>ITT: Pretentious Games
Pretentious Games
Who are you quoting?
Just so we're all clear here.
I wouldnt say pretentious, just massively overhyped by everybody
That's basically what pretentious means. See .
Learn English.
Shadow of the Colossus deserves its significance too.
Pretentious does not mean "Overhyped by fans". Just because people CALL it the greatest most amazing thing every to happen to video games doesn't mean the game presents itself like that.
That's not what pretentious means
pretentious twats
pretentiousness is a quality of the thing itself, independent of how people rate it
illiterate fuck
Your favourite game.
But you have to exactly be that kind of game in order to attract such a fan base, despite what it's trying to present itself as. Fan bases and audiences often say more about the game than what the developers intended on. The only thing they have in common is still that game and the pretension involved. "Pretentious," "overrate," "overhype;" synonymity.
Learn English.
those are basically the same thing...
It's like saying "Hey guys, 'nam was a useless war!". Vets would fucking murder you for that, and the rest don't even care. Have fun with your thread.
No, here's the fucking truth. You are just a tasteless dilettante who is unable to appreciate any genuine art and is forced to presume that things are bad so long as others enjoy them.
gb2reddit, frogshitter
I'm not seeing anything different between the two words here.
No, not really. One comes from the creator/originator the other from an observer.
>same thing
No, they're not. When one is pretentious it means that you are purposefully trying to get people to perceive you as being greater than you are. Being overrated can be entirely out of your control, dumb ass
Pretentious and Overrated are not fucking synonyms no matter what you say.
Let me spell it out for you. Were I to go around telling people I am the greatest person ever, I am pretentious. If someone else were to tell everyone I was special and perfect I would be overrated. Despite the subject and the action being the same, they are not the same thing because of who is committing the act. Just like how a murder and a suicide are not the same thing.
We discuss pretentious games because it removes the audience and the fanbase from the equation and allows you to look at the game as it presents itself.
Are we fucking clear now?
>nice games with pretentious audience.
nam was a useless war though
Infestation of ESL here, as per usual.
You people always mistake the character's journey for your own.
ehh no, just a shit game
If you're going to post a game, tell us what about the game assumed it was better than it actually was.
Then you'll realize a game can't be pretentious because a game can't assume.
Someone didn't read the sales pitch the devs made for this hunk of garbage during "development"
>a sandbox with heart!
>with an engrossing story!
>action packed combat inspired by SoTN!
>Pretentious and Overrated are not fucking synonyms no matter what you say.
You don't seem to know what synonyms are. They are words that're similar to another. Not exactly the same, similar. "Tautology" and "redundancy" are similar since they deal with repetition, but one is better at hiding that than the other.
>Let me spell it out for you. Were I to go around telling people I am the greatest person ever, I am pretentious. If someone else were to tell everyone I was special and perfect I would be overrated. Despite the subject and the action being the same, they are not the same thing because of who is committing the act. Just like how a murder and a suicide are not the same thing.
Yeah, but intent isn't enough to define one's meaning. How others react to it, especially if impacted, also defines your meaning. If you were to shout out "nigger!" in places like Harlem, you're going to get in a lot of trouble for it, because how they react to it defines what you were trying to mean with that word, even if you had other things in mind. Or if you were to say A, but people in multiple places interpret it as B or C, unfortunately that overrides whatever you were trying to mean with A.
>Are we fucking clear now?
Yes, and you're completely wrong.
It's not as if SotN had great combat anyway, so no real fault there. But it is misleading to compare it to SotN when you have mouse aim guns.
I haven't encountered a game that even comes close to this in pretension. Literally high school philosophy masquerading as a deep exploration of humanity.
If the point is to get invested in the character's journey, why not have made it a movie instead?
Videogames don't really work if the player is supposed to feel detached from the main character when they're the ones controlling the character.
>Videogames don't really work if the player is supposed to feel detached from the main character when they're the ones controlling the character.
And yet somehow TLoU was popular.
Its interactive intertainment for your monies. Try listing games that are NOT.
At this point I'm convinced people getting mad about Spec Ops is a meme more than anything
That's a load of bullshit you just came up with to argue and you know it.
That's fucking stupid. You don't assume you're the protagonist if a book is written in first person. You don't assume you're the protagonist just because a film follows one character. Just because you control a character doesn't make you him/her.
The MC of Spec Ops clearly had his own persona. This isn't Stanley from the Stanley Parable or Gordon Freeman, who are essentially just stand-ins for the player to build on themes of choice.
Did this game start the "it's art so it's okay if the gameplay is shit" meme?
Ironically, the "art" elements are also garbage.
>Yeah, but intent isn't enough to define one's meaning. How others react to it, especially if impacted, also defines your meaning
Fuck you. It has nothing to do with intent. This isn't about different meanings for the same word, or different interpretations for a word. We have two separate words with two separate dictionary definitions for two separate instances of a similar event.
>esl student
>We have two separate words with two separate dictionary definitions for two separate instances of a similar event.
But the two words are incredibly similar, incredibly synonymous, and not at all separate. They both deal with undue importance bestowed upon them. Whether it's by the entity itself, or other entities, they're still about importance being placed on them that might not be entirely deserved. The only difference is where that importance is coming from. But that is not at all enough to separate and differentiate them. Otherwise it'd be like saying that two babies in the delivery room are completely different and separate because one is black and the other is white. But considering the current political climate we live in, whether on Sup Forums or IRL, you probably do think that.
No, you're thinking of Dragon's Lair.
>But that is not at all enough to separate and differentiate them.
Yeah it is, you just pointed out what differentiates them.
But that's completely wrong and illiterate. It's absolutist, bigoted, fallacious, and poor English. You're basically saying your soup is completely than your neighbours just because you added an extra spoon of salt. It's still the same soup, and to bugger over it otherwise is purely cherry picking.
You're a fucking moron. Subtle differences in these things mean everything, especially when it comes to judgement and undue praise and especially in this fucking shithole of an image board where people find any reason to hate something.
You can't objectively hate a game just because it's being praised by idiots. That doesn't affect the quality of the game. An idiot decides he's too good for bananas because shit flinging apes eat them. But if the game is so up its own ass that it detracts from the quality, then its the fault of the game entirely. That's pretentiousness and that's what we're here to discuss.
The distinction means everything in the context of this thread you fucking doublenigger. For someone who speaks so highly of context and interpretation you think you'd realize that.
Made me giggle and its technically correct 10/10
The "argument by definition" fallacies in this thread is painfully amusing.
Its been so long.
I almost forgot how I got meme'd into this piece of shit.
Infinite, maybe. 1&2 aren't really pretentious.
Cam down m8, the words mean different things, that's why they're different words.
Infinite is where the game creates a wormhole up its ass so it can shove its head up its ass in multiple dimensions, you're very right
Destiny. it only stands out because its halo clone
It's basically a downgraded warframe. And warframe is crap.
Fallacy fallacy.
No Man's Sky is the only game I would call pretentious, and even then, I would call Sean Murray that, not the game itself.
It wanted to be a game that made you feel isolated in a universe of endless possibilities, and it simply didn't even approach that feeling. That's pretentious.
It has nothing to do with "art."
>Subtle differences in these things mean everything
In the same sense that different shades of the same colour in a painting or picture means everything. I.e.: it doesn't. You need stark, distinct characteristics to differentiate them. Otherwise subtle differences puts it at the will of subjectivity.
>You can't objectively hate a game just because it's being praised by idiots.
1). That's their choice.
2). Any common elements you can connect to the game says quite a bit about it to others. If they see a certain fanbase they have problems with surrounding the particularly game, that game is going to be tarnished in their eyes as a result. Everybody does this with every medium you can imagine (ex.: Twilight fanbase).
>That doesn't affect the quality of the game.
It affects the quality to them.
that game was the one about generic sci fi plot with some puzzles,
also the witness for being a mobile game with a beatiful island, also the endings are the shittiest thing ever.
Arguments over definition are pretty fucking pretentious/overrated
Almost Shakespearean...This game speaks to me almost as much as Nietzsche does to my fellow undergrads...
But they don't mean different things. The only variation is their nominative, perhaps the instrumental, sure. But they both mean undeserved praise being given.
this. also, when the argument is about definitions, you can't say it's a fallacy for arguing their point.
this game is one of those 'so """underrated""" its overrated' deals, but it's not pretentious.
>Food analogy
I don't understand what you're trying to say. I feel like you're being pretentious because you're assuming so many things about the game's intentions. YOU'RE assuming what it's trying to be.
>But they don't mean different things.
Then how come they have different definitions?
A fallacy is basically just a bad argument. Not necessarily right or wrong (anecdotal evidence being an example of a fallacy that can be correct in some contexts), but just poorly construed and inconclusive. Often with common misconceptions.
They don't, actually. They're synonyms. But every word definition you see in the dictionary are going to have some distinct diversity to it in order prevent repetition. And often it's the context that defines a word, even if that context is the complete opposite of what you'd normally find for said word.
All games which do not focus 100% on gameplay are pretentious as fuck.
Bloodborne sacrificing framerate for grafics, MGS5 wasting all that time on cutscenes instead of making a second act, these are all the acts of pretentious wannabe artfags.
No faggot. Birth is written all over this game. From the pregnancies of Oedon to Margo's wetnurse to the baby sound bites you hear throughout the game, to the Good Hunter being "reborn" as an eldritch at the end of the game. Birth and rebirth is a huge theme plastered all over that garbled mess of a game.
Likewise, the game constantly shifts between reality and dreamscapes to purposefully make you question what's real and what isn't, and has the eldritch beings manipulating the real world through the dreams and vice versa. It's also a convenient way to allow metaphors to permeate the entire narrative, of which there are plenty. Game is pretentious tripe.
You're why the industry is stagnating with the same sequels year after year and the same FPS/TPA/RPG with a paint job year after year.
>They don't, actually.
>But they do
>All games should be different hitboxes interacting in an empty void
>the only game that accurately be described as pretentious
Granted, it did the job just fine and created a seamless experience. But it was distracting at points.
Those are shit too and you're the reason why the medium is dead.
You speak as if Rogue is bad. So fuck you.
Just because a game has a message, and then uses it's assets (gameplay, story, music, setting, sound) to back up that message, DOES NOT MAKE IT PRETENTIOUS.
It makes it a GOOD GAME and what the industry needs MORE of.
Nah. Destiny has waaay better gunplay for a console game, and the lore is great despite a complete absence of an actually story.
Warframe has more content and shit.
No one tell this guy vidya is a visual/aural medium and that you can have all elements come together
>All games should be Rogue
Plenty of games do that without sacrificing gameplay. Then we have the other end of the spectrum where gameplay is entirely compromised for the cinematic experience, you know what games I'm talking about.
All developers should have played Rogue. All game developers probably watched tons of famous movies so it's only fair.
Oh look it's the same autist that chalks up any game with a cutscene as a movie game.
Post your chart now you predictable little spastic.
>Plenty of games do that without sacrificing gameplay. Then we have the other end of the spectrum where gameplay is entirely compromised for the cinematic experience, you know what games I'm talking about.
and that's just it. Some games do it well and some games do it poorly. Saying some dumb shit like "it should be 100% gameplay!" makes you look foolish. Generalizing helps no one.
>I am stuck in the 80's
HAHAHA! Name one game which sacrificed gameplay and ended up better for it.
What do you mean by 'sacrifice gameplay'?
>these people proved me wrong with simple text book definitions, better call them wrong somehow
Jesus christ, grow up and accept defeat...
Witcher 3
Haha! Fuck off, you fat virgin. *points a gun at you* Post here again and you're fucking dead. *smiles devilishly*
Pretentious is when the content itself displays an importance that it does not possess. An example being Bioshock Infinite personally, in which it comes to all these conclusions about multi-world theories and ideas, when the game's own story contradicts these very notions that it presents.
Overrated however is when the audience of that medium (in this case video games) proclaims its content is better than that it actually is. An example being personally, the game Spec Ops: The Line when the general consensus is that its deconstruction of the shooter genre is due to the morality of the character and his actions. When in actuality like most shooter games its complete certain objectives, advance to the next level, etc. Without the player having any sort of choice in the matter.
Of course what is overrated and pretentious is all subjective anyway so whatever.
why is SotC pretentious? the game tells you right away that you can kill big monsters by yourself. and that's what it offers.
pretenting means that you are declaring something that contradicts of what it really is.
>Of course what is overrated and pretentious is all subjective anyway so whatever.
declaring that something is overated is subjective.
declaring something to be pretentious has to have a base to hold your argument since it can be contradicted and called BS very easily
SotC is just overrated. ICO is the one that's pretentious (and overrated).
It's big just for the sake of showing off how big it is. Meanwhile the world is completely empty and the framerate is complete ass.
Game should've been open world, main problem would be it becomes so involved in other things and the game forgets the character's main goal. Could've been waaaaay better.
What exactly is pretentious about a game being about birth. I also don't believe you know what a metaphor is. Bloodborne is vague but there's nothing metaphorical about it. Please name some of those metaphors since there are "plenty" ingame