It's a breath of fresh air, all the other games nowadays are too casual

>It's a breath of fresh air, all the other games nowadays are too casual
is something a lot of souls fan say when asked why they like it.

The increased difficulty (less supportive compared to modern games) fills their "gamer ego", but also, particularly with souls fans, everyone's become an expert in level design and feel they're capable of "objectively" looking at a level. So discussion/criticism is often met by a weird type of assessment, where everything is overthought and an area can't be difficult, for example, just for the sake of it -- there has to be a reason.

Why is this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I also don't know what the hell you're talking about, nobody says that an area can't be difficult, just that it should be smartly designed and hopefully has more to it than just being difficult.

DeSfags are the worst

Its a 6/10 game. It and vanilla DaS2 are neck and neck in terms of quality. SotFS is absolutely mandatory for the DLC alone and DaS3 is mandatory because it has some of the best boss fights in the series. What does DeS have that makes it "mandatory" other than it being the first game in the series?

i dont have a "gamer ego" and i dont pretend to be hardcore for enjoying the series, i like the challenge because its not fucking boring as shit, literally no other reason, not that i expect more casual gamers to understand what thats like if they dont play videogames all the time and find normal games challenging/dont even want challenge

also dark souls has pretty terrible level design and people only say otherwise because its cool the way the levels are strung together, the levels themselves are mostly ranging from mediocre-shit, easily some of the best atmosphere though mainly solely because of the idea of hollows and the undead

litterally all of the best levels in the series aside from the dlc ones in bb. darksouls doesn't even come close to the level of quality design

DeS is pretty neato, the level design is pretty on spot. The bosses aren't too great but the combat is pretty good with normal enemies.

DaS > BB = Ds3 > DeS > DaS2

Bloodborne > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > Dark Souls III > Dark Souls II

You cannot refute that.

Anyone got the "babbies first hardcore game" pasta?

Atmosphere, nonlinear progression, lack of 'streamlining' in general, fun mechanics, an interesting setting, and yes it's the original.

No part of Dark Souls II is mandatory since it's such a god damned chore just to play because every little thing down to just moving your character is imprecise and poorly animated.

Dark Souls III's bosses are really nothing special, not after Bloodborne, and not with Dark Souls III's thoughtless mechanics.

Why hasn't Latria been topped 7 years later?

Latria isn't really that good though, I liked most of BBs atmosphere better.

The ithryll dungeon tried to be better but was to tedious to create the atmosphere (not that those tentacle face guys were easy the first time you do it.

xcuse me sir

>Latria isn't really that good though

how is dark souls hardcore? I played the game for 2min before I refunded the game due to its atrociously slow gameplay.

If we are talking about what comes after Bloodborne/DaS3, I would rather take world selection than interconnected world.

Dark souls is shit I don't get it
Basically Witcher but with a shitty physics engine and also the Witcher was actually good.

Inb4 "git gud"
Nigga theres so many more difficult games than this. These are the same people that are gonna buy Nier lmao

This is some grade A nonsensical juvenile ramblings of a idiot with a chip in his shoulder. Your taste is shit you're an asshurt casual who's dumb lmao

Found the guy that wasted $60
Stay mad faggot

Tbh I dislike it when an user think they know shit about video games because they played a game they think is hard. Even if the game actually is hard, that is no factor.

First half is good, second half is garbage

>Valley of Defilement
Just terrible

Just terrible

Overrated as fuck. Level design wise its boring as hell but the atmosphere is top-notch I'll admit.

>Shrine of Storms
Pretty great

The levels really aren't that great. The bosses, while not as insultingly poorly designed as some of DaS2's worst bosses, are still incredibly boring. The only "puzzle" boss that remotely worked was the False Idol, the rest fall flat on their face. Flame-Lurker and Man-Eaters are both painfully mediocre. False King is the only good non-puzzle boss in the game but the fights in the DaS1 DLC, BB and DaS3 absolutely destroy it. The only way that DeS is a mandatory game to play is that its the first game in the series. You don't miss much by skipping it.

>slow gameplay makes things easy
man wow u need to play more games.
>doesnt like souls games = casual
found the real one right here buddy

>I also don't know what the hell you're talking about

because you are retarded


DaS and DS2 aren't worthy of being included at all.

>nonlinear progression

>warp to level
>only one way to a boss
>nonlinear progression

I enjoyed every Souls game and Bloodborne. Welp see ya later.

This guy gets it.

Demon's Souls introduced a lot of the mechanics that make the franchise so great, but it didn't quite perfect everything. Bosses were mostly shit, with few of them actually being enjoyable.

Apart from that, the levels got stale thanks to only there being 5. Yeah, they changed a bit, but it wasn't enough to keep it from becoming stale.

There's also a lack of variety in builds, which makes the experience a lot more boring. I feel like a lot of its flaws just wouldn't be accepted if the game was newer.

>BB still the best game
>will NEVER be released on a platform with a smooth framerate, no jaggies and fewer bugs
I own a PS4 and I'm still mad.

great taste

well the gameplay was so damn slow that it doesnt challenge me in any way so why waste time?

BB > DS1 > DS3 > DS2

how is this post relevant? op mentions nothing against enjoying the games

I feel that its the game you should play first since its impossible to really enjoy it after playing others. Like how its rare to find any Souls game past your first difficult, only a few bosses per game really challenge people who played all previous entries.

At that point, you know how slow to play it and how cautious to take everything.

nah im not defending this game since most of the shit is just gank/jump scar teir deaths.
monster hunter is a challenging game that has slow combat, not everything needs to be super speedy to be a chellenge man, that just a imiture way of thinking

I liked Dark Souls 2 the most, but the other games are great and I understand why people would prefer them.

Bear in mind that im not your average low IQ Sup Forums shitter that has trouble with games like Dark Souls so I am the exception to the rule

My biggest problem with the series has never been that it is difficult, but rather why it's difficult. And why it's difficult is shifty physics and glitches, scenarios that are deliberately stacked against you until you get fucked by them, long time sinks for both retreading the same ground or grinding, and the game doing a piss poor job at describing/conveying it's own mechanics.

Its never given me a reason to care about playing it. If a game requires I become a master of autism to beat it, it better give me a damn good reason other than some shifty bragging rights.

no you are an idiot, you keep on trying to prove your self to people online rather hne giveing a proper response to the person you ar talking to.
your as bad as the people who think they are 'hardcore' for liking souls and you need o grow up or deal with you emotional issuse that you have.

>that gif

>If a game requires I become a master of autism to beat it, it better give me a damn good reason other than some shifty bragging rights.
That's literally the reason to play games. To overcome a challenge.

dude you're being tricked hard

Not him but how exactly? I genuinely found it so damn easy that I refunded that piece of garbage, not my fault you guys are garbage in games, fucking millenials.

>cant name a level from dark souls as good or better than any of these because there is none
> thinks valley of defilement is bad and shrine of storms is good
lmao, how to not be taken seriously 101

your spelling is what's immature

Matthewmatosis parroting. Most of the people spewing that shit can't even explain what it means much less give good reasons for why it's the correct way to do things.

you mean ni-oh, user.

>Matt parrots Sup Forums
>Sup Forums now accused of parroting Matt forever

It's non-linear because you can play the levels in any order while keeping your progress and having the ability to jump around them as you please. How is this hard to grasp?

No one on Sup Forums said this vague horse shit until Matt's DS2 review, it was generally replaced by the things people actually mean when they say it

the point is still valid regardless or does everything hae to be black and white with you because of your autisum

sorry user, i just wanted a (you) to see if they removed it


Isn't that like the first half of Dark Souls 2?

Yes but Demon's Souls does it far better


With the DLC it brings up the areas on par with other souls games, it had the best build variety and pvp in my opinion and referenced souls 1 on occasion with out being annoying about it like 3 did.

>the unmemorable boring as fuck linear levels full of skeletons is "pretty great"
>tower of lautria has "boring" level design
theres no way this is a real opinion that exists in real life

no wonder he cant comprehend why Das level design is so shit tier, jesus

>then put the next game you play on the hardest mode you stupid fuccboi


>report post

People on Sup Forums can't think for themselves.

Does DeS have music as good as BB and the DaS games?

Demon's Souls is a love it or hate it kind of deal. It does a good job of creating tension though, it's not the same kind of big orchestral music as the rest.

not as good as blood borne, probably on the same level as dark souls, perhaps better or worse depending on your taste, it has a very different style so its pretty subjective

*Demon's Souls music is

>play all 3 edgy souls games first
>finally get ps3 to play all the exclusives for 10€ a pop 1 month ago
>demons souls is now considered a "sought after gem" where I live
>pay the premium to get it
>it turns out to be the worst of all "souls" games
>online is deader than dead (obviously)
>the nexus system is alright but removes the joy of seamless exploration
>only 2 worlds out of 5 are actually interesting and/or good
>got it with the expectation to get hooked like the first time with prepare to die or ds3 but still didn't complete it all
>took days or week breaks to play this game
>it became a fucking "just get it over with" chore
>starting to hate it even more than non DLC ds2

You tricked me, it aged like shit and blows. Ds1 will not age like that in comparison because of how much better the world design is.

You tricked yourself.

i am going to add that it has one of the best tracks in the series though, cant decide which version i like more

Worst boss in the series comin'thru

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it asshat. I did because you know.. Online is active and world is much better than the turd demons souls has to offer.

How triggered are you that your opinion is wrong?

They really should've brought back DeS's music director for DS. Demon's Souls has some of the most memorable music in the franchise.

This is unironically the worst boss in the series. I don't even care if some of the bosses in Dark Souls 2 sucked, they have nothing on the Bed of Chaos

Dark souls 2 bosses were awful because of shit like the two Dragonriders and Rat King(?), and then shit like Demon of Song where you can just play keep away and rape it with arrows.

Speaking of music, how is the music in the King's Field and Shadow Tower games?

Suma daqui, paneleiro imundo.

Shadow Tower has no music, King's Field music is good and very atmospheric but definitely not for everyone

while i do mostly agree i personally think the blood borne one is the best without a doubt, hell id say its one of the best osts ever made up there with oblivion. every single boss theme is just incredible, i cant really think of a single one that doesn't give me goosebumps

Name a worse mob

Protip: You can't

And the mods, my friend, the mods.
Just try and imagine the possibilities.

yeah, ds1 had some nice mods
oh wait

The painted world is super nice and that is before priscella and her fluffy tail

not sure if id say its worse but

c'mon that's silly. i havent played DeS, but to knock it because of dead online is stupid

They're hard in the same way rogue-likes are hard, but I mean games like Bloodborne kind of lose their intimidating nature when you learn that you can avoid practically everything by rolling into the boss.

I mean, I'm assuming that's the case with most of them but I haven't played the DLC or anything.


pretty much this

variety being the KEY fucking word here

why in gods name to people complain about 3 referencing 1? its a direct sequel to 1 with a shitload of returning characters and areas why would it not reference it constantly?

i think you mean literally the best ost ever made period

>every arcade-style game with any sort of challenge is DARK SOULS

And if any game is challenging at all, it's now the DARK SOULS of it's genre. Dark Souls is the Jojo of video games.

The problem is there's no logical transition from the setting of 1 to 2 to 3 so it's all just immersion breaking and comes across as lazy.

What seems to be the problem, user-kun?

Why do people act like Dark Souls created punishing gameplay? Virtually everything it does was done fairly regularly and typically pretty well until the end of gen 6.

Delete this at once.

It's very much the case regardless of DLC. They're not particularly hard games, just very focused on boss pattern recognition and thus they're just slightly unusual games considering the era they came out in. Before the end of gen 6, there would be nothing really notable about what they do aside the multiplayer shit. They would simply be hailed as well made games.

But what is the Dark Souls of Sup Forums boards?
Is it /ic/ ?

why do you even count 2? its pretty much fan fiction tier, you're just setting yourself up for failure and confusion

>It's non-linear because you can play the levels

Yes you can play any level, from the start only and then you can only progress in one narrow way in that level, compare that to souls where you are given multiple choices on which area you can take and even skip past area bosses to fight other bosses.

I think I actually far prefer the king's field music over BB or DaS stuff.

Not really into the big orchestral stuff they had; this really works for me.

not him but
>can only progress in one narrow way in that level
>implying demons souls levels with their actual smart design and short cuts and such arent vastly less linear than any dark souls level
if you count the design of the entire open world map as one level you might just barely be able to consider dark souls level design as good as demons