Small things in games that may be insignificant, but make your day. I'll start.
>UI color is changeable
>Guns take round chambered into account
>Player home to chill out in and relax
The little touches you love
>belt fed weapon in an FPS
>the end of the belt actually animates feeding in as you run out of ammo
>The main hubs change slightly upon completing certain sidequests.
>Sword gets bloody as you use it
>You can clean it off
>being able to revisit earlier levels at any time
>scaleable UI
I just came into this thread to complement you on your OP pic
>Reloading the correct amount of bullets in rifles and shotguns
>bigger focus on physics then graphics
>dynamic dust/dirt/blood gathering on your character/weapon
aside from Bully (Canis canem edit in the EU, which translates to dog eats dog, which is also a cool title) which games does this?
>can manually pump shotgun/ bolt rifle
>weapons have alt-fire
any of the souls games. sort of. and canis canem edit is the 100% better name for that game.
stay away from bethesda fallouts
Off the op of my head:
Dying Light
New Vegas
Deux Ex
>People complain the name is too offensive
>New name is 100 times cooler
I guess censorship kinda worked for the better in that case.
dum dum di dum dum
>Shoot water, water reacts
>Adjustable distance when in 3rd person view
>health bar sizes, colors, tick amounts, and fade effects are completely customizable
The change was really due to censorship?
>Can dance in the club
Not game related.
>Be me, driving a friends car with parking sensors
>Start reversing really fast in a big garage, at least 20 meters away from any walls.
>The car starts making the sound to alert you of a wall even from that distance, which means they took into account the speed when reversing to measure how early the signal should be depending on how quickly you are aproximating the wall.
>Inner joy.
>Main menu completely changes after you beat the game
Yes. It was just about censorship. It's one of those things like kinder eggs being banned in the states. An overreaction that actually had permanent effects.
Yeah no shit. Would be pretty damn useless if it didn't.
Neat. I like my box with the latin phrase. Works well with the cover art. Way cooler than just Bully.
>every boss has a unique battle theme
I don't know dude, if it had been a system which basically activated only when the obstacle was at a certain distance without taking into account the speed at which you are reversing (which, to be honest, you can't really justify needing that warning when driving 20km/H in reverse) It wouldn't have seemed useless to me, just not that smart.
>you see your legs when you look down
I remember asking my latin teacher what it meant the day it came out. I instantly thought it was better.
Kinder eggs are banned in the US? Why? Did murricans eat the eggs whole or something?
>When something explodes inert objects move realistically.
>limb based damage and effects
>You burn a pig, the meat comes out cooked.
It has small pieces inside the food. In a country where you can sue a place for not placing a wet floor sign, that is a good enough reason to forbid a product (Which, for americans who don't know kinder eggs, the "small pieces" come inside a plastic egg the size of and streched out golf ball, impossible to swallow)
>Getting in an extraction vehicle and being able to watch yourself fly away from the level.
Not sure why but I like it a lot when that happens. I get really mad when there's shit like in payday 1 and 2 where you just get in a sea bear circle next to a vehicle and it hard cuts to a victory screen.
>Player home to chill out in and relax
This is the best
I love having a safe space where you don't have to be alert. Settlements in fallout 4 are just too chill
>Joke ending that throws any gravitas of the plot out the window
I don't remember which japanese game was it that had an ending with an evil dog as a mastermind.
I haven't even played the game and I already like it.
>Reloading empty shotgun has your model reach around the shotgun to put a shell in the chamber before loading the tube
>Rack the bolt automatically when you load in, and the first time you switch to your secondary
>Can reload after to have 30+1 rounds
Makes me cum
Fairly certain that was one of the silent hills.
>Boss unleashes his special attack
>The background gets all trippy
>fire bolt-action rifle
>gun won't fire until you've pulled and re-locked the bolt
One of the Phantasy Star games, a portable one I think.
>Playing BLACK
>When reloading the MP5 you tap the magazine against the gun before inserting it.
I fucking loved this and I have no idea why.
>Character does certain things if you fuck about with the controls
>Your character can get drunk after drinking too much
>Every time you get knocked down, your character gets more and more battle-damaged
Makes me giddy every time.
>Something gets heavily damaged in the plot and there's talk of repairing it.
>It actually gets repaired as the plot passes.
Your ship becoming less damaged as you beat each chapter is one of my favorite details about Metroid Prime 2.
>Playing through Batman Arkham Asylum for the first time.
>The battle damage as the game goes on.
PSP2 emulated
gif or webm?
>bestiary with detailed info
>fucking this
>Final boss is a large difficulty spike and requires a good deal of effort
>Status effects work on bosses
>Even the final boss
>If you ignore buffs your shit gets pushed in by bosses
>Trippy battle backgrounds
>Choice between different permanent stat upgrades upon leveling
>If you idle long enough, your character lays down
>Good easter eggs
Super Mario Sunshine subtly had Delfino Plaza get brighter as you progressed through the game.
All of the Paper Mario games yes, even Sticker Star has changes to the hub city after each chapter, whether it be major or minor.
Payday 2 added a couple of those with Beneath the Mountain and Aftershock
>Game has flavor text from the main character's point of view.
Bonus points if the text changes depending on who's in front.
>Game has class system
>Outfits change slightly depending on who is using the class
>All of the Paper Mario games yes, even Sticker Star has changes to the hub city after each chapter, whether it be major or minor.
Isn't it just dialog for PM64 and TTYD?
what if you drive out of the level
>mouse acceleration is optional
arma 2 to arma 3 was a great leap
>seeing other parts of the game world in the distance
Dark Souls is like porn to me