When will playing vidya become socially acceptable?

When will playing vidya become socially acceptable?

seriously consider suicide

It already is. One of the most normalfag-approved hobbies out there.

It is already but being a fucking dweeb/weeb/social outcast isn't

It is already

It became socially acceptable when playing candy crush or Facebook Memegames somehow equated to
> I play games lol XD

>tfw video games won the cultural battle for acceptance by the main stream but Sup Forums still can't accept it

With ladies it's only socially acceptable when you're a socially acceptable person. I became halfway autistic friends with a popular guy since I was really good at Counter Strike and was always available to play.

You kidding? It's normie as fuck now. Almost every dude you'll meet plays some form of video game

You guys do understand that by "I'm a gamer!", normies mean they play either COD or what said?


Except stuff like Final Fantasy and Zelda are super socially acceptable as well. It's extremely rare to find a younger person that doesn't play video games.

Not really, it's extended beyond that just a little bit. Obviously they aren't entrenched in the hobby like you, maybe they've played 4-5 games that aren't COD/Battlefield, but that's still playing video games technically

Always was.
>what are arcades

quentin btfo

Video games were always a normie hobby. People didn't make fun of you as a kid because you played vidya, they made fun of you because you're a socially awkward sperglord that probably used vidya as an escapism tool.

>all this asspain because quentin

> I'll watch you two

A lot sooner than the kind of short sleeve plaid shirt that guy is wearing. Ew.

never, you fucking nerd

>All this asspain because 3ds in public
Haha :D

Don't listen to the people in this thread. Even admitting that you play games more than four hours a week will get horrible responses from people.

It will never be socially acceptable. The only reason for this current "trend" is because of advertising and the multi-billion dollar videogame industry trying to pull in more suckers.

Mention videogames to a female, and you'll quickly realize why the 3D Pig Disgusting meme exists.

When you start acting sociable. Don't blame your hobby.

This seems accurate. I never caught shit for liking games because I understood time and place and filled my time with other hobbies and tangibly beneficial investments.

Meanwhile some other friends from school would be ragged on constantly for losing their mind over Halo in the middle of class and acting like total retards.

Most people will understand and take at least cursory interest in your hobbies if you can manage to be a decent human being with something to offer

Only for the absolute schlockey western garbage like cod and ubitrash. If you play donkey kong country or dragon quest you are a complete weirdo in normie eyes

It already has.

If you watch anything that isn't avengers or netflix you are a complete weirdo too