Dragon age still has one of the least generic fantasy world maps

>Dragon age still has one of the least generic fantasy world maps

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yo I can see my house from here

What the fuck does that even mean

>ywn be a tevinter magister with a harem filled with willing elven blood slaves


What the fuck does that even mean?
What does a generic fantasy map look like?

But it looks like something the map of middle-earth upside down.

this map loses some of the effect when you notice how much of it is edited

This just in: Geography can be generic! Details at 11!

Something like this I guess

generic would be like
icy impregnable mountain to the north, hot eastern desert, Deep jungle, the dark forest...shit like that I guess

>A literal hodgepodge of every fantasy map ever is now considered the "generic standard"
That's not how this works, dude.

Cliche maps are fucking fun. No one wants to go through your snoorefest original "nothing fun or intersting whatsoever" map bullshit.

>when the land is just right

any book with dwarves always has them in mountains

start there and figure out how some aspects end up generic

You were saying?

>cliches are fun and interesting! give me more of that.
Get out

why are there like 5 million fantasy maps that focus on the western side of a huge land

middle earth, eragon, this
what's up with that

Why there no straight from the beauclair to the spalla(south of map)
Did they forget to build one? This is not how trading toutes work, even if land is shit no one will waste weeks of time
Shit triggers me

subconscious bias by western fantasy authors who draw inspiration from their homelands and the work of the 'greats' like Tolkien who did the same thing

It's more or less passively ingrained in westerners.
We are the protags in the north-west, there are huge tracts of land in the east peopled either by proud stronk barbarians or refined but useless exotic people.

I think I prefer that over "Jesus Christ what's going on" the map.

Gee, what could it be. Maybe that Europe is like that.


it's not
Europe is mostly northern/southern shores
it is not mostly a western coast

oh, I forgot to mention D&D and its fixation on Sword Coast

needs more details

How about guild wars map

Can someone explain why old crpgs are so much more fun than new ones?
Just started playing Icewind Dale 2 and 10 hours in I have tons more fun than I had with Tyranny or POE.
Is it just the writing, or am I a nostalgia faggot?

Someone said world map?
Europe has central far longer then what it has been eastern

>Still no game where you can just follow a trail of cities built on rivers like real life

The Witcher 3 at least used a significant enough one as a fairly realistic geographical and cultural border.

truly the greatest and most original world

No, it's just modern developers being shit
Back then developers never gave a shit about balancing classes to the each other, only to the world, so you could have tons of fun with game
I thik great example of this changes can be seen if you compare me1 combat to the me2 one

>I thik great example of this changes can be seen if you compare me1 combat to the me2 one
The former is shit while the later is not?

Even then the proximity of Oxenfurt and Novigrad, the only two cities in the game, was stupidly close.

Try speaking in english rather than in memes.

game geography is always scaled down

Literally who says something this specific

Also if you didnt have a mount that went 50 km/h the world would feel muuuch bigger since it takes ages to get anywhere.

I wouldn't mind an RPG set in a fantasy version of our world. Maybe after the current civilization has fallen so all of our cities and statues and whatever are in ruins and people start forming weird ideas about what those statues and images meant and what our technology was for.

>Northern Maguuma and Kryta never ever

The combat in Mass Effect 1 is shit because of poor AI and shooting mechanics while the combat in Mass Effect 2 is not shit because of improved AI and making the game play less like an RPG and more like a shooter?

I know, but considering how massive TW3 actually was, it was pretty weird that the only two major settlements in the game were basically a stones throw away from each other, even though lore wise they were suppose to be two very distinct entities.

Oxenfurt ended up having basically no zone of influence outside of it's relatively small walls even though it was suppose to be a significant university city. What made Novigrad (and Beauclair) so cool was that its influence could be felt well outside the actual city limits. The entire northern half of the map felt like it would be very naturally governed by Novigrad and it's lands naturally felt like a metropolitan area.

Plenty of games make fantasy worlds based on fictional medieval/renaissance Europe, but only Ace Combat that I can think of bases it consistently on more modern times

>just finished Hell's Precipice in HM

What a pain in the ass.

>Fantasy map
>Borders are drawn regardless of any natural elements
This bothers me the most. Even the huge fuckoff plains have decent natural border lines like rivers, forests or marshes. You could argue that it's a bit different with modern states but fantasy lands are not modern most of the time.

rate a map i've been working on

Really the only thing that bothers me about that. I hope they just don't add them in with Tomb Kings. Knowing CA, they would just make them Empire clones anyway.

too many mountains

"War isn't hell, Zero. It's life."
Ace Combat was the best shit dude.


>Did you know that in the year 2016, lizard people existed alongside humans?
>What, how do you know that?
>Well here we can see an image of a man fucking a lizard woman. Why would somebody make that if they didn't exist?

a lot of it is actually hills i just failed to get a sense of scale between them

Your rivers and mountains don't make sense.

That's literally just the LotR map inverted though

All that empty coastal area between the Brambwood and the western coast looks like it should be completely covered in dense jungle
>Meadow of Spires
>barely any spires
Come on now user

what do you mean exactly
this is the third time i've drawn it from scratch meaning i'm open to rearranging everything



Fantasy typically follows late medieval style cartography, and they were not strongly based on "natural borders". The pyreneans were the exception. The borders of France, of the various German political entites, of the Italian city states, of the Byzantine then Ottoman empire, were a massive clusterfuck not following mountains or rivers. The theory of "natural border" is a 17th century conception, propagated especially by England to justify the occupation of the entires British Isles, France to justify occupation of as much of the western bank of the Rhine as they could, Spain to justify the takeover of Portugal (and the supression of Catalna identity) for most of the 17th century, and Ottoman to get a casus belli for taking the yugoslavian coast from Venice.
If the Venitian empire was transported to a fantasy setting, people would complain about muh city of naval power.

Belka did nothing wrong

it's WIP (especially the western part, the Barrier Peaks were supposed to be part of the crater but ended up looking like generic Mordor mountains) so a lot of details aren't quite drawn in, in regards to Meadow of Spires
what makes it look like it should be covered in dense jungle? it's supposed to be more temperate

Take the Goldstone river for example. It flows parallel to the ocean and then splits into two rivers which both flow in two different directions.

Like what the fuck.

Yeah, there really isn't any way of doing that correctly without putting in extra work.

No no, the Brambwood's coastal areas should be covered in jungle, the meadow of spires just needs more spires

>posts a generic fantasy world map

the rivers make no sense.

the river is supposed to start here in the middle of the mountains and flow West - maybe my art is a bit too cluttered
I mean, why should the coastal areas be covered in jungle? It's not a jungle, so it'd be covered in forest, but aside from the semantics I don't really understand that

But nothing about that map is specific, well except for the generic "evil scar that ruined the land"

Everything else is "place name" populated by [renaissance culture here] or [feudal culture here]

Dragon Age is that
You can't pretend like having the desert in the middle makes it not that

There's nothing subconscious about it, it is very much intended.

I will say I fucked up on the rivers in the North part of Haebran but what about the others?

It still flows completely parallel to the ocean with no attempt to reach it. It still splits into two separate rivers which flow away from each other.

Rivers don't work like that.

Rivers flow down into the ocean, not the elevated inland.
2 bunches of mountain areas seem bizarre since 2 continents pushing together tend to form mountain ranges.

>Still no game in the Free Marches where the possibilities ARE FUCKIJG ENDLESS BECAUSE ITS FULL OF CONFLICTING STATES.
>Still no game with locations in Nevarra or Rivain

Just generate a world map in Dwarf Fortress, grab the regions that look appealing and work on those.

That way, you have accurate rivers.

There aren't even a lot of new CRPGs.

Wasteland 2 is worse than JA2 but with the DC its okay.
Underrail doesn't have a direct analog and is very very good.
PoE suffers from boring class design and really isn't worth playing through more than once, but its decent the first time around.

The fuck else is there? D:OS? Tyranny isn't finished and isn't worth much.

>Not wanting a game in Antiva

I want to go Crow Killing with Zevran

> THE Dragon Age Setting
Very inspired name IMHO

just check Amazon river and try to copy it

There's also Age of Metagaming.

in my understanding it depends completely on the topography and a mountainous region would drive a river away from the ocean

as for rivers splitting and flowing in other directions, is it really impossible? what about cases of ridges? are there zero cases of rivers like that in real life?

i hope to make better versions so these are important

>The fuck else is there?
Well you named 2 more but there's also like 3 Shadowrun games

Here's a good /tg/ thread full of advice regarding the geography and worldbuilding. Study it, learn from it. Get better.


I honestly forgot about those because I thought they were all awful.

very cool, have been looking for something like this, thanks

there's also this game nobody ever played

Even if we get a game in tevinter we'll have to be a sub to a dom qunari after they have finally conquered the imperium with their tranny elf fuccbois and guns

>I honestly forgot about those because I thought they were all awful.
Well, the original question was why are all these new crpgs so awful so I guess your sentiment is on point.

>The fuck else is there?
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Shadowrun Hong Kong
Masquerade Song and Shadows
Age of Decadence

also Torment soon to be released

States, yes, but national development still follows natural borders and landscapes, generally speaking, and this is a factor many people tend to completely forget about, especially Americans.
However, my gripe is not with muh pretty borders but rather with the lack of natural barriers in general when it comes to fantasy maps. Of course, not every region should be as densely packed with mountains as Western Europe but would it seriously kill people to add more rivers, marshes, steppes or reclines to the maps? They often look barren.

Europe is a massive peninsula jutting westward

But the focus of Europe has only been on the west for 200 years or so

It was focused on the middle far longer then that


The history of Europe has for a long time been the wars between France, Poland and the Hapsburg.

With the Germans caught in the middle

At no point would anyone, ever, describe France as not being in western Europe.

And their playfield has been the central part of Europe rather then France

Having a flat world on top of unending waterfalls seems pretty unique.

Again debatable. So many of the most important wars in French history have been fought with the Spanish.

A map centered around the focus of much of European History would probably include Northern Italy, the Holy Roman Empire, France, and England. England, France, and Italy together would give the map the sort of western coast feeling that many map drawers take from.


With a Hapsburg on the throne
England only became relevant in the last 200 years or so.

And you are forgetting Poland