As someone who loves the witcher series, both games and books, is there any JRPG that i would find remotely decent?

as someone who loves the witcher series, both games and books, is there any JRPG that i would find remotely decent?

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Dunno, really

If you're going to play CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk, might as well play the Deus Ex saga in the meanwhile

aw shit
Well it's published by nips at least

i just want to know if there's a decent JRPG out there that doesn't rely on overused cliches, like waifus, killing god, convoluted plots with teenage heroes, or sci-fi based on shit understandings of science.

basically, it there a JRPG that's the least bit like the witcher series?

Should it be old or relatively new?
2D or 3D?
Turn based or action?

old/new, 2d/3d, turn-based/action, it doesn't matter just so long as it's not cliche-filled trash.

the last JRPG i enjoyed was FF tactics advanced. i still have the GBA and cartridge for it actually.

>overused cliches, like waifus, killing god, convoluted plots with teenage heroes, or sci-fi based on shit understandings of science.

lol no, closest thing is Dragons Dogma which is japan trying to be western guys.

Dragons dogma is more like Dragons dogshit compared to witcher 3 though.

Dark souls series

Sile's headdress thing always turned me on for some reason. Hate that you can't fuck her and no one seems to waifu her

What about Chrono Trigger?
It's literally the only turn based RPG I legitimately enjoyed.
In fact, I realized I never actually liked turn based RPGs after playing Chrono Trigger.

Soul series.
Trails series I guess.

Well have you tried the original Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre, there's also Front Mission series but these are SRPG's. Maybe try one of the SMT games like Digital Devil Saga or Devil Survivor or the Shadow Heart games

You could bang her though.

I'm not satisfied with Francesca Findabair's appearance in the Gwent cards.

The novels make it clear that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Even the other sorceresses of the Lodge (all of them beautiful) admit that she totally outshines them all.


>recommending any deus ex other than the first one.

Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

>Francesca Findabair's appearance

nigga please

it was so disappointing. i was expecting like a victoria angel model, and all we get is something just a step above that ugly elf thing with the cockney accent in dragon age inquisition

that disgusting sharpening filter

>What about Chrono Trigger?

i'll give it a try

>the original Final Fantasy Tactics

i did maybe some years ago. i'll probably download the rom again and give it another go. i had to give witcher 1 another go before i came to like it too.

> Tactics Ogre

tried that, didn't like it. felt like a rip-off/generic of FF tactics

chick looks like Mercy

>only playing the first one
nice goggles

As much as I hate it, W2: Sharpening of Kings looks like fucking garbage without it.

>tactics ogre
>rip-off FFT
The Ogre series was first but it whatever

i dunno nigga, it just felt that way. or maybe FFt just was more refined. all i know is i didn't like tactics ogre.

Lost Oddysey

Tactics Ogre designer is also Ivalice games designer.

Dragon Quest series.