FromSoft comes out and confirms they are making a new Armored Core game

>FromSoft comes out and confirms they are making a new Armored Core game
>for VR

How would you react?

Depending on how they do it that could be pretty amazing. I don't know why more VR mech games don't exist, being in the cockpit of a mech has the potential to be a great game

They were on the list of Japanese companies working with PSVR, so it's not unlikely.

>it turns out just as shit as Steel Battalion Heavy Armor

Hyped and scared at the same time.
I'd love some PSVR mech action but I also remember some Armored Core games that run like shit.

>Souls VR
>When you outskill someone, you get the joy of physically pointing down on them irl.

Will they ever make a AC game for PCs?

With how successful DS was this should give From Software a flash that a PC version of one of their long-running franchises would sell.

There are actually quite the number of people who like to play games with mechs in them.

Buy a ps4, cuckold.

A PC can outperform a console with the right configuration.

I'm not sure Souls would work, or any game that's currently third person action like that. A new AC seems more likely... or whatever their new IP is.

Not at the price of a console, cuck.

>it's just another Souls game with Mechs splapped on

It can't play any future armored core games though, and that's the topic of this discussion.

it will be shit like Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for kinect, VR is just a gimmick

>kinect is comparable to vr
No..... just no

yeah, VR is way more expensive


If you think that's the only difference, you haven't used VR yet. Kinect and pure motion controls are a stupid gimmick. VR doesn't need motion controls to work or make it a VR experience, it's all in the headset and the camera control it gives you is a real addition to games.

>for VR
might aswell release it for the Wii who fucking gives a shit

enjoy red eyes, can't make a gaming session of more than 30 minutes

I've played for hours straight with no problem.

I'd be mildly interested. The one thing current gen VR headsets can do well are cockpit games. A mech game in VR might just work.

that looks really cool but looks like its a bitch to control

Lol. Reminds me of my parents telling me I'd get joint pains from playing video games for too long. I'm 65 old man, my eyes are still fine.

>AC4/FA boost speeds in VR

Don't know if my brain could handle it

>Might as well release it for the wii
....Are you saying motion controls with dual sticks WOULDN'T be good for a mech game?

Bullshit you are 65 you are a fucking underage b& if anything

>New Armored Core
awww sheet omie its finna go do--
the meme claims another rip ;_;7

Came here just to say this. Being in the cockpit of one of those would be impossible.

If they remove the stupid meta where the one who strafes faster with his thrusters wins then I might be interested.

Why does everyone associate VR with motion controls? They might get bundled together regularly but they are two separate things. There are VR games that work with a regular gamepad and still benefit / play well together.

yeah i have no idea why some people consider the whole concept of the player controlling his mech directly with his hands in VR or stuff without any sort of physical controls ie pad or M&B (VR nunchuks don't count in their present state) to be terrible

I want to get hype, but gaming has taught me to never fucking get hyped.

>implying From wouldn't make it for gamepads
Lesson learned then.