ITT: Great games that trigger Sup Forums's autism
ITT: Great games that trigger Sup Forums's autism
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Almost every great game that is popular
nah, this game is actually bad, and i even liked Fallout 3
Street FIghter 3: Third Strike.
THat shit triggers everyone's autism.
>The Last of Us
Sorry man, I hate Sup Forums's shitty Special Snowflake (TM) syndrome as much as everyone but that game is anything but great; It's one scripted sequence after the another after the another after the another.
>"you haven't played it; you're just parroting Sup Forums's shit"
No. I bought a PS4 recently and a friend lend me the game.
>walk and talk sequence
>enter an obvious fighting locationbecause the area is laid out like an arena
>leave area
>walk and talk sequence
The gameplay is shit. The story is a run-of-the-mill post-apoc zombie survival fiction that happens to be very well acted. Why does everybody suck this game's dick?
I actually really liked The Last of Us
I played this over the last couple of days for the first time, the gameplay is pretty bloody boring, but the story and characters got me through it, also, it's like 12 hours long which is pretty bad.
Overall I enjoyed it, but it's so unbelievably overhyped.
Fuck you, i loved it
>Story driven game
>Hurr but it has scripted sequences
What the fuck were you expecting
>scripted sequences
"Parent and child with a strained relationship survive in a post-apocaliptic wasteland where monsters roam BUT MAN IS THE WORST MONSTER OF ALL AAAAAAAAAH" panders to the average 30something's paternal instinct, drawing tears, generating critical praise and printing money (see: Telltale's The Walking Dead).
That's why they're taking the same approach with the new God of War game.
Teenagers and manchildren are easily impressed.
Any western game with no waifu-bait.
>ITT: Shit movies that pleases normie's shitty taste in movies and casual video game sensibility
the "stealth", the cover shooting, the "crafting", the "puzzles"
I can't think of a single thing that doesnt make me cringe, the story is tolerable but only as a run of the mill flick, and that's without considering how much it ripped off Telltale
Yeah I don't get it... Cinematic movies have a place. It's not like every fucking game is like that - all you have to do is look past AAA games
>Story driven
>scripted sequences
Sorry man but I want to play videogames, not watch some movie; If I wanted that I would ask my sister to lend me her Netflix's account.
I bet you love Telltale """""""""""""""""""Games"""""""""""""""""""""""
Naughty Dog is the capeshit of video games.
congrats on having shit taste
>That part where you have to protect the girl and the black dudes
>Your sniper rifle has infinite ammo so you don't even have an actual "every bullet counts" challenge
>The stealth sections give you The Arkham Pain's x-ray vision
>enter an obvious fighting locationbecause the area is laid out like an arena
Jesus christ, this. Surely these neatly stacked boxes with flank points are just for decoration. *rolls eyes profusely*
Who fucking cares about arenas looking like arenas? Matthewfags need to leave. A game's job is not to fool you into thinking you're not playing a game.
>A game's job is not to fool you into thinking you're not playing a game
Then why is it a movie?
It does indeed trigger me that people somehow like TLoU.
I didn't hate it, but it's such a step down from the first two games and it fucking shows.
>who cares if the level design is so shit it jars you out of the experience by inadvertently revealing the next stage of the game so you subconsciously prepare for what's to come
I thought you faggots love to gloat about how immersive this game is.
A games job is to be fun. Am I playing a shittt arena shooter or am I controlling a shitty movie?
The only people who actually enjoy this "game" are Sonyfriends and Casuals (meaning 99% of video game reviewers/bloggers).
are you talking about gear of war ?
>you faggots
Not sure what that's supposed to mean. I would never gloat about something as vague and stupid as immersion.
I actually really love TLoU's gameplay. The animations are brutal, the guns and punches have a proper "oomph" behind them and the game can be decently challenging at times when the RNG isn't showering you with items and you don't cheese everything with stealth and throwable stuff.
I really hope ND doesn't stick their heads up their asses too much with the story and forgo the AI like they did with the first one. Maybe they won't even mention it, hoping we just forget that fiasco. I won't, you slimy fucks.
>I want to play GAMES not story driven interactive movies
>The level design is shit and removes me from the experience. It's too gamey
neck yourselves
Honestly, if Sup Forums is bashing a game that means it's probably pretty good.
>shitty level design equates to a video game being too "gamey"
No, it's just shit level design and you're just a dumb faggot
Naw, if Sup Forums is bashing it, it just means it's popular. It doesn't matter if it's actually good or not. Look at Doom 4 for example. Solid game, but Sup Forums still hates on it.
if you liked Yume Nikki and OFF you have no reason to hate this game
shitty, generic, predictable level design is bad and does not make a fun video game
The only part of this game that was remotely any good at all was the absolute very beginning of it where you don't have weapons and you're just going around enjoying the fair and exploring.
Once you're given weapons the game devolves into Call of Duty and becomes complete dogshit.
not terrible but one of the most overrated games of all time
definitely not "great"
boring and quite generic
There's a difference between a well made game and a great game, The Last of Us is well made, not great.
It's funny seeing newfags say the game was "always bad" when it was Sup Forums that got the game popular in the first place
there is no difference
Sony exclusives
people just don't want to admit the game's at the very least good because it's autism central
doesn't exactly mean the game is "bad"
great game'S' user,
there's a plural there
I never thought i would love it. The Soundtrack has also made me started listening to José González, and now i wan't to learn how to play acoustic guitar.
Not him but a movie can have a high budget and still be a shit movie
There is. Something not having much in the way of flaws doesn't constitute it being great, it's well put together sure, but it's not great.
Did you see Rogue One? Would you call it a poorly made movie? Probably not, but you couldn't call it a great one.
That doesn't mean it's well-made.
Except The Last of Us has a ton of flaws.
No I haven't seen any Star Wars.
The music in that game was top notch
Sup Forums is literally SEETHING at this moment LOL
Aside from a HUGE over-reliance on scripted sequences and walking and Ellie's AI the game isn't heavily flawed.
the stealth works. the crafting works. the shooting works. The game isn't buggy. It works.
But not having flaws doesn't constitute being a great game.
This. All tge beautiful acoustic music in it, but i knew i had a soft spot for "get well soon" when it played in the Vortex Club:
Also, i don't know what other anons think, but i thought the graphical effects like strobe were spot on in the vortex club, apart from it being a swimming pool, that place felt like what a club feels like to stand in.