "I'm new how do i roadhog" but it at least made things feel a little more dynamic, how if he hooked you, you could reflect as genji, rift walk away, ice block. But now that everyones kinda caught on to holding M1 after hooking, its usually a guaranteed death.
probably because they're not used to her beam actually dealing damage correctly.
I play road hog so dva doesn't usually beat me I just end up spending the whole match fighting her because of the dumb health and armour buff
>be 76
>keeping distance from roadhog and shooting him
>pretty sure out of hookrange
>he keeps trying to hook me
>suddenly on 3rd hook
>hook seems to extend further
>check out replay
>goddamn that's a long hook
I know I was just at the edge of hook range but goddamn getting hooked at the max range makes me salty
His hook is the big issue right now, that shit is way too long. Nerf that and lower his HP a tiny bit and he would be fine.
Dealing damage correctly? What do you mean?
Like before maybe I could understand it. Zaryas were always a huge threat because it seemed like they akways had huge charges so they had to be dealt with quickly while their cooldowns were going. But now most Zaryas I see dont seem to have nearly as much charge... so they aren't nearly as threatening, which I thought was supposed to be the point of the nerf..
>Dealing damage correctly? What do you mean?
Zarya's attacks have had two major bugs.
The first was that her alternate fire, the mortar, would use the highest amount of energy you'd fired it at. So if you had 90% energy and user her mortar fire, she would keep that damage on her alternate fire even if her energy went down to zero.
The other bug, or assumed bug, is that her normal fire, the beam, would deal damage in "pulses" basically you needed to keep the beam on someone for a second of two before you started to deal any damage.
Now her mortar fire always works off of your current energy level, and her beam deals out constant damage, meaning that targets like Genji will be taking more damage much easier than before.
He is a bullet sponge, easiest ultimate meter gain in game.