
What the fuck? Why? How is this so popular?

Since when do normalfags love this kind of shit?

anime is normalfag as fuck now
see Naruto, OPM and JoJo
not even mentioning hentai and all the lewd stuff which is now officially socially acceptable

Anime is becoming more and more mainstream user. The digital world influence over the real world as a whole is becoming bigger and bigger.

I find this the most disturbing part of this

Being a ironic weeb is mainstream as fuck

>1 person paid $10,000 to help make animated nekos a reality

Girls are cute, cats are cute, cat girls are cute so I don't see whats hard to understand

no snout = no buy

>Since when do normalfags love this kind of shit?

>Paying that much money for generic anime girls who only cat ears as their only ""unique"" distinction from other generic anime girls

There's something wrong with this planet.

Anime is getting slightly more popular now than it was a couple years ago, but Nekopara is an outlier as far as VNs go.

It along with the other exceptionally mediocre VN series Sakura, got Steam at a critical moment when it was starting to open up, and they both hit the cliches of what westerners thought all "weird and creepy" Japanese VNs were, and thus got a huge fanbase out of irony despite actually being bad VNs.

Nekopara and Sakura sell gangbusters with every release while actually decent VNs come onto Steam and fail miserably because people don't actually care about VNs, they just want to be "in on the joke" that is "creepy anime bullshit" on Steam.

>Since when do normalfags love this kind of shit?

Years ago. I've been telling everyone. People love to pretend they aren't "normal" and have "obscure interests" so they pretend to like "hentai" to appear whacky.

Look at that meidocafe retard.

It's a funny joke item

Being an ironic weeb is the "in" thing now, no joke. If you display your powerlevel though, you're still branded a fucking weirdo.

It's a porn game that was sold without the porn (and so available for everyone), it directly taps into that anime appeal, and it was released in english as well as japanese/chinese so people aren't waiting around for localizations.

It's basically perfect weebbait, especially since weebs hate gameplay.

Also, Kickstarter projects are hardly "normalfag" material. They're niche products being sold to a niche audience. Don't be surprised that all the weebs are quickly piling onto the Kickstarter for an anime.

>see Naruto, OPM and JoJo

No shit mainstream anime were always liked since forever but Nekopoara is literally a SoL ecchi/hentai VN.

Its just ironic weebs. No true normalfags Chad will love this come on man.

>when showing lewd and sexy loli to ironic normalfags weebs and they get mad

I love it.

Which lolsowackyxD e-celebs do I have to blame for this?

And the success of those two series have actually really hurt the VN translation scene in the west. Before VNs on Steam were a thing fan translators would take on vanity projects at their own whim and work on whatever they wanted.

But now that VNs in the west are an actual thing fan translators are afraid to start projects out of fear that an official localization will start up halfway through and shut them down.

The kicker? Official localization teams don't care about the good VNs that fan translators would work on. The success of Nekopara and Sakura Spirit and the failure of games like The Fruit of Grisalia and The Devil on G-String proves that quality doesn't matter in the western VN market. Why should publishers waste money licensing games that are more popular and well known in Japan when it has absolutely no bearing on its success overseas?

So all we get now is shovelware. Pure, unrelenting shovelware from every source. The cheapest shit that any publisher could grab on a bargain and shove a funny name on it.

Remember to buy Rance 5D + VI if you actually care about VNs.

I think that's the artist herself

Why would the person running the Kickstarter buy out one of the slots? Unless it is some kind of gimmick for her to "appear" voiced in the anime, although I thought that Shigure was already her.