ITT: "It's a good game but not a good X game."

ITT: "It's a good game but not a good X game."

Pic related, Dead Rising 4 is pretty good game on it's own but it's a piece of shit if you're expecting it to be anything like DR 1/2.
What other games do you think are like this?

Hitman Absolution.

Get the fuck out.

It's a shit game full stop.



Name something that isn't physics or plot that makes the game bad.



In all seriousness, it was a retarded move to advertise your game as a return to form when the only real thing you have in common with the first game is zombies.

>the best of all GTA games

I bet you thought that GTA5 had a (good) plot

so much bullshit and dont get me started on the campaign, i had some fun with the multiplayer though

AC black flag. The pirate portions were fun, sailing the seas, listening to your crew sing shanties, raiding local merchant ships etc. I didn't care for the modern day, sneak around your 9-5 and download info off of this super computer stuff. It was a fun game though.

Yeah think the game would've had a better reception if they dropped that "back to roots" bullshit and with a OC character.

Tone, environment, 50% of the characters, Slav accents, overall style.

It's GTA soviet bloc but without the balls to actually put it in that setting.

Dark Souls 2/3

Op said "good game"

What are you talking about? You play as Hank East in DR4.



>ITT: "It's a good game but not a good X game."

Deus Ex Invisible War they went full retard with the over simplfication of the gameplay, also the PC port is a technical nightmare.

HR is a worthy sucessor to the original even if it didn't have the same devs of the original like IW

Bioshock Infinite.
Honestly I didn't like it much. It felt really generic. But I was expecting a bioshock 3, so if you just expect a generic 2 gun shooter that's what you're gonna get plus a little more.

So the fourth game in the Dead Rising series is not a good Dead Rising game, why the fuck would anyone buy it if that's the case? You could buy any other mediocre zombie game instead, there's an abundance. So why would they advertise and market this game at fans of Dead Rising so much when it's a shitty Dead Rising game?
Wouldn't it have been easier to market it to normalfag a looking for a zombie game rather than pretending they have respect for the original game?

But DR4 is a shit game all around.

Command & Conquer Generals

DR2>DR>OTR>DR3>A pile of shit>DR4

Canadians are idiots, that's the reason.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you my man.

Metal Gear Solid V.

Alright game, simply doesn't work as a Metal Gear Solid game.

Halo 4

What's up with Dead Rising 4 anyways?
The release snuck up on me
It looks fun and 4 player multiplayer looked pretty cool

Being a good game already makes black flag better than every single AC game apart from 2 though

I didn´t touch it because apparently it is full of sjw shit

and because it is made by Canadians

Black flag is more like the only good game in a shit series.

Oh god that game was fucking AWESOME.

Shiot Hitman no doubt but god damned that gunplay, ragdoll, graphics and overall feel.

That "shower pic" gag in DR4 made me smile sooo wide i almost tore a whole in my skull.


mw2 is shit

>playing games made by canadians

well get used to it

if you want me to buy your game don´t put sjw shit in it

Can you even define the "sjw shit" ?

For you people its anything other than bald white space marine mary sue main character...

Fallout 4

As much as I enjoy Toddposting that game is a fun exploration and shooter but they fucked the rpg aspect hard.

I like 3

why do you care so much what other people like or not?
do sjws now even want to control what people like?

You take that back right now signore

3, 4 and NV are all good games (depending on taste) but none of them are good fallout games

you know, the 2D isometric turn-based RPG series

Nigga that was a simple question.

How the hell game about zombies with white main protag can even be "full of SJW shit" ?

Stop deflecting and answer the question.

eh 2 only seemed good at the time since it had so much more content than 1 and therefore wasn't as boring, i wouldn't want to play it again
that said walking around with a crowd of whores throwing money at people is always amusing

fun stuff from the setting got removed because liberals got triggered by it

we got strong independent women that need no men and gay characters instead

white men are now portrayed as stupid or pathetic so that women or minority character can look good in comparison

Nah, I replayed it recently. The gameplay hasn't aged too bad and the atmosphere and soundtrack are still top tier.

nah the other question was more interesting.
why do you care so much if people like sjw propaganda or not.

is it already good enough that your stuff get´s pushed everywhere nowadays?

>ITT: "It's a good game but not a good X game."

This is the only GTA with a sympathetic protagonist. I don't want to have shootouts with the police or rob and kill innocents I just wanted Niko to be happy especially after the ending. I played this more like a sim than I did as a GTA game

I gives this a little twist.
Let It Die.
OK amount of fun for the first 20 floors BUT a shitty Grasshopper Manufacture game.

>fun stuff from the setting got removed because liberals got triggered by it
What fun stuff ?

>we got strong independent women that need no men and gay characters instead
We had this before in hudreds of games.

>white men are now portrayed as stupid or pathetic so that women or minority character can look good in comparison
Sources, examples ?

Naah, who am i kidding you are just talking shit.

>implying DR protags weren't always clumsy and going full retard mode

fuck you nerd
>strong independent women
dyke cop
>gay characters
dyke cop
there we go, the first game was 'SJW SHIT' according to you.

This this this

Are you actually expecting logic from a cripplechan faGGot?

>implying he's even played DR1

its fucking boring. The same mission structure all the time

They've been making DR games since 2 and they've never put any sjw shit in their games so it's fine.

I am surprised not a single faggot here brought up Shattered Memories. Came here to crush them with autistic screeching, but I am glad that you all realize its a retarded piece of shit of a game even outside its series.


Nah, SM is by far the best western SH game and on par with SH2 in terms of feels. It's just not scary.

>not scary
>extremely repetitive
>absolutely retarded 'puzzles'
>2deep tryhard gimmick

Homecoming was better.

what´s not gow about 3?

it´s a game made by sjws

of course it didn´t feel like Dead Rising


If anything its anti sjw.
New Frank is fucking savage as fuck.

Story was shit, too many cutscenes, and not enough puzzles.

Super Paper Mario

I honestly didn't notice any sjw shit besides the removal of the "Erotica" category when you take pictures with the camera.

Came to post this.

The story was gay and there were not enough assassinations to make it a good Hitman game, but if you ignore that and the score system, the game is fun as fuck to just go around killing people in different ways without getting caught.

yeah I guess you are right

I guess I was distracted by the fact that it had probably my favorite boss fight in the entire series in Hades

Resident Evil 4

should have started it´s own franchise instead of turning the series into an action games

I can really tell how you have no idea of what you're talking about when you criticize "sjw" stuff instead of actual gameplay mechanics that are missing from previous games. Fuck off to Sup Forums faggot.

True. The crafting, looting and shooting is good, which is a problem when you realize those aret the only good parts in a game that's meant to be about exploration and choices.

You know Revelations exists right?


>Its another episode of "Its SJW because its SJW !!1" sitcom ..

Brought to you by /pol-fags.

2 and 3 did way more harm to the franchise than 4 ever did

>people think DR4 looks fun

Sup Forums is dead

neo Sup Forums everyone

It doesn't look fun but it is fun.

FFX2 is a great game if you are not a sexually insecure teen who is afraid of girly japs. It may not be a good FF game

its fun if you're a simpleton

have some fucking standards people

It's a shitty musou with zombies so I guess that appeals to some.

>cut time mechanics
>saving survivors is just kill things then they save themselves
>maniacs are easy mode psychos

I've been playing the first game recently and the game is easy as fuck if you get the mini chainsaws with books to increase durability.

Well excuse me for enjoying video games user.


I was going to say
>The final fantasy MMOs
fucking MMOs in the final fantasy mainline titles?

What the fuckity fuck?

I think Code Veronica did more

neo Sup Forums is taking CoD seriously, Minecraft, and mobile shit everywhere.

CoD Zombies was best with friends.

Fucking Sup Forums

You okay dude?

I think someone is now obliged to call you a sjw cuck or something now.

Fallout 4. I know I'm gonna get hated for this, but it's a decent post apocalyptic scavenging fps/tps game.
