Is there any hope for the Zelda series?
Is there any hope for the Zelda series?
Yes, the hope is to play Zelda Wii U in 2K/60fps in 2-4 years
Just like I played Twilight Princess 2 years after release but in 1080p
yes, these were all the Zelda games that were ever released
Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game.
It is Ocarina of Time but better in almost every aspect except for the story.
i hope botw turns out good. but if not then i can wait for a good zelda.
WW is fucking shit
Hated the wolf parts
Still better than WW
Wind Waker is better than Twilight Princess, fuck off underage furry fags.
wew lad
this character perfectly sums up TP.
it is the sad clown of the series. no one likes that shit. it tried so hard to be grimdark anime
Fixed that for you, and no.
>Wind Waker
I actually like the game a lot but objectively I would consider it about equal with Twilight Princess in terms of being all around ridiculously flawed.
that said both those games are like 5.5s or a 6 while Skyward Sword is a legit 2/10 embarrassment.
>yeah I hated the wolf parts
>fuck off furfags!
I played the game and it was really fun. Sorry that offends you XD XD XD
No, BotW looks empty and soulless.
And the open world meme has never made anything better, only worse.
ironic humor is killing humor.
>BotW looks empty and soulless.
Maybe Nintendo just doesn't want to pull a Kojima and literally show us the entire game in the years leading up to launch.
For real, 100 shrines + dungeons. There is going to be plenty of Zelda stuff to do in this game.
If BotW really does go back to the roots of the series, focusing on free exploration, then it will be good. If its just another Aonouma 'deep' story, then it'll be shit and the final nail in the coffin.
Recently played Link Between Worlds. Went in expecting total shit like Phantom Hourglass. Came out with probably the best Zelda game in 15 years.
agreed. majoras mask is a great game
>surprised that 3D Zelda is shit
3DPD should stop being made. Zelda is objectively better in 2D.
I'm not even talking lack of content.
The world you're supposed to explore has a fuckton of nothing in it and while I don't care about graphic fidelity or anything, but everything in the world just looks boring to look at so I'm not even looking forward to explore what's in it.
3D Zelda at this point has more bad games than good ones.
You have Ocarina of Time which is a masterpiece and one of the best games ever designed period.
Majora is really good but nothing more, for a game shat out in barely 10 months it's amazing, but it clearly needed several more to become a proper great game.
Wind Waker is subpar, excellent visuals, story, music, and controls, but absolutely mediocre dungeons, horrible world design, and severe lack of content.
Twilight Princess is almost bad, I wouldn't say it's a bad game, but it's such a far cry from Ocarina in quality I can't call it mediocre or subpar, they should know better than to have 12 hours of cutscenes, they should know better than to have filled it with bug hunting filler segments every time you get to a new area, they should know better than to have it take HOURS to get to each dungeon.
Skyward Sword is the most shameful game in Nintendo's entire history as a company and I'm disgusted that it even exists.
l like TP you faggot
let me guess you're a muh blue skies TWW autist
Only by firing Aonuma.
Zelda has been consistently good.
TLoZ - 1986
ALTTP - 1991
Link's Awakening - 1993
OOT - 1998
MM - 2000
WW - 2002
TP - 2006
ALBW - 2013
That's a pretty steady output of really quality games for 30 years IMO.
But Wind Waker is the Best 3D Zelda.
>WW made it officially impossible to want Zelda to have a more neutral artstyle like OoT/MM without being called a grimdark edgy faggot
Except those last 3 are garbage
now remove LttP, MM, WW, and TP
Okay, Sup Forums, everything will be okay. Eat your cat food.
>Steady output
I agree with it
3D zelda sucks
WW is better but i like LTTP and MM more.
TP tried so hard to be grimdark. brown and bloom is not a good look. TP was a knee jerk reaction to people crying WW being too kiddy looking and you can tell.
the whole world was full of depressed people that have muted colors
Where's AoL?
"garbage" is a binary Sup Forums opinion where games are either the greatest thing ever, or "garbage".
No one being objective would ever say that any of those games aren't well polished and playable games with high production value.
So when you say "garbage", I'll go ahead and take that as, "7/10, I only beat it twice. It wasn't as good as my favorite game ever."
>the most shameful game in Nintendo's entire history as a company
Worse than the cd-i zeldas?
fuck off underage pedophile
>it is the sad clown of the series. no one likes that shit. it tried so hard to be grimdark anime
It's the second best selling zelda game faggot. The sad clown would be SS because it sold like shit.
worse than Urban Champion and Metroid Prime 2.
It certainly shows Aonuma can't think anything that isn't Toon. Even when trying to be "grimdark" it's still wacky and silly.
>Thinly veiled Wind Waker vs Twilight Princess thread
Awesome. Love both of those games
But Wind Waker is a bit better
I don't need a new game every year like Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty.
I left Skyward Sword off because it was very average. Unremarkable as a whole. But put it this way, 5 or 6 Assassin's Creed games came out between TP and SS. I'd still play SS over about half of them.
>underage pedophile
I want you to really think about what thus statement means.
Only because it's shorter. literally only because it's shorter.
If it took just as long to do shit and there were as many cutscenes, it would be just as bad.
Link was whacky and silly. he was stuck in a world fulled of depressed anime characters.
TP's dungeons are better, but I utterly adore Wind Waker's world and atmosphere. Its story is badly underrated.
I always thought WW was underwhelming as a whole, but I have to say that it has the by far best Ganondorf.
You forgot one.
There is a direct correlation in the quality of a Zelda game and how long it takes to get to the first dungeon
this is why Ocarina is the best one and Skyward Sword is the worst
Yeah, though I miss OoT's Mulletdorf
Dark World is best world.
there is a reason albw is great.
The Souls Series is everything the Zelda series should be
>Dark Fantasy aesthetic
>No Bullshit puzzles, all tough strategic combat
>No childish bullshit like Camera sidequests or minigames.
>Nintendo will never go back to the subtle darkness of the N64 era Zelda games
Kill me now
it's alright user, you don't have to be ashamed for not playing it
You forgot.
>In order to get through the game you must not be a complete fucking retard that needs everything spoonfed.
And thanks to Miyamoto, they won't do it for the Mario games either
People are going to shit on this and my opinion, but I've been a Zelda fan for ages, and my favorite is the original LoZ. The first Dark Souls seriously is the closest I've ever seen a game get to how I experience the original LoZ.
>The Zelda series should be something it has never been because I said so
Sure alright.
You could, like, play Dark Souls instead?
Twilight Princess is actually really good.
I didn't accept it ten years ago, and I certainly won't now
WIth the risk of sounding like an edgelord, I can't wait for Miyamoto to follow Iwata to the grave. He hasn't done anything positive since Pikmin 1, instead he keeps fucking up other potentially great games.
>Twilight Princess is actually really good.
The criticisms people have towards it are extremely valid. It starts super slow and collecting bugs as the wolf is bullshit. But After that it is 20 hours of a terrific game.
I don't get it
Link to the Past and Ocarina are arguably dark fantasy. Or did you miss the part where Ganon wins and transforms the world with the power of the triforce.
I won't go as far as to openly wish death on him, but his influence needs to leave the company if its to be saved.
I am curious to see what a team not under Aonuma would do with the Zelda series.
A lot of the highly regarded "old guard" have way overstayed their welcomes and IMO are holding back a lot of the kinds of games the new guys want to make.
All the bosses now have giant eyeballs to attack
More like 20 hours of a mediocre game.
Aside from Arbiter's Grounds and maybe the Sky Temple there wasn't much in the way of enjoyment, whole game is one big chore.
I agree with this. Honeslty Arbiter's Grounds and later is all pretty damn good stuff.
I'll never forget a Nintendo Power inerview I ead which stated that the old guys tend to be the nes pushing to do new things while the new guys want callbacks to the old days
>Worst Zelda
>Has 3 different versions
Fucking why
We got a peek with Hyrule Warriors.
Because it's also one of the highest selling
Wind Waker only had 2 though.
Just replace Allant with Ganon, Beatrice with Zelda and the player character with Link. Congrats, Demon's Souls is now the best Zelda game.
Zelda games went to shit since about 15 years ago, they don't deserve any of the recognition and the mandatory 9,5/10s they receive anymore.
I like every zelda game, the closest I got to disliking one was spirit tracks and I still loved it. Why hate fun? I'm playing Skyward sword for the first time right now, only 3d zelda I haven't beaten(beat all others multiple times), and it's fun as fuck so far.
The "girls love zelda" meme isn't a meme it's just fact
Hey now, ALttP might not be the best Zelda game anymore, but it's far from the worst.
lol at a couple of NEETs on Sup Forums armchair quarterbacking the greatest game designer of all time.
Why not give Zelda a rest and revive Zelda's sister series?
The best 3D Zelda of the past 2 generations was made by a shit tier dev that develops mediocre licensed games for Shonen Jump.
Nintendo is such a fucking embarrassment at this point.
Easiest and cheapest to port. It's three console generations in a row, anything older takes a lot more effort.
It's just an opinion man I never said you had to agree with it.
Wind Waker was the last amazing Zelda game
Majora's Mask was the last 10/10 Zelda
>the closest I got to disliking one was spirit tracks and I still loved it.
Fuck you, the train theme was great as a one-time deal
Maybe he was, but he isn't anymore and he is holding the company back and is actively pushing their dev teams to make the games as casual as humanly possible "because everyone should be able to play". Fuck him.
There was never a point in time where LttP was the best Zelda, it's worse than the first game.
TP is so much better than WW
>Majora's Mask was the last 10/10 Zelda
Ocarina of Time was
what dont you like about wind waker?
The "Skyward Sword is a bad game" meme needs to end already. It's not like people are still bitching about Final Fantasy 13 over in FF threads.
Oh wait....
I said I loved it, didn't I? It just was a little annoying doing the temple thing with phantom zelda and not getting to roam wherever I wanted.
>We've been making Zelda games (exclusively) for 18 years now. In that time, each time I've heard the request, "please let me make a Zelda game" and I think its interesting enough to allow it, I get as far as looking at the planning documents before having to say, "I don't think this is going to work out." I think this is because the requests always come from someone who really enjoys Zelda and wants to make a Zelda game that looks like Zelda. And I look at that and think, "I can make this," and I lose interest. So I'm looking for someone to present a "Zelda that I couldn't make" to me.
>To be honest, that was the same thing I thought about "Hyrule Warriors" at the beginning. It looked like they were just going to pull Zelda in a Warriors direction. I thought, "If they're not going to make a Zelda that I can't make, then what's the point?" But I spoke with Hayashi-san, and he had the same feeling. He was really dedicated, and soon we found ourselves working on production. Suddenly I was getting questions like "Is it okay to do this?" and "This isn't allowed in a Zelda game, is it?" from Hayashi-san's team, where you could tell they were nervous and thinking very carefully about the world of Zelda. But that doesn't lend itself to making a quality game, so I always answered, "Just do what you like."
>When I say it that way, it may sound halfhearted, but in truth you could hear the love for the Zelda series from everyone working on "Hyrule Warriors," and I knew I wasn't making a mistake allowing them to create this game. I could see through them from the beginning, and I wasn't worried. Only people who really loved the Zelda series could create development materials like those. I think anyone you show them to could see that as well, and I think once you see these beautiful visuals, you will also really enjoy "Hyrule Warriors."
Ocarina's a 10/10, but so is Majora
WW is crappy
No amount of time will fix or vindicate Final Fantasy 13. It's still bad. It will always be bad.
Skyward Sword is a legitimately fucking terrible game. I don't mean by Zelda standards, I mean by just regular video game standards the game is a piece of shit.
I do not say that lightly, I do not want to hate Nintendo, they just continue to make shitty or mediocre games.
How anyone can play SS and not see how terrible it is is beyond me. It's an insult to the franchise and an insult to the art of developing video games in general.