How did this shit become so huge?

How did this shit become so huge?

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funny your mom just asked me the same thing as she was sucking my dick

Is this supposed to be insulting or "humiliating"

Lego on a computer.

when it first came out it was so fucking dank, While i was in high school my friends and I would smoke so much fucking weed and play this shit. Perfect autism simulator

10/10 game

i still play minecraft from time to time, im currently playing dragon quest builders as a matter of fact

You get to explore, loot caves, and build with almost complete freedom.

it was the first of its kind and had some hype leading up to it
also updates to keep it going and multiplayer
it did get bigger than it had any right to be though

Its legos as a computer game, so basically anybody with an actual infancy and creativity had a blast with it (it also had a lot of potential until the moment notch left Sup Forums and started to suck reddit cock, from then it all went downhill and the game was left as the unfinished mess its now)

I'm not that guy but you got rekt m8
it was different at the time
>simple graphics
>simple gameplay that is limited to your imagination
>spiked the whole "retro revolution" of games returning to retro graphics
>tons of mods
and it was pretty damn cool until letsplayers and 12 year olds ruined it




What the fuck does this even mean? I literally paid 15 bucks for this shit years ago and it is still being updated with content.

Is this unfinished crying just sour grapes because you are jealous Notch became a god damn billionaire?

- free
- e-rated
-no plot
- build ANYTHING
- also a shitty survival mode
- lets players

It was everything kids want in a game.


uh guys?

This video somes it up pretty well

Soviet Union

Um guys?

It was a fresh new idea
You only think of it as just one more face in the enormous crowd of this crap because you're underage and don't remember that it was the first one.

What's a good way to find random servers I wanna mess with some kids


Uhh guys?

please respond to my post i worked very hard on it

First real game of its kind

Sup Forums rags on minecraft a lot but it was really pretty groundbreaking, one-player survival and building a home in the wilderness was comfy and fun

Well user,why do kids like Lego so much?

It was something that a lot of people wanted and it was pulled off decently well.

It had the potential to be the greatest thing ever created, but onec the hype around it started, half of youtube filled with it and money started to flow in they just fucked off and did preactically nothting with it.
Noadays they need a year to come up with three new mobs and redesigns for different coloured wood stuff whie they could have implimented every great mod out there or even worked the complexety up to Dwarf Fortress.
It could be named The tower of Babel of video games for what it has become

Lets players


>How did this shit become so huge?
Sup Forums shaped it.

wrong, wurm was already out years before

I love you user. Now bend over.