Left or right, Sup Forums?

Left or right, Sup Forums?

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They're practically the same, but I like Sakura a bit more

I like Yuri more than Sakura, Sakura is too boring


The one who's top explodes in every game

>pantsu-less yuri

So did everyone discover that on their own or what?

it was the first thing i thought of doing once i got more colors to use

More games need color edit

Right because of superior tom-boy hair, thighs, and midriff

This nigga knows where it's at

Sakura so she can introduce me to Dan. I always wanted to learn Martial Arts from a Real Master.

Go away, Karin.

Left. I love Sakura but Saigadou made Yuri looks like the perfect sex partner.

Shit taste, they're both mentally ill women in their 40s acting like preteens. I'll take even Chun or Mai over them.

Sakura has been misused from the start, Alpha 2's promo art trickied you into thinking she had a large part in the story when in reality the Alpha series has the worst story of any Street Fighter series.

She's also a really obvious attempt at a "loli" character in a series about adults fighting in the streets.

Chun Li is mine

Right if she was a virgin.

So I guess I have to settle for left.

>in their 40s

Who would you like?

It can be anyone.

>Chun or Mai
Two of the most overrated shittiest boring women in fighting games

Get some fucking taste you pleb

>a really obvious attempt at a "loli" character
You're a fucking idiot

In the original Fatal Fury time line, Yuri would be in her late 30s since Art of Fighting takes place around a decade before FF. They ignored that shit for KoF and de aged her.

Please stop talking about things you know nothing about

Also KoF is in a completely different timeline you idiot

That's why I said they ignored it you autist.

Both are close, but I gotta go with Yuri. That lil fug is so cute she can kill diabetic people just by existing.

Its completely irrelevant you damn autist. Yuri has nothing to do with the shit that goes down in FF, not to mention NOTHING that happens in AoF or FF matters in the KoF timeline. They didn't ignore jack shit.

That user wanted an explanation as to what that shit poster meant and that's what I gave them.

You're explanation means fucking nothing besides you being an autist

You're the one sperging over details over dead series.

Hinata > Sakura

Ibuki, because im not a philistine.

>this thread again

Makotofags, report in.



wheres the dick?

i want makoto to be my little sister!

KOF13 gives you a limited custom color palette so you can't make things like no-pants Yuri, but on the PC version all the character palettes are unencrypted .png files so you can edit them manually and make colors that aren't offered ingame

You can also use this to make all the characters invisible and play ghost KoF with your friends

I don't know much about SF. Does Sakura have something similar to Yuri's Super Slash that has invincibility and causes wall bounce that you can ranbu in to?
This is important.

>He doesn't want a woman with thick thighs to crush his head


Though I must say that Makoto and Ibuki are my Street Fighter girls

I want you to be my sibling-in-law after I marry your little sister!

>He doesn't want a woman with thick thighs to crush his head
And there are dozens of better girls in SF/KoF that can do this. Chun and Mai are shit tier.

>KOF13 gives you a limited custom color palette so you can't make things like no-pants Yuri

But I did it on my PS3 just fine.

>KOF13 gives you a limited custom color palette so you can't make things like no-pants Yuri
You're an idiot

Alright Sup Forums, tonight's the night. Come join the SFV lobby to and play with other Anons
Pass: 1112
Got 4 slots open at the moment but we can make another lobby if it fills up


Nah. Talk to me when you set up one for USF4 on PS4

Its shit

Outta my way pleb fucking shits.



Whew, cya

Is fun, has Makoto

This is a blue board user

no u

I agree that Mai is shit and that Vice or Shermie would be better for thigh jobs.
But my limited knowledge of SF calls bull shit on a SF girl having better thighs than Chun

>has Makoto
Doesn't make it not shit

Just because your waifu is in a shit game doesn't make the game not shit

If you want Makoto go play IIIs

Neither, I choose Makoto.

Right here, nig

Damn, that "Homare" is a genius.


But the only people who play 3s are online warriors and tournament monsters.

Also it means more to main Makoto in 4 when you have to work for it, ya know?

So does 3rd Strike. And that game has Alex!

Poison, Juri, Cammy, R.Mika, Laura

It's a blue board user, enjoy the ban tho.


I reiterate, doesn't make 4 not shit.

Hey, my image from the other thread.
Same size, too.

Good taste. Have another, but don't forget who you got it from.

I'm saying I personally prefer 4, geez.

Thank you Makoto bro


>liking makoto

Don't get me wrong, I like ripped tombpys as much as any man with taste, but her personaility is pretty damn harsh

+1 for ban evasion


Ibuki really wants a dick, but probably wouldn't be home a lot and might be a bit less than loyal.

Makoto is a tough nut to crack, but would be loyal and works from home.
Also Ibuki has boobs and butt while Makoto has muscles and feet.

Thats just the outer layer, shes 100% loyal and loving if she likes you and rough in bed

I, personally, find that hot. Plus I'm lazy, so having her as a GF or wife would really do me some good.

Because it has your waifu



That's a man, baby!

shermie did nothing wrong

bring her back next kof pls

I dunno m8, I think she wants to settle down and ditch the whole ninja thing.

On the otherhand, Makoto is busty but I'm not a footfag

I think I could make Ibuki loyal

I love that now you have to clear your cookies as well reboot your routeur to evade a ban.

Yeah where's the dick, pretty sure I saw that picture before and there was a dick

I'm just stating facts. I don't like feet either. Makoto would also probably know how to cook.

Working your way to making a mean girl your gf and then wife is a challenge but very rewarding

I speak from experience

Maybe in some dream match..

No, because I love the greater potential for matchups as well as that.

Living the dream.

Only if you want it to be a man. Poison is canonically whatever you want her to be.

She still has better legs then Chun

Not a poisonfag, always preferred the confirmed female Roxie more due to being a redhead, but didn't her designer say she was 100% female, and always had been? Even so, with her actual past taken into account IRL,wouldn't she technically be a FtMtF trans person?

but I'll stick to my fightfu

Pink hair >>>> Orange hair

It's why you should invest points into CHAR

Double-edged sword, you'll have to work harder to be good at vidya

>but didn't her designer say she was 100% female, and always had been?
He said they only called her a newhalf so feminist would stop bitching at them

He said he PERSONALLY considers her 100% female. Thats not really an official confirmation since its just how he feels. Ono just said Poison is whatever you want.

Kensou already stuck it to her!

Feminine vagina > Feminine penis.

Until she changes her goddamned outfit I'm never taking this Luke Perry bitch seriously.

I don't give a fuck if the uniform is her gi, it's time to fucking stop.

Yuri is cuterer than Sakura, tho.

But Ryu x Sakura is the best ship on earth.

I agree

Also there is no such thing as a feminine penis. A penis is inherently masculine.

I'm running a midlife STR, but high INT build. I used FTH as my dump stat, though, and none of my rolls use my CHAR. What are my chances?
