Is there a proper way to play him?
Another fucking Overwatch thread
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Yes, Step one install mgr
Step 1: Have an Ana (should have already happened)
Step 2: Get good at aiming shuriken
Step 3: Spam shuriken until you have your ult
Step 4: Ana nanoboosts you and you murder everything with your Japanese steel
Genji players are actual fucking cancer. Such a shit character that people play because the edgy factor.
Yes. You drop him and pick an actual useful hero like Zarya
Roadhog + Reinhardt + + Zarya + Ana + Lucio/S76/Symmetra
Great meta we got going here guys
sleep tight reap tight :3
reaper a cute! CUTE!!!!
What do you guys think about the arcade mode with random hero swap every time you die?
I tried it for the first time yesterday and I think it's fun, however I get the impression that few people play it since it takes longer to find a game.
I like the arcade game where the same hero can be picked multiple times
It's the only thing I play in OW anymore because it lets me get away from 4 tank/2 support lineups.
I used to play him and had my sensitivity way higher but I lowered it and now I can't play him anymore. Am I just bad or does he need super high sens?
if u wanna play him in this meta, you need to
>be really good at him
>have a good zarya/zen on your team
>pray the enemy team is incompetent or doesn't have an optimal comp (i.e 3+ tanks)
Yeah it's definitely alot easier on a higher sensitivity. He justs spams around everywhere
Sym and Reinhardt have pretty good synergy together. Rein has a strong defensive and offensive core and sym can cover his blind spots/momentarily give his she relief with her shield. Plus her turret can slow down and check fast, annoying heros like tracer and sombra
It would be preferable if ultimate charge wasn't reset.
That makes it really snowbally, especially if one side has a healer
Why the FUCK can you just switch to D.VA/Mei/Tracer in overtime and contest the payload until your whole team spawns?
Yes, play like a ninja, duh. Genji is able to beat almost any hero in individual combat, but against a team, the best way is to flake them, cause as much damage as possible, flee to recover and repeat the process. Seagull and Sharderk are some of the most famous professional players of Genji, I recommend that you watch and draw your conclusions (and feel envious knowing that they will never play as well as they do)
it's three tanks, 76, lucio, ana.
Why the FUCK haven't you learn how to deal with D.VA/Mei/Tracer by now?
Step 1: Get killed by Mei because you're fucking retarded and went off alone with no backup
Step 2: Complain about how OP and cancerous Mei is.
Congratulations, you're now a pro-Genji.
Learn to use combos and get a feel for this Swift Strike and Shurikens.
Genji is closest hero to TF2' scout. You have to rely on your superior agility and accuracy in order to be effective.
Why not just play 76
How the fuck does anyone still play this? It got boring in less than 20 hours.
You don't need 76 and lucio
Having Zarya AND Roadhog is better than having 76 and Lucio.
No one likes battleborn Randy, now fuck off
you don't take lucio for the heals you take him for the speedboost. He doesn't overlap with 76 that's why they're both top picked over 60 percent of the time
I've never even played bloodborne you fucking sonygger stop shitting up the thread
the proper way to play him is to be annoying
dont ever engage fights and stay too long just hit and run then harrass their healer or sniper
>Playing comp
>Level 200 Genji on other team
>He has over 50 hours on him
>Play as junkrat
>Pro Genji doesn't get a single kill on me the entire game
>Every time he dashes at me I just throw a trap in front of me and blow him up with a mine
>He ragequits
Whats the obvious pro genji skin?
It used to be Young Genji
oni genji
it just shows how much autism you have to play 15 games of HoTS
>pick genji
>enemy team picks symmetra
>unpicks genji
epic game
Yeah, by playing a good game.
yellow genji so you can be the real cyborg ninja
>2 games in a row get a super good start and someone leaves causing games to be cancelled.
Fucking pisses me off. Fuck leavers they should be lynched.
Thank doc.
I watched this video once, not sure if it works, cause I haven't played Overwatch yet.