Mom walks in

>mom walks in

He's not wrong.

Cursor Lucullus is a smart man

>Obisidian are SJW cucks!


>he hasn't already made his entire female family his willing cock slaves

casuls plz go

Oh no. I'm triggered or something... hey! Is that a radscorpion coming to tear my face off?

Russia looks like hes seen shit

All Russian men look that way, due to altered blood flow from squatting too much

I have seen the same picture before, but with the Poland minister of defence added.
He looks like, he can still remember WW2

>We he is Russian, after all. Their entire history is basically "i've seen some shit"

>Current year

>Not killing your mom and wearing her face

>Pleb detected.

Who are you quoting?

He looks more like hes saying "i dont want to fight, but i will if i have to"

>first picture: open, diverse, respectful, rich and safe countries; female leaders
>second picture: hateful, bland, xenophobic, poor, dangerous countries; white male leaders
Well, color me fuckin' surprised.

>Brother slides in
>He starts to unzip his pants

chinadude looks like a real asshole

shut the fuck up.

Yeah Germany sure is loving that vibrant diversity right now.

>safe countries

You need a man like that in the defense of your nation.

Non countries don't need real ministers of defense, obviously.


True but you have to admit they're not respected countries that matter in the course of humanity 'cept probably Germany but even then they're relatively weaker than they used to be. .

Why haven't made feminists an uproar about this?

Who here speaks muppet chef?

Sorry I don't speak meatballs.

You forgot Canada

Why are male generals so goddamn fat
Mattis has three chins

>implying this isn't a homosexual opinion

Oh user...


They're actually just old.

Poland's MOD has entire government by the balls because he keeps dossiers of everyone from voivode (president of a state, except states are much smaller) and above who was a Soviet cooperative. Doesn't release them because he enjoys having them all by the balls, he's also insane with his fear of Russia.

That's just what happens when you get old

That American one has an iron gaze, that translates as 'I own this room'.

Chinese guy looks like he's cranky and the Russian one looks like he always wanted to be a painter instead.

USA looks like is caused some shit

you gotta watch out for those painters m8

they're the ones who'll get ya


China STRONK because not white stupid twice balls whale


>wanted to be a painter instead.

Only countries that don't have to take their defense very seriously and don't face existential threats have the luxury to put women in such a position for the sake of patting themselves on the back over how virtuous they are.

a pattern is emerging in the canvas of man

Because it's not a normieshit game and all ""gamer"" feminists probably never bothered to play it

Duuf guitar man pls go

akiba strip i think?

i think it's akiba strip


Melvin is 15, Naser is 16...Abdi is ten?

you, obviously ;)

niggers are disgusting and liberals defend letting adults to play with kiddies.

>dr melvin i'm nigger

Sup Forums is beutiful.

IMO Caesar's legion actually felt threatening and awful to encounter at leasr as far as FO3 or NV go.

FO3 had loledgy raiders and such that are so common in Post-Apocalyptic media, but the Legion are some bastards.

Are those women in the top pic generals? Because if not, their positions would be more comparable to pic related guy, the current secretary of defense for the USA. The American guy in the hat is James Mattis, an actual military general. The military and its various branches are only part of what makes up the US Department of Defense.


wow... just WOW.....

Their organization and discipline is what sets them apart from the common raider. With raiders, you can reliably anticipate them being crazy psychopaths. They're no different than monsters/mutants in that regard. With Caesar's Legion, you always know that they have a plan. In gameplay, that took the form of better armor, weapons, and defensible positions. It was super easy to go into the Fiend's territory guns blazing because you only ever fight a handful of poorly armored goons at one time. If you try the same strategy with a Legion camp, you quickly find yourself swarmed with about 10-30 guys with a variety of good weapons and decent armor.

If I remember correctly, Mattis is listed there not because he's a general, but because he's Trump's appointee for the next Secretary of Defense.

I like how le weed dude picked him just because he was a sikh minority and now he's talking about re-militarising Canada and everything that Trudeau is against

Why is Russia a nigger?

You know, I can see where people would debate the intellectual part, but it absolutely baffles me how people can deny men are physically superior to women and say the only way you could possibly think that is "conditioning from a social construct".

Harjit already has military experience as a tank commander, and Sikhs carry swords to protect themselves from Mudslimes. A Sikh minister of defense was a perfect idea.

America doesn't have a "Minster of Defence" and that guy Trump picked isn't even in office yet.

but hes right?... factually right, why do people think otherwise?

I remember when i was in bootcamp 2 recruits both of whom were females ran out of the recruit seperation platoon building and tried escaping paris island.

Stupid bitches.

Men and women are equally stupid, though women have significantly less upper body strength.

The top are non-countries that are protected by the large umbrella Uncle Sam has over them.

I don't know if this is still how it is, but when I was in bootcamp about 12 years ago, the PT requirements for the women were waaaaay lower than they were for the men. They didn't have to do as many pushups, or situps, and they had nearly twice the allotted time for their mile. I always wondered how that was even legal or permissible. In active duty you're either physically capable or you're not. Reality doesn't give a shit whether you're male or female.

Lmao good thing I was raised in a non-cuck country and my mom agrees with what is said. She also said that no woman should be president. kek, mom is based.

Do they even put women in combat? If not, it's a bit more understandable.

>mom is based

Only because your father made her that way, that's why.

My father had left her a long time ago, senpai.


My mom is weird. She's all for women being free and able to do whatever they want but she scoffs at the idea of women in positions of political or military power. In fact, she's voted democrat all her life until this election because she absolutely couldn't fathom a woman being president.

My parents both used to be fire fighters and from what they told me it's the same in that line of work. Women have way lower requirements than men even though they're doing the same work.

Well then you can thank your grandparents for raising your mother.

>those hand motions as she tells the story

Russians are hardcore. I can't wait for the trump-putin partnership.

>countries with women defense ministers keep to themselves mostly
>the ones with men constantly fuck with other countries

It's one of those webms when you wonder "those hand gestures, she really loved that, didn't she?" and then you get called a misogynist pig

it was literally the jews

I'm confused. All the art in this image is utter shit. What am I supposed to be seeing here?


Believe it or not, Sup Forums thinks Hitler was an artistic genius and the only reason he didn't go down in history as the greatest artist who ever lived is because them damn dirty world world controlling kikes. I shit you not.

Bunny Black.

Which came first? Those countries became that way first which is why after the hard shit was done and the peace acquired, then you can put token women in such positions.
Don't get the order mixed up.

Hitler's stuff is old hat, not high art. He could make a living making post cards or something, but did he seriously expect to get into the academy of Vienna with that stuff?

Hitler's decent artwork was denied, and the rest of the image is shit tier artwork getting approved. People think it's because of Jews, when in reality, it's because Hitler tried to make landscape art based on actual artistic skill, instead of being stuck up his own ass and going "interpretive" with it.

Except he is, and aside from sexual stereotypes, we have nothing to prove men or women are more or less intelligent than the other.

he is saying that if all those other fags got in than there is no real reason why adolf could not have had his day in art school

Hitler had uninspired sold-in-the-corner by a Mexican art.

They only take in kids that are "fresh and new".
Conservative art means shit to art schools.

>but did he seriously expect to get into the academy of Vienna with that stuff?
yeah why not? he made excuses for it later but he gave it a shot and imho it looks ok. hell realism was still big and photography still was not good enough to replace paintings

Youre a retard and so is anyone who believes it was the jews that failed him. Hitlers art while good is boring and has been done to death at that time. Those art schools want new styles and not the same stuff theyve seen before

Hitler is objectively bad, while the evil kikes are trying something new and go beyond just trying to draw shit they see, like cameras.

But Sup Forums doesn't get art, so they think artists should strive to duplicate the functionality of cameras and latches, but then still get the credit even when duplicating said functionality badly.

>implying he isn't right and telling the truth

what is this image even trying to prove?

It's ground-breaking, avant-garde stuff. You're also looking at their post-grad experiments, do you think they got admitted based on work like that? They almost certainly could do more traditional art styles as well.
Also keep in mind that the school was incredibly exclusive. Hitler applied along with 112 other candidates that semester, of which only 28 were admitted.


>Those art schools want new styles and not the same stuff theyve seen before
was he going to pay to attend? if yes than I don't see what another body in the room would hurt the uni. also every profession looks for a revolutionary but most remember that you still need conventional thinkers to keep the world spinning

>mom walks in

Because his art was typical and basically any artist at the time was making it. The other guys, no matter how weird the art looks were accepted because it was new.

wow Romesh Ranganathan got old

Why is it so foreign for people to put their cats on a harness.