Gentlemen, how do we fix Tales?

Gentlemen, how do we fix Tales?

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I heard Berseria was pretty good though

Censor it more

You let it die. It was a low budget, weak series from the start. For example, they spent more money on making the average Tales game than the average Suikoden game. But Suikoden was far better.

Add a waifu simulator like Fire Emblem Fates

Remove Baba

I actually like most of the games even Zestiria. My biggest problem with the series is how "cheap" everything seems. The voice acting, cutscenes, and animations are all pretty bad.

Sup Forums was shilling ToX 2 like there was no tomorrow. I bought it and.. while the story is good it is the laziest developed game I have played on the PS3 and they did NOT deserve any money for it.

ToV was the last time Tales put any effort into well. Anything.

Stop shitting out games every year and focus on quality.
It maight be too late tho, only weebs care anymore.

Legendia 2
Honestly I thought the team there had a lot of potential and we could have really good game if the gameplay was more polished

Go back to Vesperia's battle system.
That's literally all they have to do.

Nobody gives a shit about story in a tales game anyway.

No more forced eng dub.
Thank me later.

Less fuccboi MCs, more qt tear like characters.

Tried playing the new one (zestriria) and don't like the 5 hours I put into it and might stop playing. They did something to the combat system and it totally doesn't work. It's hard to track enemies and it's too zoomed in and my character doesn't even attack when I want him too. Plus so far all the characters are fags.


make another one like tales of abyss with interesting characters and story/lore

I actually really liked the cuhrayzee battle system in Xillia 2.

Bigger boobs, im tired of flat chested characters

How the fuck is that cuhrayzee?
Even the combo videos for that game aren't "cuhrayzee".


By not buying/playing them

>Tales of Oppaiia starting Velvet, Tear, Judith, Sheena, Mint, and Chloe never

Back to sprites.

>from the start

Nah. ToP, ToD, ToD2, ToD:remake were amazing.

Oh well.

Low budget? Phantasia was one of the few games that pushed the SNES to its limits.

How about a MC that don't use swords (fuck senel)

Velvet doesn't use a sword.

>All those breaks in gameplay just for weapon switching.
>Slow as shit.
>Almost no button input needed (I know how artes work. Don't even try to lie to me about this.)

Shit like this would be beginner-tier controls for games like DMC. Game is too slow, and the frequent timestops for weapon switches breaks it even more.

Not cuhrayzee.
Hell, not even a decent action game.

Berseria has excellent voice acting, though. It's probably the best localization VA wise I've seen from a Moon game.

Just make the battle system into Power Stone already. We all know that shit would fit like a glove.

she is Goede V2.0 I see.

What makes ToV's so better then?

They had such a nice look going with vesperia, what happened

Budget cuts

The games feel lifeless and generic. Like you feel they're being pushed out an asembly line just for the sake of being a series, not just fun games like early on.

Went to shit after Abyss.

you don't, the tales games were always mediocre titles you bought in between good jRPG releases

>all girl Tales of
take my money

Tales will never be as good as it once was

Just accept it and move on, buy it not at full price but at a discount and enjoy what you have

Baba wanted to go even more ANIME
If he wasn't given the boot the next Tales game would've become Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL tier

less retarded anime plot, better dungeon, better enemy variety

it's never going to happen anyway

>Went to shit after Abyss.
The worse thing about Abyss is the party is fucking horrible outside of Guy hell the antagonists are more likable and relatable than anyone else

>after Abyss

More like Graces F, although Xillia 2 is pretty fun I admit because of how bizarre it is

>Baba wanted to go even more ANIME

how is going away from cel shading+mocap more anime? thats the direct opposite

slow down

quit worrying about dlc and profits

make something real special

None of these will happen

I think Berseria is the first step to recovery.

I mean Zestiria didn't have any trailers as hype as this:

But she does.

Have the team actually put effort into the games again.

What happened to the dude that designed Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia?

I believe he's making Tales of the Rays.

Another Tales of Phantasia remake!

Symphonia 2

I hate to break it to you, user...


Yes! and let's make it for modern day systems!

Quick post your
>first Tales
>favorite one
>favorite character
>best girl

Mine is
>pic related

the part grow on me over time. van still did nothing wrong though. antagonists were also likable beacuse they were like the opposites of the main cast.

Symph 2 was actually ok, monster system was a lot of fun. Problem with it was budget split between it and vesperia really shows.

but is there a jrpg besides kh that has the action and air combos


>>first Tales
>>favorite one
Phantasia psp
>>favorite character
>>best girl

>Destiny (PS1)
>might be Eternia

Wait, that a new Tales of?

Dual audio, at least since zesty, is a thing

>first Tales

>favorite one
Maybe ToE for localized ones at least.

>favorite character
My answer was taken.

>best girl
I don't really.


>first Tales
>favorite one
>favorite character
>best girl


I wanna take that cat home.

I see.

>only taking one of the vesperia girls

A big part of their appeal to me was how they played off each other.

I'm neither a whore, nor am I greedy. Just one is fine.

Maybe Estelle can stop by for RistElle stuff.

How is Berseria collectibles wise?

I want to get the game but I know how Tales is with collectibles, miss one and it's gone forever,

I want to get it day one but I want to wait until a good guide is out as well




It needs to stop pandering to the fucking otaku weebs. Wayyy too much of the overexpressive anime-isms, lines, cliches, etc. It's literally just a playable version of those run of the mill weeb animes that faggots like and refer to them by their jap names because they don't even have a translated title.

>first game
>favorite game
>favorite character
Gaius and Kratos
>best girl
Muzet and Marta, unf Mara

>It needs to stop pandering to its consumerbase and pander to ME.

Eh. I'm thinking this is more due to execution than subject matter.

The skits in vesperia were all pretty standard tropes but i found them endearing.

The skits in Graces F were all standard tropes and made me want to fucking murder the cast.


>It needs to stop pandering to the fucking otaku weebs.

-Ritually sacrifice Baba
-Go back to Vesperia combat

We buy Berseria

Abyss or Berseria



Go back to 2D.



>first Tales
>favorite one
Xillia 2
>favorite character
>best girl

Velvet did nothing wrong.


>first Tales
>favorite one
>favorite character
>best girl
Milla makes my dick diamonds but Judith is my waifu.

She didn't let the shota dick her.


I've been played Abyss on the 3DS. Am I missing something about the combat system? Most random encounters are easy, but every single boss wipes the floor with me and I only win by running around and spamming revives.

Am I supposed to use FOF a lot? It's really hard to get it to trigger. Who am Is supposed to control and what moves am I supposed to use?

As a side note, the fact that you can't skip text line by line on those little group conversations is retarded. There isn't even voice acting for them.

>Xillia 2

More shota party members

Berseria is going the right way

what the fuck is up with her legs?

Tales of Hearts 2 when? Hearts (R) was literally the most underrated game of the series.