well? years almost over, what new insights have you gleaned from this hellhole?


That boypussy is best pussy

spamming shit threads is allowed as long as they ambiguously break the rules

that nobody on this board's opinion is worth listening to.

Memes will inherit the Earth.

AAA games are all shit because of the fact that they are AAA games. no other information or research is needed to prove/disprove this statement

that no one here likes or plays video games, this is just a meme factory.

I realized that everybody on here is either a flaming faggot, contrarian, or shills... oh wait

Cynicism isn't a human invention, it's human nature and people like to believe otherwise. Shit posting is eternal. People cannot accept time moving forward, they wear nostalgia goggles, complain about the younger generation. And then pretend it's their own opinion despite shit being this way since the dawn of human existence.

Shit posting is human nature.

Fuck off Pepe, you're just a washed up meme now

You can get away with non-vidya as long as you start your thread with "What video games can you..."

Also most negative opinions on this board are worth ignoring for much the same reason most positive opinions are worth ignoring in real life. Negativity is the norm here, so people who have positive opinions actually have reasons behind them while most negative opinions are just contrarian buzzword posts.

this guy gets it. have a happy new year, fag

I can have a life outside of Sup Forums

that people who play video games are annoying whiny stupid losers and that although games themselves can be great and amazing the people who you can have a genuine interesting non-meme discussion with are not found here on this shitty data selling badly moderated shithole.

it took threes years to make the new shantae
and it has less content then the first one and it only took two years

That /lit/ and books in general are far superior to Sup Forums and video games

this kind of doublethink is also the best way to deflect valid criticism about games

That if there is two girls who interact with eachother in a game or anime it automatically makes them lesbians.

Even if the girl or girls lust over cock the whole time and no evidence is given to them being lesbians.

They still are, as Sup Forums and Sup Forums has taught me.
And just anime fans in general.

That just when you thought Sup Forums couldnt get any worse, it does

On a serious note, i think we all learned to have less faith in/be more suspicious of game developers at large. Its been a year of false promises and missed marks from all kinds of reputed companies

i learned to ignore the shit out of Sup Forums


die in a fire

Vidya industry is now shit, and I can rejoice in the fact that I will no longer be buying into it. Also, having anticipation for anything is a surefire way to get crushed.

>this guy gets it

i learned nintendrones only believe rumors when they are positive

i learned sonyggers are the funnest bunch of fags to piss off

i learned that xbots still dont exist even though its the most based fanbase

i learned that the steam company can literally get away with anything they want

>years go by faster and faster
>There is no way to stop it

The problem is that valid criticism is rare on Sup Forums, due to this place being an ocean of piss and memes.

this not vidya, redditard
enjoy ban

That an easy game apparently isn't good just because it's easy and having fun with a game isn't a valid reason to enjoy something.

I also learned that you can't criticize a company without being called the "opposing team" despite being with said company for years.

>2012 was nearly half a decade ago

That people are still retarded enough that when they hear
>You can do literally anything in our game
They still think that they can do more than few pre-set activities.

Seriously, anyone who was disappointed by noman sky is fucking retarded.
>see gameplay where the guy does 5 actions over and over
>"You can do anything"
>game releases
>you can do anything as long as its one of those 5 actions

This 100%

I learned there are people who try so desperately to justify their closeted homosexuality that they have coined and use the term "feminine penis" completely seriously and unironically

also, VR will never be more than a gimmick - one of the few thing's Sup Forums got right, ever


>I also learned that you can't criticize a company without being called the "opposing team"
this also applies to politics
you can't criticize trump without being called a shillary supporter even if you aren't american

prove it

Hiro will be the death of this website

That Sup Forums will never learn to fuck off

I typed this once in omegle as an interest and met bo burnham

Revealed himself right as he left

He was a cool guy. Just a bit depressed it seemed.

Then we can be free

That retards will blame human choices on a numerical value that indicates time

Fucking knew it.

That for some reason, I keep going on Sup Forums even though I haven't played a single game that came out this year.

That I'm apparently a shill

>high school ended a century ago

Kill me, Pete

That Sup Forums is still the worst bored on this site

I learned that goro is the killer in P 5

Spot the xbot

everything is either shit or perfect there is no middle ground
nobody actually wants to talk about things they just want to point their finger at someone to enhance their us vs them mentality

fun things are, in fact, not fun. this has been proven.

also, you don't have to be able to "play" something for it to be a "game"

everyone is an ERP faggot that doesnt even play the best games or games at all and that gaming is dead, will never recover.

fun = buzzword
people shilling that russian Arma clone
that sony has the best games

That either I'm getting too old for the site, or I'm just getting bored of it. Or maybe Sup Forums actually is getting worse, I don't even know at this point.

I learned there's a lot of gay people here

>fun = buzzword

We learned that in 2011, though.

That making the same shitty meme thread everyday generates more (you)s than actual discussion causing threads

>he doesnt get Sup Forums re-education every year
i also learned about POL and how he ruins threads

i learned that boys make the best girls

That title still belongs to Sup Forums.

I learned that if i can come to Sup Forums everyday and still look forward to a game after weeks of seeing people calling it shit, I'm really excited about it and should buy it regardless of what people say. If I can shrug off the overwhelming/uncalled for cynicism this place constantly throws at me, it's probably worth buying.

Hasn't failed me yet - listen to your heart, not the negatons around you.

Fuck off CTR

Gearbox is worse than EA

Woah there friend, what's wrong with the one of the best kart racers around?

What I learned from Sup Forums in 2016 is the same thing I have learned from Sup Forums since 2008.

Sup Forums is full of autists shitters who try to fit in 24/7.

At least the paranoia of "others" coming to Sup Forums (gaiafags and the like) wasn't as bad back then. The Reddit boogeyman is fucking insufferable

Waifushit has done more damage to the board than console war shitposting.

Sup Forums is crawling with casuals.

Keep going lad

Overwatch has to be the biggest indicator of that one this year

>The Reddit boogeyman is fucking insufferable

It isn't as bad these days as it was back in 2011 and 2012, when Sup Forums was livid at Reddit for "stealing memes".

Never trust indie

>Sup Forums addicted 30 year old looking down on anyone else

WEW LAD. I hope that screencap is b8.

>when Sup Forums was livid at Reddit for "stealing memes".
It was funny seeing people arguing about what memes belonged to Sup Forums and which ones belonged to 4 chan.

Meme were serious business. Also all the 'le me' comics.

that i have a long way to go on the path of memes

Getting hyped for games, even the tiniest bit, is a bad idea.

It's impossible to talk about an upcoming game because you'll get 30 angry manchildren calling you a shill.

Liking traps/futa makes you gay, anyone who says otherwise is in denial.

There are people stupid enough on this board that think switching doors will increase your chance of winning.

The answer to the portal problem is neither A or B.

Everything Sup Forums doesn't like is reddit.

I'm a worthless piece of shit, and I'm probably going to kill myself on New Years

>inverted memes

H-How could I do that user?

You are the chosen one

post dick you qt

Why suicide m8?
also if you end up doing it stream it

fucking kill yourself for even having that saved

Wow Kyle's dad is in that picture twice

Traps are gay and maybe im a little gay

But this is a safe for work board!

i can see its balls, r u gonna get banned

if youre wearing panties its safe

That I hate videogames.

pardon my linguistic abstraction autism but you didn't need to use the word unironically, or ever for that matter

no it's not implied or inherent or whatever reddit tier explanation you might have

That Sup Forums is still full of normalfags who have no knowledge of video games before the Xbox 360

True, but that doesn't make it any easier for my maiden heart! Stop seducing me!


thicc was all i learned

Talking about vidya makes you a shill.
That's why no one here plays vidya.

thicc all day

nothing, there is nothing to learn here

People on Sup Forums don't get mad that Sup Forums exists so much as Sup Forums comes here and bitches that a video game had a black man on the cover and starts bringing it's politics. The only people that bitch about people telling Sup Forums users to fuck off are butthurt Sup Forums fags, reminder to call me a cuck on the way out faggot.

fuck off with this shit

No, post cute bulges thanks

where do you think you are?

One thing I have learned year in year out on Sup Forums is that weebs are the cancer.

They have to insert their weeb bullshit into everythread for attention. Truly the most pathetic fags on Sup Forums.