Is this trailer kino?

Is this trailer kino?


Why was Prototype 2 so shitty?
inb4 black protag


stealing shit from parasyte isn't kino

To be honest, 2's Protagonist had a shitty personality and intent that boiled down to "muh family."
And Mercer just got fucking weird.

Nigger ruined it, we all know it.

Go back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums is a tolerant board.

>We will never have a Prototype-like game where a killer parasite fights between its base instincts and the morals of the humans it has absorbed

99 pieces of DLC

you could have just said we will never have a parasyte game

Resident Evil where you control a recently infected would also be pretty good.
>Can either succumb to gain greater powers at the loss of humanity or fight it and remain human, but everything's harder

>tie fighter scream


That stock sound effect scream at the end completely ruined it.

are you faggot or something?



That whole trailer

Holy shit

>game 1
>virusman actually turns into a pretty okay guy, arguably much better than the faggot whose face he wears

>game 2
>let's take all that character development and rape it like a the preteen star of a shindol comic

>Johnny Meme - Meme
No. Not, it isn't.

To be honest I kinda wished they didn't make Mercer the villain or at least not make him some cackling Saturday morning cartoon villain.

If you read the comics that are set between the games then you find out what made ebolaman so evil.
It was a woman and love.

Ruined by a shitty protagonist that happens to be black. It's really ironic how Radical Entertainment "acknowledged" that Mercer was an unlikable edgelord then went and created a stupid, obnoxious, unlikable, even bigger edgelord with Heller.

I swear they must have fired the original dev team, then gave the new guys a wikipedia article to base the sequel on.

Black guy was a generic "muh family" stereotype
Mercer is a completely different character, even though i love his new voice.
The military hating you and trying to kill you after you help them destroy the virus is retarded.
The end boss was nice too.
>That pc port
It also removed the armor powers and removed the heavy and light attack which made combat weaker.

"I used to like that song before it was used in literally everything"

I remember firing up my newly built pc looking forward to playing prototype 1 in beautiful 60 fps

Little did I know I wasnt going to get more than 4 frames. Fucking steam didnt even want to refund it

I used to like that song when it was still from NIN and was about a depressed junkie and not about "old man is dying - wow so sad" and used in every genereic "emotional" trailer for fucking everything

>liking nine inch nails

>oh no, my gf was a gold digger
>fuck all my character development, im a saturday morning cartoon villain now

>Johnny Cash starts playing

You forgot
>am self aware i'm nothing but a sentient virus with no will of my own or feelings but i wanna find love
>my gf was a gold digger
>better use my powers in front of her
>wow what the fuck why is she screaming guess i gotta kill her
>girls are gay i'm done with them
>no actually the world is gay and i'm done with it
>time to rebuild the world

yeah, I can relate to that