What are some good western games?

What are some good western games?

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Call of Juarez
Red Dead series

They literally don't exist

You just read them.

As in "West of the Mississippi" or "Not Japan"?

Does that gif make anyone else mad?

Anyway besides the ones already mentioned... "Wild Guns"

Sorry wish I knew more

Sup Forums is too casual for Western games, but okay.

>Might and Magic
>Deus Ex
>Baldur's Gate
>Betrayal at Krondor
>Book of Dragon Pass
>Lands of Lore
>Dungeon Master
>Fallout 1/2
>Warcraft 3
>Command and Conquer
>Age of Empires
>System Shock
>Jagged Alliance
>Divine Divinity
>MnB: Warband
>Vic 2
>Temple of Elemental Evil
>Dwarf Fortress

inb4 some weeb tells you all of those games are bad

Only Mountain Blade, Doom, and Thief ia good on this list tho. Western games are shit with no gameplay

Anime weebshit doesn't really have a place on Sup Forums if it's. Case in point: OP started this thread with an Off topic, irrelevant gif.

A true weeb will never say Wizardry or Ultima is shit.

>Fallout 1/2
>Somehow, not NV

Are you sure it isnt your nostalgia talking right there? Not only the Fallout list tipped me to that conclusion... But Quake is fun? Are you taking the piss?

RPGs are for people with no motor skills.


Somebody actually took the time to make this. Incredible.

Yeah, but what games DO moms play?

Ilya a cute

You haven't played any of those other games. Also Quake has the best gameplay of any game ever.


Wild Arms

>warcraft 3 is bad

Hey man i got this new rope haha you want it haha lol

>not posting the website

what's wrong with you?


I just can't force myself to like lolis, every time I remember those drawings are based on disgusting yellow shit-teeth jap girls my boner dies.

true weeb, only Ultima Underworld is any good.

>quake isn't fun

You what? Jesus christ please stop posting for a while, rethink your life, get married, and then kill yourself you stupid faggot

Remember, off topic discussion of weebshit isn't allowed here.

People don't actually dance like that, that's retarded.

>ultima 1, 3, and V not good

quit posting

Ilya is German.

>he says while posting on a Tibetan anime clinic

>Japan makes better games than the west
>they almost always make them console exclusive

>the west makes worse games than Japan
>they're almost always on PC

Now for the 'almost always' exceptions.

>Japanese game is made for PC as well as consoles (The Evil Within, DaS3)
>they're abysmal games

>Japanese games are ported to PC years after consoles had them
>almost always are B list games that would never show up even in the most desperate of console war bait images (EDF, Nights of Azure)

>western game is made for consoles but not PC (the Darkness, RDR, Midnight Club)
>they are among the most well received games to be released

Food for thought.

Name 1 ( one ) good weebshit game.

Go ahead and try, I fucking dare you.

Jackie Chan

Based user.
Reminder that OP would be already banned and the thread pruned if this was a videogame thread on that shithole called Sup Forums. Absolutely disgusting.

metal gear solid VR missions

Jackie Ch-awwww


Dungeon Travelers 2

Fate is a game has multiple game spinoffs :^)

Define "weebshit"

>Ultima 1-3
>good in any shape

Ultima in general is something like a Ford Model-T within the video game sphere: innovative, popular, and tremendously influential, but ultimately a damn jalopy.

>betrayal at krondor
Padding that list out much?

Good games I don't like



Name a game jap's released this decade (2010+) and I will tell you an objectively better Western game of the same genre released during the same time period. I only say 2010+ because if we include 90s era games Japan doesn't even stand a chance.

Japanese games that aren't on PC. Thus, Yakuza, Bloodborne, Nioh, Ace Combat 7, among many others.

Anime focused shit, no asian shit like MSG I mean like the the weird shit society looks down upon.

Dark Souls 1, 2, 3

Imma start easy for you. Metal Gear Rising.

>Numale:The Series

He means what I consider weebshit, you dumb faggots

Go back to your safe space.

Bayonetta 2

>Bloodborne, Ace Combat 7

I sure hope this is shitposting

things that i don't like of course
that means anything japanese even if the term weeb originally was for people who want to be a nip and resents his descendance, but i don't care i will shitpost about it and say any game is like that!

>fate is a game

>the joke
>you're head

Sup Forums had an ace combat thread that made it to the bump limit. Ace Combat is actually good though

>Anime focused shit

yes, because that term isnt broad as fuck. Could you be any less specific?

You need to define it further, there are lots of anime that are normie approved and similar to what you like such as Ghost in the Shell

also even cute anime is on Netflix now, no one disapproves.

>Ask for good weeaboo games
>Disgusting weeaboos post pathetic pedophile VN shit without even the slightless shame
Really makes you think



tl;dr ignore entire Sup Forums

Ace Combat is an anime game series
Bloodborne is loaded with cute female characters

>actually believing anime isn't still considered nerdy and gay

kek, what's next, MLP is perfectly normal to openly be a fan of?

Just anime games

The uglier the game, the more hardcore you look for saying you like it


There are several

Carnival Phantasm is the only good one, but FGO and Fate/Extra are both getting anime next year

MGR, janky unfinished hack and slash.

Grim Dawn is better.

Yeah okay.



how new a-are you

Piss easy arcadey hack and slash made for nintoddlers. See

Are you sure? Im watching youtube.com/watch?v=tbFPcWxUC6E right now and Im pretty intrigued

i laugh

God awful hack and slash with Sonic '06-tier open world attached to it. See

they use it incorrectly because there was no other word to use for japanese produced media except JRPG and thats just one genre
soon it will lose the original meaning and turn into something of distorted value, like geek and nerd did

Just imagine being that jap working 12 hours a day drawing that awkward "dance" just so some disgusting weeaboos can look at it and masturbate. Just imagine getting paid 30 cents an hour and having to draw that disgusting pedophilic shit over and over again, having your boss scream at you and making you delete the whole thing because you forgot to draw that girl's budge and knowing that's physiologically wrong since irl girls dont hate such big puffy vaginas unless they have some kind of disease, but you have to endure it. You need your 30 cents to pay your shitty one room "dept" in Tokyo.

If you could pull your head out of your ass and stop memeing for 1 minute and point out where did I say that anime wasnt nerdy, that would be fan-fucking-tastic.

Jesus Christ, now I remember why I stick to /vg/, you assholes cannot elaborate an argument.

what's the point of even using the term 'weebshit' when it means whatever-the-fuck these days

it already did


It actually doesn't mean anything, it's a wordfilter for wapanese, a word that was wordfiltered because it has no place on Sup Forums.

wtf that i was fast did i sleep through a meeting

>Weebshitters getting triggered again

Back to your safe space fatties.

Fuck you if you disagree.

WOW! downvoted!

RPGmaker-tier roguelike. Also released before 2010. Try again.

longer than any faggot who stutter-types and cares how long people have been here

set your house on fire and tap a nap, faggot

>Says the smug laughing anime poster on Sup Forums

It's not my fault you get triggered by everything that isn't weebshit.

>irony: the post

Theres like 5 you dumbo

The new guilty gear.

>things that i don't like of course

And your opinion is instantly thrown out the window.

Weebshit is exactly that. Weebshit.

>It actually doesn't mean anything, it's a wordfilter for wapanese, a word that was wordfiltered because it has no place on Sup Forums.
i know its origins and the perry bible comic, if they didn't like wapanese then i guess they really don't care about weeaboo, weeb etc
or they know if they did worldfilter this one then a new iteration would be found somewhere

Hey man if all you want to do is watch little girls dress cute and get molested by other little girls sure it's intriguing.


I'm pretty sure this is a videogame board, dumb weeb.

The only thing japs do better than the west is fighting games. Too bad fighting games are for niggers.

i don't like this east vs west meme that has popped up in recent years. you're all fags.

>tfw no wild guns reloaded for PC even if it was kinda shitty remake

>the board was made by a jap so its a weeb site
Why are weebs like you so delusional?

Huh, it came out? What was shitty about it?