Finishing up dod3 and I'm wondering why Zero and her party had to be so damn unlikable?
I didn't think I would miss Caim and his pack of child murders this much.
Finishing up dod3 and I'm wondering why Zero and her party had to be so damn unlikable?
I didn't think I would miss Caim and his pack of child murders this much.
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Because you're beta faggot who jelly becase all those guys fucking Zero while you don't.
Wonder if people are still expecting Zero to show up in Automata.
That wouldn't have bothered me, if they didn't make a weird dick joke literally every other line of dialogue.
I never had this problem.
But then again, I was using the Japanese audio.
I'd expect Accord before Zero.
Does the actual dialogue change a lot between dub and sub?
I ended up sticking with dub for my first playthrough when I saw that they didn't subtitle all the random in-battle talking that the soldiers did.
pls Taro
Apparently it does, or so I've heard.
Zero's character is presented pretty differently. In the original nip she's just kind of grumpy because of how shitty her life is. I've not tried the English dub, but what I heard is that she's pretty much rage and bitchiness incarnate. Dunno if that rings true at all.
the dub and subs are entirely different
blame the retarded localizers who ruin just about every japanese local.
Dito was likable for my dick
Zero unlikeable? D:
Iono, after reading all the novella and shit about her, shes an amazing character and its sad.
She hides her emotions really well and only a few parts in the game shows that.
you don't need to like them, in any of the games
you're just an observer of fucked up things happening in a fucked up world
Do the Disciple's motivations change beyond just wanting sex and/or mass murder?
That's fair. But I feel like I'm meant to sympathize with them during the long tragic musical moments, and laugh at the comic relief. But I did neither.
The first Drakengard was more about how eveyones' fatal flaws turned the world into a hellscape of cosmic horror. Drakengard 3 was more of a dark comedy, with each ending taking a sudden tragic turn.
>timeline police arrives to bring you more branching path shenanigans
I'd be down. She's an android too if I remember correctly.
it's essentially two entirely different stories with the same endings
I guess it depends on whether the whole timeline police idea is exclusive to Drakengard's world, or if Nier's world is just another branch they can see.
70% of her actual story is in bonus materials and most of her in the game is just fucking around until ending D
Caim actually had a complete story that didnt pretend to be more than it was
>two entirely different stories
Changes in tone I'd get, but I kind of doubt the differences go that far.
just about every line is rewritten, just compare them and you'll see
Any example in particular?
I mean, there's still unprovoked murder, pissing dragons and random boob grabs.
I kind of hope Automata sticks with its own ideas.
I didn't hate the timeline police idea in Drakengard, but the branching timelines didn't make a whole lot of sense in accordance with one another.
While Nier was more about repeating the same ending multiple times, but seeing different perspectives of it.
Fedex shitters don't want to deliver my drakengard tomorrow so I'll have to wait until the 3rd for some inane reason.
I expect the Watchers to be mentioned in at least one ending anyway.
Which game?
Does drakengard 2 canon?
I know that nier starts from the ending of the first one.
The first Drakengard has multiple endings.
Drakengard 2 continues on from Ending A, but Yoko Taro didn't have much involvement with it, so how canon it's really considered is questionable.
Nier continues on from Ending E.
All endings of all games are canon, but to different timelines. No if there will ever be games to continue whichever timeline? Who knows.
Caim just had that extra ounce of charisma.
Seriously though, his actions are never really treated as funny or heroic. So you get more of a feel for where his character arc is going.
>A game continuing Drakengard's B Ending
Makes you wonder where'd itd go.
I thought it just made Zero sound slightly less angry.
Mutant Furiaes kill everyone, the end. Barely worth more than a chapter in DOD3.
Drakengard 3 was a fucking mistake.
More like a girl who's just sad most of the time.
Really liked Zero.
Exceptional game imo, just like Nier.
I tried hard to finish DoD2, but after ending A I stopped bothering half way through the 2nd playthrough.
Also seen the endings.
Shame there aren't many games like DoD.
Trying to look for over the top stories, and cool protags.
Venetica was ok, but barely. And not really over the top.
Nowhere pleasant.
Though I guess the Furiaes could somehow gain intelligence after the destruction of humanity and take over as the new dominant species before going about day-to-day activities.
If youre a fucking idiot ok.
Someone does something not generic as fuck for once and people bitch
Fuck the world
Granted, I'm only on chapter 3, but I personally love her so far. She has an absolute evil suck in her eye, her best friend died to wimpy race traitor, and her sisters' boyfriends all want to bone her.
Wait, that last part is OK, I guess, all things considered.
Who's the topmost guy?
>More like a girl who's just sad most of the time.
I thought she was either deadpan, or yelling angrily.
There are some throwaway lines near the end about how her heart was crying but I didn't see how it synced up with her past behavior. Or the way she basically lies about her motivations to appear more villainous in the first branch.
It was basically a antithesis to the twist about Nier's motivations, except with resetting timelines instead of an ongoing arc of character development.
Drakengard 2's protagonist.
I think.
We don't talk about him much.
There's a Drakengard 2?!
There is, but Taro didn't direct it.
I've never played it, but people usually describe it as taking a more generic JRPG route which the first Drakengard tried to subvert. Plucky protagonist and all.
Zero's plan was to kill the intoners and then herself from the beginning.
So her plan was to be the saviour, but it was hidden mostly with her actions.
Nippon voice + sub is a bit better than dub.
Nowe, pronounced No-way
He's just your generic shounen anime character, just a bit more stupid.
Manah is hot though.
Some things were improved, mainly gameplay.
MC was just too generic and stupid.
Story wasn't anything grimdark or cool, much more generic.
Only play it if you're really interested.
Honestly may as well play Venetica if you think about DoD2.
Both aren't Drakengard games (for DOD it's figuratively, not literally), Venetica has slightly better combat and a less stupid MC.
Call it Drakengard m8. Drag-On Dragoon sounds fucking retarded, to be quite honest.
I don't see it. Seems about the same to me. Maybe they were just bad examples, or maybe it's just weebs being weebs.
>So her plan was to be the saviour, but it was hidden mostly with her actions.
Yes, but then why would she lie to Mikhail about it until the last minute when things were at their most dire? Why would she commit mass murder on a whim if she was selfless enough to sacrifice herself for the sake of the world?
Everything she does in the first 90% of the game is meant to paint her as psychotic. One had the same motivations and seemed more level-headed about it, but Zero absolutely refused to discuss the matter.
Weebs being weebs and complaining about shit they parrot from other people's interpretations.
>Drag-On Dragoon sounds fucking retarded, to be quite honest.
Fits the first game's gameplay pretty well in retrospect.
Drag on you crazy dragoon. Drag on.
Because the plan was for Mikhail to kill her.something he's better off not knowing.
And she was selfless because she was already dead.
Seeing Manah and Caim again has me vaguely interested in checking it out. But that's a shame they watered things down.
Caim is literally the biggest reason to play DoD2
She's had a lot of trauma throughout the years.
And faced a lot of betrayal.
She probably shut herself in and tried to do everything on her own.
And with Mikhail, it was better that he did not know.
It would actually be strange if after all that trauma/betrayel she'd still open up to others.
Is it over Caim?
Why did Angelus even disappear when becoming the seal anyway? It's not like the other Goddesses disappeared.
best character in videogames ever
>can finally talk again after like a month of nothing but killing uggos
>"I am Caim"
Such a deep and interesting character.
>And faced a lot of betrayal.
I was confused as to why Zero kept bringing up getting revenge at first until I realized she was talking about when she was injured in the game's intro.
Revenge for when her sisters fought back in self-defense.
I probably need to look up the novel or something.
Shame that Leonard didn't appear again with Tinkerbitch.
I guess they wouldn't have fit the tone of Drakengard 2 if it was more lighthearted.
Bad English dub.
I started playing Drakengard 1 in 2014 but I found it kind of hard to pull myself through that game and have not played it since.
I'm seeing a lot of threads about it lately, is it worth playing the rest of the game? Should I skip it for 2 and 3?
Just get Hymir's Finger and air juggle your enemies. Makes it kinda fun.
The big problem is Zero can't be related to at all.
Caim and Nier go through their games in the dark as to all the weird shit of their worlds. They do crazy actions with a setting made to justify them, even if they start to get so off-kilter later on. Saving your family makes sense, fighting an organized force that most everyone on your side can agree is mindlessly evil makes sense.
Zero starts off and her goal is killing her sisters. The big mystery is why, and they reveal that near the end. As it turns out, it's not a twist that's a mystery to Zero, she knew all along, and it never changed her plan either. The player was just left out for no reason, and her plan and development is so static that it really didn't even matter for her plan either. It's a revelation that changes nothing about what you did and makes the story feel more shallow when they'd dangled that as the mystery draw-in the whole time, instead of giving any new context that makes you go "holy shit, what's going on, what did I just do this whole game"
>Why did Angelus even disappear when becoming the seal anyway?
They don't explain too much about the whole seal agreement.
I guess you could argue that since they were starting them anew that it needed to be taken a step further than it had been with Furiae, who was sharing the seal's burden split four ways, but who knows.
They retcon it making her disappear in Drakengard 2.
DoD2 is as shitty in gameplay and even worse in story.
DoD3 has better gameplay, but has some framerate issues. The story is weird and it's most probably out of your confort zone.
If you haven't, you should play Nier, its the best on all aspects, although being better than DoD1 in gameplay isn't that much of a feat.
DoD1's story is so crazy I finished it just to see what kind of bullshit ending they would pull off, and at least for me it was worth it.
Eeeeh, if you want to kill some time I think it's worth seeing the story.
Though I wouldn't personally recommend going for the amount of grinding it takes to get the last ending. Youtube that shit.
How is Drakengard 1's framerate on a PS2? I tried emulating it once and I had single digit FPS.
If you're emulating it, play through endings A-D normally and then download a 100% save to go through the last one. Fuck the grinding.
It's stable.
Problem is from your emulation.
Do you guys think there will be more out of place humor in Automata?
Is there grinding and shit required for endings in Nier?
There better not be. It was one of the many nails in 3's coffin. Shocking, since NieR was able to do humor perfectly well.
You need to collect all weapons for the last 2 endings.
>mfw I found out why they look like Taiko drums
what a weird fucking couple
can you emulate nier
It's your emulator, probably. The first time I emulated it, I also had single digit FPS, but after adjusting some stuff, I could play it at 40-50 fps. I played it in a shitty laptop though, so if you have a decent rig, you may get it to run even better.
Stop being an ignorant third world piece of shit lmao.
Yeah. Nier (and Caim to a lesser extent) were basically about following a traditionally heroic premise that became tragically twisted as we learned more about the characters and the real story behind everything.
Zero's the opposite, where a traditionally villainous character is actually made out to be doing the heroic thing in the end. But because we're left out of the loop, and Zero has to act like she's going out of her way to be in the wrong for the twist to work, there isn't much sense of growth on her part.
And I didn't get the same level of attachment or sympathy for her plight when it was finally revealed.
Nah, I have a shitty laptop too. I figured there was no hope, but maybe I'll go tinker.
When was it a twist though? From day one it was known that she was going to save the world and that the flower was evil.
I hope not. The first bout of sudden censorship and fake Game Over screen made me chuckle, but I'd prefer Automata stick with Nier's take on humor.
Less slapstick and sexual innuendos, and more dry humor banter and stabs about how bad I am at fishing.
There are a few side-quests that you need to complete to fill the final weapons requirement, but it's nowhere near as bad as Drakengard was about it.
>From day one it was known that she was going to save the world and that the flower was evil.
How so? Mikhail repeatedly asked her why she was killing her sisters, and the first explanations she gives are, that she wants all their power for herself and that, "all girls want to kill their sisters, most just don't go through with it."
oh shit wrong quote
I actually really liked how Father Nier turned out compared to Brother Nier, thanks to the Grimoire Nier stories they gave about Brother where he had legitimate psychological trauma reasons to act the way he did.
Didn't make much sense when the whole point was replicants were "off" from how humans acted because they weren't human, but still had consciousness. Like so many characters acted just fucked up in one weird way, so it was cool to see Nier sometimes condemn them and be so upstanding most of the time, while being obsessive and violent regarding his daughter and shades.
I'll miss Nier and Weiss's back-and-forths.
Nier's the only game I can think of where I'd go through an extensively long quest-line just to get a few good lines of dialogue.
All the promo media spoiled it from day one.
The thing I'm worried about the most in Automata is whether or not their chemistry will be as good as theirs. At some point I should just accept nothing can compare
I wasn't following the third game's release info. I only got into the series recently.
Was it ever said if the flower had a connection to the watchers or not?
I only made it to the second ending in the game before i gave up.
We've already seen the cult's symbol show up.
Part of Caim's charm is he's a man of no words. He lets his actions speak for him.
Papa Nier was great. He's kind of a simple bruiser at times, but he had a big heart, which made him the perfect foil for Weiss, a cynical genius.
He had no time tro devolpe a personality of his own. He was released from the cloning program only a couple of years before the shadowlord pulled the "steal ur keed" gag. When you think about it his personality and single minded approach to everything made perfect sense considering how young he actually was when the game started.,
Not really. One of the characters apparently goes on to start the Cult of the Watchers, but I don't think the flower was ever said to be directly related to them.
It talks more about the flower in the novel, but I don't recall a full explanation of how it originally came to be.
Is there a difference between Nier on Xbone or PS3, if so then which version should i buy?