Jesus fucking christ is this system completely dead? I finally got around to replacing the joystick on mine that died in like 2014 and it looks like nothing has been released since then.
I swear when I was playing the vita with a PS+ subscription in 2013 it was a hidden gem of a system, now it looks destined to be a paperweight. People used to say the PSP was a failure but it had a TON of stuff to play compared to this disaster of a system.
I could hack it but the emulation scene looks pretty pathetic at a brief glance. Do I cut my losses and toss it on ebay?
Landon Rogers
There's still a lot of Japanese games and PS4 ports coming out for it. If you expected western games or some big budget titles then you're retarded.
Right now if you can hack your Vita, it becomes the ultimate emulation machine from the NES era to PS1/PSP. Also it's not bad at doing remote play from a PS4 or CFW PS3.
Oliver Gomez
Can you remote play on 3.60? I tried last night and it to update. Haven't gotten around to hacking, I really only see myself using it for remote play and installing backups of the six games I already own on it.
Eli Thompson
I still enjoy mine, but I'm a fucking weeb who loves rehashed garbage weeb games.
Brandon Brooks
On PS3 it doesn't ask to update but on PS4 it does but there's a workaround for that you can google, dunno if still works though.
Brandon Parker
Just googling emulators all I'm seeing are brazilians running shit at terrible ass framerates
People say psp is some amazing emulation/homebrew machine when most of the projects were half-assed or abandoned and this looks like the same situation. People aren't going to waste their time programming for what is essentially an underpowered and overcomplicated machine when there are so many alternatives these days.
Luke Martinez
So hack it then. Free games, homebrew, and more functionality out of your system is too good to pass up. If you don't hack it then it's as good as paperweight unless you're really into Japanese imports.
Easton Mitchell
>Still getting games throughout 2017 >dead
Dominic Barnes
You are fucking retarded.
Adrian Ramirez
Most Brazilians are using old depreciated reteoarch cores and never adjust the settings like you're supposed to with emulation.
PSP and Vita can do some great emulation but only if you keep your software up to date and know which settings work best for certain games. For example most people say PCSX2 emulation on PC is shit but it's actially very playable for most games if you took the time to tweak the settings manually instead of leaving everything at default.
Liam Sanchez
Aaron Garcia
The vita is dead and gay
Christopher Garcia
>Japanese games and PS4 ports coming out for it. If you expected western games or some big budget titles then you're retarded.
ayy its fucking nothing. no wonder why it sold like shit.
Mason Hill
Just like your taste
Jaxon Ortiz
Upvoted OwO
Grayson Reyes
All 3DS is getting is Japanese games and Wii U ports yet it's somehow a success
Gabriel Rodriguez
I notice you don't post any recommendations. Possibly due to the ridicule you would receive for suggesting shit that looks like this. Because shit like this is all I am seeing in the vita's library as of late.
Jackson Torres
Most emulators on PSP are actually really good, it's only shit like SNES and N64 that have problems because they require more programming and resources than others. I mean the PSP can fucking emulate PS1 flawlessly, but it has frameskipping issues for a shitty SNES game like Mario RPG.
Hunter Foster
I can sit here and recommend good Japanese Vita games all day but then you'll just dismiss games like YS VIII, Phantasy Star Nova, and Fate Estella as weebshit.
If you don't care about Japanese games then Vita obviously isn't for you. It's like complaining that Xbox has so many dudebro games.
Logan Brooks
Tokyo Xanadu Akiba's Beat Berserk Bloodstained Zero Escape etc
I don't see what the problem with the picture is though
Ethan Miller
I bet you're one of those normies who bought a Vita for CoD or Killzone and then got buttblasted so hard by it that you dismissed the entire handheld.