Stuck on a puzzle

>stuck on a puzzle
>look up a walkthrough
>"This part is pretty easy, have fun!"

>stuck on a puzzle

>get stuck on a boss
>look at youtube vid
>all comments are talking about how bullshit the difficulty was
>realize I don't suck

>stuck on a battle
>look up guide
>this battle is pretty easy, you should have no trouble, now lets move on to the boss fight
>this battle is easy if you got the super secret overpowered item we mentioned earlier

>stuck on specific boss
>"a way to beat this part is to do this/get this item just before you enter the area"
>game locks you in after you get to the boss
>no way to back track

>stuck on a boss
>look up a walkthrough
>just use this glitch to defeat the boss easily
>the glitch is already patched
>the patch can't be deleted from the digital version

>playing puzzle games

Why'd ya do that to yourself Shakeman?

maybe you do suck but that's just painfully average

Where can I watch ATHF online that isn't shit quality?

>judging yourself based on YT comments
setting your standards pretty low there, don't you think?


>looking up guides

>color-based puzzle

>game makes you do an annoying logic puzzle
>walkthrough restates the rules but doesn't say the solution

>play game
>get stuck
>give up

I might commit sudoku tee bee aych, not good at anything.


>stuck on a puzzle
>look up a walkthrough
>"This puzzle is random generated, so you need to find your own solution"

>look up hard boss fight
>"this boss is really easy so I won't even bother going in to detail"
>It has taken me over 40 tries at this point
>realize that I accidentally installed a mod that makes the bosses in the game I was playing 100 times harder

>puzzle is solved by inputting the right number
>just want a hint
>"I never figured this puzzle out but the answer is 75"

>stuck on whatever in a game
>look up walkthroughs
>nothing but video walkthroughs
>all the video walkthroughs are done by shit amerifats who breathe heavily into the microphone like they just finished a marathon
>it wastes about 2 minutes explaining that they are, in fact, going to show us how to do something
>then wastes about 2 more minutes reminding us that he has a twitter, facebook, patreon and other faggy garbage no one cares about
>yet more time wasted, about 2 more minutes explaining shit no one cares about
>start explaining how to do something
>they get distracted and go on a tangent about some autistic garbage, making shit meme and TV show references
>they forget to actually explain what to do
>go look for another walkthrough
>rinse and repeat

>stuck on a puzzle
>look up a walkthrough
>(major character)'s Boss Theme is in the recommended videos

>you need to grind to unlock a spell or ability that makes the boss fight easier

>>all the video walkthroughs are done by shit amerifats who breathe heavily into the microphone like they just finished a marathon

To be fair, this is just people with shit mic control, let alone microphone control.

>Obscure issue no one else has
>search for the solution
>some thread on some shitty forum where some one has the same issue
>mod apparently locked thread because its a repost
>Look for original thread
>Original thread just has a "nvm fixed it" solution


>if you're struggling here, just put down your controller and stop playing

>Not fast forwarding too exact part they're stuck on as soon as video starts.

Sounds like a personal problem.

>stuck on a puzzle
>take my time with it and work out how it internally works and come up with logical predictions step by step
>get a great sense of satisfaction when I finally solve it
>youtube vid of said puzzle has a load of dislikes and people ragequitting the game because it's too hard

This is what loneliness feels like.

>had to look up every puzzle for Uncharted 1

>Implying it can be deleted from physical

>Stuck on boss/puzzle
>Look up walkthrough
>(game name) ending, full movie
>Thumbnail is the MC or main love interest, lying dead

>he installs day one patches on vidya he bought new
Wew lad might want to an hero.

what game?

wtf is this photo going to be used for?

Filet mignon

Dishonored 2?

>look up FAQ because I'm lost in a section of the game
>table of contents has a massive spoiler

>Stuck on a puzzle
>Look up the solution
>37 steps with no orientation or description
>"Move A to B then C to D followed by G to H and then F to Q and Z to M and then you can get A to N."

>old physical game
>unpatched version has gamebreaking bug
>patch is required to continue
>new gamebreaking bug added later
>reverting to unpatched version is required to continue

>Stuck on a boss
>Look up guide for it
>On the right of the video "FINAL BOSS+ENDING"

>Playing a mildly obscure game
>Look up Walkthrough
>There's only one in existence
>The walkthrough is unfinished and ends right before you get stuck

>Get stuck on something
>They do a fairly decent job explaining it
>Still can't do it

>Stuck on minigame that requires extreme button mashing
>Buy $20 guide for said game (no internet at the time)
>"This challenge can be pretty difficult, we recommend using a pen, holding it sideways, and sliding it on and off the A button"
>It works
>Use that trick for all my button mashing needs

Thanks Prima.

Why aren't his arms blue???

it happened to me on a few occasions, one was in one of the Tomb raider games, other was the Music box level in a 3D Catlevania, another whose game I don't remember was about rearranging an entire level using a control device.


What's your problem man? When I grew up Sonic had blue arms.

>Want to know what a certain stat does
>Look it up
>"This one's self-explanatory"

>games description says it doesn't need explaining
>load up game
>needs explaining

>get stuck on a boss
>look up playthrough
>'Now if you did that thing from 10 episodes ago, this boss is completely trivial'

>look up song from a game before finishing it
>related videos "[Major Character] DEATH SCENE"

>Stuck on a major act boss
>Know I'm doing it right
>Spend 20 minutes still doing it before I finally die to huge aoe attacks cause I don't have infinite healing supplies
>Look it up
>I did it right, but because I did it during a really minor combat transition in their attack pattern, it glitched and made the boss immortal
>next time, it works perfectly and first try it

Name FIVE games that do this, faglord.

I only need one, because it only happened once. :^)
Darksiders 2's first act boss.
>Break the barbs on his arm
>They explode
>It doesn't fall off

>stuck on final boss
>look up youtube guide
>see related videos

Something similar could happen with the spider boss in DaS II. If you killed both heads too quickly the boss couldn't be killed.

>get stuck on game
>have to trawl through a biblical text

The good old days, kids today have it so easy.

>using a pen, holding it sideways, and sliding it on and off the A button


It happened to me in Resistance 3 on the bridge dropship fight.

>stuck on a part, don't know where to go
>look up walkthrough
>just continue until you get to the boss
>watch vid on youtube
>motherfucker uses glitch to skip that part

>must have a thorough knowledge of Shakespeare to complete the puzzle
>none of the relevant stories are actually in the game for you to read

puzzles shouldn't require knowledge that isn't in the game

Ctrl + S gives you instant spoiler tags :^)

A technique to rapidly hit a button. You can use your fingenail too I think.

>game makes fun of you for being a brainlet


This happened to me recently. It was an old obscure adventure game and the closest thing to a walkthrough I could find was a review saying the puzzles were easy. I gave up.

>stuck on a puzzle
>give up and stop playing game for a while
>pick up game again
>clear puzzle with ease

>reading shakespeare makes you intelligeny


>brainlet can't even spell the word intelligent



pottery, indeed

no, more like autism

>average casual guitar fag
>want to play song
>look up tab
>this part is pretty simple

article about people trying to kill their animals

>guide tries to be funny
>it isn't

>look up for one specific thing to do during a boss fight
>find a video on what to do
>one minute long video intro
>another minute for the uploader to introduce themselves and advertise
>2-3 minutes of noise
>1-2 minutes to actually get to the part you're looking for

>walkthrough from the early/mid 2000s
>it has early/mid 2000s "memes" in it

Shit's weird.

>it's one of those fucking sliding panel puzzles
I cannot.



>google character name for stats
>first result is [character name] death

>writer is constantly making bad jokes
>tries to write with "style"
>makes fun of characters just to be snarky
wtf is wrong with so many guidewriters

>stuck on a hard area
>all the walkthroughs of it make no sense
>it was an optional endgame area and the entrance is halfway through the game for no reason

>stuck on puzzle
>look up walkthrough
>get distracted looking up porn
>spend two hours edging to various pornos, hentai, doujins and fanfiction
>too tired afterwards to keep playing game
>watch a let's play instead
>never finish game
>this has been my life for five years

>light and shadow based puzzle
>light and shadow physics is bugged on AMD cards
guess the game

That period was the best desu.

>past a part where a character dies
>look up a guide because i'm stuck
>scroll through his character section
>he gives a fully detailed guide for building that character, even though they die long before you're able to get most those skills on them
The mad man

>breeze through portal 2 workshop levels
>tell my buddy lel u shud try some they fuggin tribby yo
>stoned to the bone blasting through portals
>fast forward next day
>say, user, how the FUCK do you beat this one??
>e-z breezee u comquat
>load up level
>have absolutely no fucking clue how I beat it
>lol it's easy af bro u seriously can't beat this shit?
>still have absolutely no clue how I beat this shit

>stuck on puzzle
>only one video with the solution

>Stuck on a puzzle
>Everyone says it's easy
>Totally flabbergasted
>Look up a video
>They do something I've tried a million times already
>Turns out there's a glitch that literally only happened to me

>emulating game
>stuck on puzzle
>all you have to do is hit a switch with a certain ranged weapon
>weapon's projectile doesn't reach far enough
>turns out the emulator is shit and fucks with the range on weapons
>literally cannot progress

I've never beaten DK64 and probably never will



Those games are trash materials. I don't even bother touching them.

"okay so here you meet Character who is secret the final boss but you won't find out until much later, he tells you to go..."

No, I can't give an example of this happening. Just trust me

>stuck on a boss
>watch youtube vids to see how other people are handling it
>they cheese the boss horribly then say "yeh it's a pretty easy boss lmao :))) pls like comment and subscribe"

>stuck on final boss of the game
>attacks only do .02% of his HP
>finally whittle him down after TONS of deaths
>doesn't change phases
>look it up
>"pc version is bugged set frame rate/resolution lower"
>i was missing a QTE prompt to phase change

MGR - armstrong

>upgrade drivers on my r9 290x
>breaks shaders in SC Chaos Theory
>have to provide manual directX dlls to the game


>memorization puzzle
>different for everyone

>puzzle game is the easiest shit ever
>but the dialogue is pretty good
>crashes at one point
>can't be bothered to start it up again
>just watch a silent playthrough because fuck it
>oh that twist at the end was kinda neat
>but get no catharsis because of it
How do I have fun again

>stuck on a puzzle
>look solution up online
>"seems like this puzzle is unique for every copy of the game, so good luck!"

>if you've been following my guide up to this point you should have no problems here

>can't use a FAQ for a puzzle because of the way it's designed

Get smarter fag.

>Get stuck on a boss
>"Yeah so if you've been following my guide you know we just grind for hours and hours until you're like twenty levels over and this boss is a piece of cake"

Early 2000's GameFAQs was a mistake

Do guides still do that shit today? I just check youtube videos now.