Launch game

>launch game
>stare at menu a bit
>close it


>Launch game
>See controls
>too many fucking keys, too many fucking stuff
>close game
>play flash player game or autism blocks instead

>launch game
>101 active quests
>a thousand different npc's want to talk at me
>need to get that item that's on the other side of the map
>close game
do you ever feel like there's such thing as too much content?

i get the feel but not because theres too much content. its just when it seems like there is missable stuff

>launch game
>realize you have real life obligations more important than mashing buttons on some electric toy
>close it

>autism blocks

>install game
>Open menu
>Close it

witcher 3

i bought it during sale a few weeks ago, i'm barely about to face the griphon

every time i feel like playing i think about all the shit i have to know to really enjoy it

then i play overwatch or titanfall instead

ITT PC gamers

Minecraft is my guess

Get on my level
>torrent game
>it sits there for a while
>don't even install it

Only happens when I got too much shit.

Recently it's because I can't decide between going for an Ultra-Mega Campaign in the Paradox Games (CK2 > EU4 > Vic2 > HoI3 > DEFCON, yes a HoI3-DEFCON converter actually exists > CK2 After the End), starting up a new game in Mountain Blade (Last Days of Third Age), LOTRO, Third Age Total War, Dawn of War, Empire at War, and others.

I am an idort actually.
>Turn on nintendo Ds
>Look at all the games inn R4
>Turn off
>Turn on 360
>Play geometry wars for 25 mins
>Turn off
>Turn on Pc and browse Sup Forums all day or do above

>Install game
>Your hard-drive is full, would you like to make space
>Delete hundreds of family photos and videos to make room
>Never install the game


especially with amount of bullshit vying for our attention these days

>Download TES or Bethesda Fallout game
>Pump it full of hundreds of mods
>Fix all the conflicts and issues until they all work together
>Play through the intro and then never get back to it



>bad at videogames
>give up on a game that most people beat with little difficulty

I want to fucking die.

i hate this feel

>used the be a Tired Gamer™
>play Bloodborne
>no longer a Tired Gamer™
>beat Bloodborne
>Tired Gamer™ again
FromSoft has ruined video games for me.

No because I don't hoard quests.

Name one of those game.

>Launch game
>Stare at menu a bit

>that most people beat with little difficulty
Sup Forums isn't "most people"
Sounds like you got memed.


ready to die senpai

Sonic is 2fast4me
I see others beating it just fine, not that user though.

>launch game
>See character and think to myself "i want to fuck that"
>install sex mods
>get off to fucking character/npcs brains out
>close the game

Pls help, I do this with almost any game its possible in now

kill yourself you blogposting fuck

>open up game
>completely overwhelmed with options, half of which are probably useless
>close game

>have autism

Instead of suicide
>Smoke weed

To be fair, Sonic 2 is not really easy...
It's from those days where you had to die a few times, not like now.

Don't give hope user, I'm sure you're pretty good in at least one category of games.

>launch game
>shit why am I playing vidya I could be doing something to self improve
>fuck do I really wanna play this I'm burned out but those achievements though
>Damn I have so many games to play why am I playing this one
>wait I could be shitposting on Sup Forums

>this game is too complicated!!! I'm going back to angry birds and minecraft XDDD

I was recommended not to smoke weed by my doctor due to anti-psychotics keeping my ocd in check. Placebo effect or not, i can't risk it fucking up my brain.

I am also getting my butt kicked by Crash games.

This too much items and hidden shit all over the map.

Is this an ironic post?

>dig out old dusty gamecube
>i have all the great titles
>can't deicid which one to play, finally pick double dash
>boot it up and sit down in front of the tv with controller in hand
>stare at the title screen
>turn off the gamecube
>leave it there and go to sleep

What is wrong with me...

cognitive load is a real thing.

>launch game
>realise your to inteligent for video games
>close it

Sup Forums is for ages 18 and under.

Yeah. I took this with my phone but know it's because I don't care.

I beat The Burst last night after dying probably 20 something times. I put it on YouTube if anyone's bored.

>Then go to Sup Forums and post about it.

My gf had ocd, started smoking and it really helped her. Don't believe anything your doctors say and start living by your own premises


How was that IQ test, user? Much like playing golf, I'd imagine.

>Beat game+Expansions in about 55 hours
>Other people tell me the base game alone takes 70+ hours
I wasn't rushing, like at any point


i guess your to inteligent for memes

sheeeeiiit, they gave you antipsychotics for ocd? All i got was a ridiculously high script for prozac.


>Don't believe anything your doctors say
>there's a non-zero chance that people will take this advice seriously

>Don't believe anything your doctors say and start living by your own premises
I bet you also think vaccines give autism, right?


Its the one thing I'm not willing to risk really. Also where I live Weed is treated like doing meth or heroin


Yeah, I was on Prozac but stopped. Try abilify, its gone generic so its kinda cheap if you get it in generic form.

prozac actually works really well for me. First one i tried and haven't gone any farther.

Prozac is $4 a bottle at target WITHOUT insurance. Cant beat that.

Where is that user?

>play game for 30-60 minutes
>"That was fun so far, I can't wait to play more later"
>close it
>later play different game for 30-60 minutes
>"That was fun so far, I can't wait to play more later"
>close it
>later play different game for 30-60 minutes
>"That was fun so far, I can't wait to play more later"
>close it
>etc, etc

I don't know why I do this. I've started dozens of games but rarely do I finish anything

That's like Steam sales, except you save money.

>Open a game.
>Play for approximately forty-five minutes.
>Exit game.
>Open a different game.
>Play for approximately forty-five minutes.
>Exit game.
>Smoke a cigarette outside.
>Piss a swastika into the snow.
>Shitpost on Sup Forums for approximately forty-five minutes.
>Open a game.
>Play for approximately forty-five minutes.

Texas, it can vary by county and officer, but I'm a sperg and would get arrested for sure.

>play game for 60 hours
>drop it for several months
>come back
>start over

Dog Soldiers is fucking amazing.

I've exhausted stoner me's ability to enjoy games and now both sober me and high me are tired gamers

honestly for me it's just too much now. Every game I've played and enjoyed i've retained so much information about, it feels like learning even the most basic task in a new game is a chore beyond chores.

I'm beginning to see why remasters of games people have already played and shit like walking simulators are becoming so popular

Some might. If I ever get kids I would at least think about it. Stay blue pilled friend, ignorance is bliss

Ghost is that you?


>come home with brand new game
>eject what was in console
>game you still haven't beaten
>put old game you haven't beaten in new game's case
>repeat until death

So merica.. Least I heard it's pretty common over there. Just grow it yourself.. Isn't Texas supposed to be sunny and shit?

>get tired of game before completing main story
>come back months later
>have no idea what to do

This is why I loved Arkham Asylum but never got more than 20 min into City. Just too much shit everywhere

skyrim multiple times, mgsv once in get to africa, D:OS, PoE,

This is like every game for me the past 2 years. I always just end up playing nuclear throne.

Yeah, have to watch it again someday.

Growing weed in Texas is basically considered treason.

Never been called ghost so prob not, I'm Norwegian if that helps

I'm no normie, and I would advise someone to do some research before swallowing a meal-full of meds made by Pfizer (I suffered because of them), but to say at someone "don't believe or trust your doctor" is really stupid. You need antibiotics when you have the fucking flu.

Meme diseases and mental stuff is a really different approach.

>You need antibiotics when you have the fucking flu.

ive done this to many times

>You need antibiotics when you have the fucking flu

And? If noone knows, why would they care? No way to tell if anyone smokes when they're not stoned and you could just vape it if you're afraid of the smell. I would just recommend it if you're a depressed gamer, really makes you like games agaiin. But it's like your choice man, not gonna be the devil's advocate anymore

Been doing that for 15 minutes before I came here

>oops I illegally downloaded every game available and now I have too many choices





not everyone lives in a police state where google is illegal

Do you adhere to, and parrot the phrase "a stick of butter a day keeps the doctor away"?
The best doctors don't dope you up with anti-biotics, but just give you enough so your immune system gets an advantage and can build an immunity in the future.

>I'm not a normie

I just played Icewind Dale 2 for 3 hours straight.
Thats probably the most time I played a game straight without checking in on Sup Forums and other sides..
Its really sad that I need either a very outstandingly good game or alcohol to keep focused on a game these days..

Triggered the nintendo shill

Not him but I have the problem because I make it a point to get moddable games with crazy replay value.

Also if it's any comfort I only pirate games after they've been officially discontinued (i.e. BFME duology), otherwise I just wait for a sale.

No but I drink a lot of milk and eat slot of fruits. Butter is bad for your hearth

>launch game
>menu music is so good you don't want to stop it
>end up spending 15 minutes sitting there with closed eyes
>close game because you lost will to play

What game?

>buy 10 games at sale
>not install one of them
>continue to play memewatch

I did this with Skyrim 3 times since I also installed a fuck ton of mods so when I tried to play the game again I either uninstalled it/couldn't get back into the middle of the game.

Blizzard always wins in the end.

the only videogames they've ruined are dark souls 2 & 3