It's almost 2017.
Do we have a quote to sum up 2016?
It's almost 2017.
Do we have a quote to sum up 2016?
Other urls found in this thread:
"its shit"
This image was and always will be retarded
There are more men that will shame you for playing vidya than women
This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums
I mean how do you look at that and not think it was just made by a bitter faggot who was bullied for being a beta autist? Nobody makes fun of anyone for playing videogames, unless you're actually a fucking loser who would get bullied no matter what. If you honestly think you were ever bullied solely as a result of liking vidya then it's no wonder you were a target. You're a fucking idiot.
I really thought this image would be mocked when it was made but I see it posted over and over and now I realise just how fucking sad and deluded lots of people on Sup Forums really are. I mean are you fucking serious? Did you REALLY have girls laughing at you for playing videogames? Where does this happen? They laughed at you because you were ugly, not because you played videogames
And even if you DID grow up in some kind of bizarre alternate universe shithole where there was a girl actually fucking idiotic enough to laugh at you for playing videogames when you were 10 years old, maybe it's time you fucking got over it? Or better yet, hold onto that bitterness forever and ever and save images from memecenter 15 years later making fun of girls because you're STILL not over it.
It was kinda funny for a couple years but this thing is just an embarrassing insistence that identity politics is the only thing happening to games
How about "The girls have a point guys *tips fedora*"
2017: lol look at this image, made by jelly guise xD
This thread is making it clear that the 2016 quote should be nu-males defending m'ladies from this terrifying image.
Something about censorship or Trump
How about a counterpoint instead of a strawman.
Or is that asking a little too much of your memebrain?
lol look at the Trump supporter and his videogames!
This meemee has lost its luster.
Yeah but Sup Forums betas don't want to go after those guys, they might get beaten up. So let's just clench our fists and rage through tears forever, saving images to our Stupid Women folders which have absolutely nothing to do with the Fox and the Grapes.
Nothing baits like the truth. The butthurt when this was first posted was amazing. I never saw such a triggering. Hurt feefees everywhere. Every now and then we need a pasta like this to keep Sup Forums from slipping into 100% /r9k/ mode.
Maybe something like "That entitled gamer actually expects his game to work"? Seems to be a huge trend and one away from the "lol women suck" of most years on the image.
>Buzzword, buzzword and buzzword won
Why is sho so unintelligent?
>This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen circulating on Sup Forums
How's your first day going?
Holy fuck kill yourself
But... Feminists actually ARE kind of sour... so calling sour grapes on whether or not they like us is actually the most sensible thing to do... isn't it? I feel like it was the thing that we always should have done, except then there was that... thing. With the journalists and them talking about how ALL the games are sexist.
just put in another "lol look at the loser and his videogames!" and call it a day
He's just saying you're a nu-male, not making any kind of argument. And he's right.
>still no counterargument
Video Games Appeal to the Male Fantasy
>"lol look at the loser and his videogames!"
But they were right
it's better than nothing
>this is the current state of videogames
Thing is, though, didn't a lot of instigators get canned after the whole 2015 debacle? Wu and Sarkeesian are still around, but the people writing articles about why white males are the worst race and gender were sensibly not kept around. They were doing their best to make sure the PR disaster remained a roaring garbage fire among people who actually read anything they wrote.
Even cracked, which went full SJW in 2015, has toned it down a bit since then. I don't know if I've seen them directly blame the MRA for anything in months.
user I'm pretty sure that's copypasta.
I remember this pasta
What happened to this board to become so infested with libtards?
>B-But's it 2016! They couldn't..He couldn't..REEEEEEE
The post is making fun of beta autistic males. What's liberal about it?
It's not even saying anything positive about women, it's just telling a bunch of crybaby faggots to man the fuck up and stop acting like professional victims over absolutely fucking nothing
No, I'm not triggered.
I'm just letting you know that there are other sites more suitable for people like you.
Not only will you be happy in your own echo chamber, we will be in our own.
It's of mutual benefit. Why would you think I am triggered for telling you that there are places that you can enjoy without ruining ours?
tl;dr fuck off we're full.
I think the reception MTV´s video agaisnt white males got is proof of what you say, the video got such a negative feedback that it got taken down.
Compare that to how Buzzfeed retarded questions for [insert alledgedly priviledged group here] from a few years ago have more likes than dislikes.
The problems is, this is temporaly, once Trump fucks up (because he will), the media will blame white men for the demise of the USA for electing him (conveniently ignoring that most white women also voted Trump, of course)
It's fucking true though
No! Stop fighting it!
>actually admitting you want a safe space hugbox while claiming to be not triggered
t.whipped spineless manchild
What's mario got to do with anything.
Sup Forums´s anonimity always attracs counter culture, in Bush´s time when everything was uberly nationalist Sup Forums tilted to the lefft, in the tumblr times Sup Forums tilted to the right.
Now with Trump´s win, hating on liberals and minorities is becoming acceptable, so Sup Forums is turning to the left.
This happens because an anonynous paltform is the only place where you can say unpopular things without fear of having your life destroyed.
should be 2016 to be honest.
>manning up and not giving a shit about others' opinions of your hobbies is considered being a libtard.
It's considered being a confident adult you fucking pussy.
>not bad
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Honestly maybe gamergate took 2 years to have it's effect, but things have been surprisingly more sane in 2016, as if the whiny tumblrina crowd has given up
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
"In the end it doesn't even matter..."
>that world
I wish
hot topics/memeing over the years nerd
video games are dead.
>or Trump
Keep it vidya
>calling it how it is = liberal
No user, (You) are the liberal.
I hate Trump, but ffs, the people who voted on Trump voted Obama 2008 and 2012, they are not monsters. They just live in areas where political decisions and fiscal decisions actually have great consequences - like everyone losing their jobs etc. After 8 years of being ignored I wouldn't vote for Obama Jr either (Clinton), even if the other guy is a fucking orangeheaded moron
I have to wonder if this person is being intentionally hyperbolic, or just genuinely retarded.
They're also triggered by /k/, I know a few people who don't browse it anymore because of how "right wing" it is now
What the fuck is wrong with /ic/ faggot? Did you get your feelings hurt when you were told to read the sticky?
I'm a 2009fag and I only use Undertale because it has some good reaction image material.
>Not only will you be happy in your own echo chamber, we will be in our own.
Holy fucking shit, you guys truly are hypocrites
>Videogames were a mistake anyway.
Women freak out over the silliest thoughts that their privilege are being taken away. It's fascinating.
>Sup Forumstard trying to push a hatred movement against the left
Like a broken record, amirite '"""""""oldfag'""""""""""""""""?
Perhaps, but you and I know how the tumblr crowd is going to play things as soon as Trump does something stupid.
t. SJW in disguise
t. alt-right
Let them kick and scream.
It won't change a damn thing.
t. SJW
Can I just put this out here and be plain as day?
Does it occur to nobody that none of the counterarguments to anything really matter and nobody really cares? Feminists are hypocritical, and so is the rest of the world, but there was a time when Sup Forums didn't pretend it was one of the good guys because it kind of knew it was just being counter-cultural. Just because you catch someone being a hypocrite doesn't mean you've completely dismantled that person's ideology. They aren't going to change their mind.
It says right in their book that Christians shalt not kill, but they still killed people and there's still Christians. They never cared about the hypocrisy.
The Feminists don't care about their own hypocrisy.
Nobody cares. Nobody cares about the flaws in the arguments or why any of this is wrong, because it's beating a drum for people that agree that Feminists suck or whatever. That's all this is. That's all any of this ever is.
And here's what kills me. I care, but in a logical way. I've spent so much time trying to puzzle our what all you opinionated fags want, and at some point it just becomes so exhausting. You don't want anything. There are valid points here and there, but the valid arguments have nothing to do with anything in the long run, do they? It's mostly just about the tribe and whose tribe is best.
>I don't get this image
wow, you really think it has a point
that is sad
>tfw you realize Trump won the election because of SJWs
It's beautiful watching them destroy their own ideology
Why is Sup Forums so much more cancerous than SJWtards? Why can't we exterminate both?
2016 - Come on, It's 2016-Oh shit I'm literally shaking right now!
>not recognizing classic pasta
Lurk more.
We need vr harassment laws, he virtually touched me
I just want them away from my games, Is that too hard to ask for?
>dude i hate both sides lmao
>hell be fine
How come the IP count never goes up with these posts?
>no u
Kill yourself.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums because Sup Forums never had a father figure, which is why they worship Trump even if he is already betraying them, even defending his betrayal.
Team A is covered in shit, Team B is covered in piss.
Nice try retard. Only Americans believe in "ur either wit us r against us" idiocy.
t. tryhard """centrist"""
Are you stupid? People don't just post and leave.
jeez this image is beta as fuck
>even defending his betrayal
>he believes the media's lies
oh i'm laffin
Thank for proving my point that you are cancer.
There's nothing wrong with centrism.
The thing is though, you aren't a centrist. You're a leftist that claims to be a centrist to avoid being ridiculed.
>no u
fucking retard