If she's constantly eating chocolate covered cheetos, how the fuck is she so skinny?
If she's constantly eating chocolate covered cheetos, how the fuck is she so skinny?
she eats crickets
She gets her workouts from constantly hopping up and down on dicks when you're not around.
The thin gene
Its vegan
She exercises a lot.
Anime powers.
I can eat whatever I want and how much I want and I weigh 50kg. Feels terrible.
Is all in the genetics. thing people are thin because they were born that way (god loved them more).
same here, except I weigh less
same, it's hard as fuck to build mass on me
I had an ex who showed me that a peanut m&m and a crunchy cheeto were delicious together
I miss her she was cool
>People actually think that being thin is 'genetics' and that 'they can totally eat what they want and not get fat'
pretty much
sucks because it also applies to muscle mass so it takes ages to build muscle
There are certain genetic conditions that make it genuinely difficult to build up muscle mass. I have a handful of cousins who were born with that and their nutritionists urged them to drink a glass of milk every morning and to add oil to their bread.
It's kind of gross from my perspective but I feel kind of bad that they have to eat a bunch of shit just to not look like skeletons. I remember one of them having the boniest hands as a teenager and I thought they developed some kind of super-cancer that was wasting away their body weight. It's just something wrong with their hormones.
By the power of Los Angeles, Japan. Or wherever the fuck in "America but actually Japan" it was set.
I actually went to the bodybuilding gym twice per week for a few months, and couldn't gain any weight despite eating like a fucking pig. Really feels fucked up.
This is also why I fucking hate fatsos. Fat people are just lazy, you go jogging 40min per day and you''re in good shape in 3 months. Everyone can lose weight, it's fucking easy mode, but gaining weight is so incredibly hard for some reason.
> muscle mass
Should have said "mass" in general. Instinctively said "muscle mass" because it's a much more common issue than just gaining weight.
There are people who can lost weight by only using their brain
>tfw I retain so much of what I eat that I can get visible gains in a few weeks
Shut the FUCK up.
You don't know shit about overeating.
Come back when your average calory intake is above 5k.
You can NOT complain about not being able to gain weight when zyprexa exist.
Fucking kill yourselves.
> Zyprexa
I just looked that shit up and realized that it's an anti-psychotic drug for bipolar people. I'm assuming you take it.
I should probably not even engage with this, so I'll just leave it at that.
Well, we haven't seen her eat anything else. Let's assume she has instant noodles breakfast and instant noodles dinner and in-between it's snacks.
While aside from suicidal amount of paperworks she hops around Apollo's crime scenes. So it probably evens out especially if she's working out.
Why did they have to make the snackoos look like pieces of shit?