Will 2017 be his redemption, his death nail, or business as usual?

Will 2017 be his redemption, his death nail, or business as usual?

Sonic will never really be "redeemed"
It's weird, sonic is popular with kids and all of Europe and some adults who grew up with him, but he doesn't have mario-level popularity. Like grandmas and kids and normies and chad and Stacy will play Mario, but not Sonic.

Business as usual.

They got the autism crowd.

Don't come back.

he'll be redeemed for like 5 minutes until Sega missteps and we forget all about Mania and/or 2017

There's a shitton of bandwagoning around Sonic Mania but I don't think any of those fartheads are going to hang around for Project Sonic 2017 so business as usual.

>core games are good again
>comic had a great crossover
>tv series is self aware

Where is the problem?

Let this shit die already

>core games are good again
Last "good" core game was Generations and with Mania and 2017, we have no idea if they'll be able to keep up that level of quality. Are we only going to get good Sonic games every 7 years from now on?

There hasn't been a good Sonic game since the '90s. Don't let your autism tell you otherwise.

Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed is incredible.

Sonic Advance 1 is okay.

Sonic Mania at WORST will be Sonic CD 2, and CD is already pretty good.

As long as Project 2017 hits the ball park of Adventure 2 or Unleashed, it'll be okay.

I have some optimism, the fact that 17 isn't getting rushed already gives me a lot of hope.

>core games have been shit since S3&K
>what the fuck is a comic
>shitty spinoff TV series for babby

Mania will probably be good, great even.
2017 will probably be trash, mediocre at best -- just like every other Sonic game post-SA2 (except maybe Generations).

Generations is highly overrated.

That said nothing's been truly TERRIBLE since Sonic 360.

People who think the Sonic Boom cartoon is PPG-tier confuse me. It's one of the better cartoons to emerge in recent years (like Gumball).


>That said nothing's been truly TERRIBLE since Sonic 360.
If we're not counting Sonic Boom...I think Sonic 4 is pretty detestable, but that could be bias.

Secret Rings is also hot garbage.

Eh, at worst it's bland, which is most of the time, but it has some good jokes.

sonic lost world was pretty good I thought.

it's funny, but it's boring to look at. it's CG at it's most generic.

E1 is tolerable but rough as hell. E2 showed signs of improvement, wish they continued the series.

>S3&K fags
freedom planet is for your narrow band of autism.

But it is the best game in the franchise.

>Not really that funny
>The characters are butchered to all hell
>Eggman is at his least threatening
Nah, It's Sonic's TTG and makes Sonic X look like SatAM.

The Sonic series humor has been awful lately as a whole, and it started with Colors.

Not him, but S3&K is the actual best Sonic game.

I don't agree with everything after it being trash though.

Freedom Planet was fun for 2 playthroughs with Lilac and Carol, but it is wildly flawed and can't even compare to genesis Sonic.




The fact Sonic Mania is a thing that's happening is already enough redemption for me. It may be long term, it may be a one game ordeal, who knows, but it's good to know that Classic Sonic is finally getting the new game he deserves, and that it's being created by a team of competent and passionate developers who are making a Sonic game with an honest heart. Even with SEGA mandating them include classic levels, they're putting amazing effort into Green Hill alone; all the extra routes, the homages to other tropical zones, expanding Green Hill to a S3K sized map, and even doing a far better twist on the boss than Sonic 4 did. And think, Taxman said Green Hill is the tamest of the remasters. Imagine how crazy other returning zones will be.

I see that you haven't played a Sonic game since the 90s

they just need to bring back blast processing

You're making me sad.

CD, Generations, and Colors are the most overrated Sonic games.


It's far from TTG. TGG is downright spiteful and antagonistic towards its fans. Boom is just a modern AoStH

>Boom is just a modern AoStH

pretty accurate

Adventures was always better than SatAM

Only good sonic games are 1,2,3, CD and Generations

Nah, AoStH was wacky, Boom is just The Looney Toons Show but not nearly as funny.

I wanted to say it was like AoStH myself but I figured people would say that's a bad thing so why bother.

>i'm an classicfag and proud of it

I am

I wouldn't care if they'd just MAKE ANOTHER FUCKING CHAO GARDEN


Business as usual

He kinda has fallen into a nice mold with sonic boom

Sonic Mania will probably be just the same old some old with them trying to capture nostalgia

I've seen better sonics anyway

>muh chao garden

eat shit

Mania will be nothing special, it will end up getting more middle 7s then 9s or 10s. at worst, the game will more 6s at the most of it.

I dunno I found it to be... okay enough. I mean t was better than Unleashed, but then again, it isn't that hard to be better than Unleashed.

You fucking what famalamadingdong? CD has the best OST in the series and plays great.

>death nail

It's "death knell" you twit. Take ten fucking seconds to google words if you don't know their meaning. You're as bad as most of my students.

this stage gimmick is kind of retarded looking imo

Faking scanlines is retarded.

If they're going to do that, they need to balance the brightness to match the un-scanlined image. CRTs were very bright displays with lots of color vividness, not just interlaced scanlines.

I'm obsessed with this design and I don't know why.

At least you can turn it off.

I dunno, I think you can do neat things with it.