Is he "our guy" ?
Is he "our guy" ?
he is ok
>Makes a living playing video games, literally a dream job
>Moved across the country, owns a mansion and a BMW
>Has a hot af, full-time girlfriend
>Was one of the best ST players in America
It's easy to see why Sup Forums hates on this guy so much, they're jealous as fuck
his strength was in his vlogs when he lived in the condo, it was really comfy like a friend i never knew
but he's cold and distant now
Lowtiergod is
he is an adult family guy now
yes, every e-celeb is """""""our guy"""""
Why doesn't Sup Forums seem to have an opinion on Jesse Cox?
He's never mentioned, no one ever seems to like or dislike him, and some people don't even know he exists.
He has a pretty big channel and is really entertaining without becoming annoying.
Did he delete his playthrough of the 3rd ace attorney game?
27 mins for cup noodles
he had to hide some videos due to copyright issue, maybe this playthrough was affected
everyone knows about Jesse and he's so bland that opinions are stifled
I'm surprised he is still using the name "DSP Tries It" considering, if you search DSP Tries It on youtube all you get are anti-DSP videos
Is this a fucking joke?
This dude seriously made a 27 minute "review" of Cup noodles.
No one gives a shit about the quality, they buy instant ramen because it's the cheapest food you can get. I'm sorry but no one on the planet will search for a "review" to find out if instant noodles are worth their money.
as if that would get in the way of his ego
too much loud noises and blatant shilling
>blatant shilling
This is why i dont like him. It's obvious he is only in it for the money and doesn't really have a personality or opinions of his own
neo-v is disgusting
Lolcows have been a huge part of Sup Forums culture since the beginning. Learn the lore.
what did /ourguy/ mean by this?
That sucks cuz I just got into the series and wanted to see the last game.
Is there a way to bypass it?
no, but he slowly makes them available
Sons of Kojima please go back to your Internet Aristocrat dicksucking.
>is he
Such a good meme and board
I'm fucking addicted to "this is how you don't play videos." He's such a fucking irredeemable piece of crap it's like back when I was addicted to Chris Chan videos.
That video where he complained about his $3000 lemon computer being unable to run Rage and stream at 1080p at the same time astounded me. He just bullshits about everything he does it makes me wonder how he even got a woman to love him.
>wearing a tshirt with his own face
what a pretentious prick.
>mfw these amazing giveaways couldn't save his channel
>Asian character comes on-screen
>CHING CHONG NIP NONG jokes commence
Did he get his shit beat in by a Jap or something at a Street Fighter tournament? He really, really had it out for them. Or does he simply think that it's socially acceptable to make fun of Asians in comparison to blacks?
Ok, Aris.
his target audience is young children
This can't be real
Daily reminder.
Because nobody knows who you are?
Isn't he bleeding money?
>Is this a fucking joke?
>This dude seriously made a 27 minute "review" of Cup noodles.
I still somehow ended up watching all of it when it showed up in my related videos (it was a Dipshitphil upload, though).
He's got a lot of debt for someone who was fortunate enough to make money playing video games.
Yeah, he's made several videos bitching about YouTube stealing money from him and begging people to donate to his Patreon.
All while going on "vacations" thirty minutes from his house and spending $1,400 on a hotel for three nights just to walk around, go out to eat, and play Pokemon Go. Any reasonable person could take what Phil gets and live real comfortably, but he's literally too retarded.
It sure is.
i don't get it
Being incredibly retarded will do that to you. I'm just surprised he was given a loan for anything like his condos or vehicles.
He streamed his 'personal' pictures folder
Yes, he said he can't pay his taxes this year
He also said he may have to refinance his house
That's his desktop.
DSP is a dumbass but he is at least watchable because he is a clown.
Hell at least he is better than Black DSP because that guy is just boring since all he does is rage quit and cry about people being dicks to him.
because he is completely unremarkable. I only know of him as TotalBiscuit's fatter, ginger friend that isnt the one from Yogscast
He has all those figures and statues that cost hundreds of dollars but he doesn't seem to really care about any of them. There's no theme to what he collects and not to mention he buys all these collectors editions and sells the games when he's done with them. I'm completely gobsmacked that he gave the collectors edition BOXES are prizes. Like what the fuck goes on in his head? Why not give away some of those sideshow statues he has if he can't sell them?
He just wants to receive things, he doesn't care whether or not he actually needs the things he buys he just buys shit because he's DSP. Retard spent thousands of dollars on a pre-built computer that runs like shit when he could have spent far, far less if he just built one himself but apparently he's either a lazy cunt or is lying about knowing how to build them. It's not even fucking hard.
No, some guy named sectheory is apparently
One of the pics is his girlfriends tits that he jerks off to sometimes because she doesnt want to fuck him since he is so bad at it that she would rather take care of that stuff alone.
The photos you dumbass.
>He just wants to receive things, he doesn't care whether or not he actually needs the things he buys he just buys shit because he's DSP. Retard spent thousands of dollars on a pre-built computer that runs like shit when he could have spent far, far less if he just built one himself but apparently he's either a lazy cunt or is lying about knowing how to build them. It's not even fucking hard.
Agreed on all points, but didn't his fans build him all of his PCs? He's still too retarded to use it properly and wonders why he can't stream and capture 1080p/60fps at all times, though.
Kill yourself, weebshit.
LTG is my guy
that's just fucking embarrassing.
You know, I don't want DSP to stop streaming or whatever he does.
I want him to continue make shitty playthroughs and produce retarded drama.
Would never give him any money, though.
Why not help him out if you find it entertaining?
Part of me finds it entertaining how he mismanages his finances.
Finds him entertaining like a trainwreck. Like Chris Chan.
its a thin line with dsp and ltg
i would pay money just to keep them in it but i dont want to exactly praise that behaviour- just to kind of cultivate it.
I'd also like to continue watching the self-made problems he creates but in no way would I ever give him money. I won't even give him YT views, just wait for the TIHYDP.
>I won't even give him YT views
I try not to either, but sometimes I just come across a video in the related YT videos and click on it.
Didn't he accidentally stream himself masturbating?
This was almost classic-DSP stupidity here.
his dsp tries it videos are just entertaining for some reason. like in a bad way
cup of noodles and fast food
yes he did
grabs his cumrag @ 9:40
Yes, and he actually jokes about it and tries to make money off of it. When he crawled back to Twitch with his tail between his legs he bragged people would sub to him just to get the emoticon of his face when he left his camera on and beat off.
They're funny because nobody needs a ten minute video telling you whether some shitty fast food burger that costs a dollar is good
his choice of words are hilarious.
>smacking noises
>this sauce taste like a tomato
>let me take another bite
he eats half of the fucking thing in like 2 bites and leanas voice is so disgusting.
i'm talkin about the snort burnell videos though where he alters the voice
He really loves to fucking talk. Even before he plays video games he has to talk for like 30 minutes about some bullshit.
>he actually jokes about it and tries to make money off of it
Why is this the only time where he actually doesn't complain and bitch about it? Like it only further proves he was practically setting it all up.
I really think that if DSP were making PewDiePie kind of money he would still mismanage his finances & end up broke. You know, on account of him being a raging retard.
LOL fantastic
The only thing he's smart enough to setup at this point are his over the top reactions. His more recent videos are absolute cringeworthy with over the top "HAHAHA WHHHHAAAAAT?! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" His entire demeanor has changed from his autistic raging years ago, now he knows his only chance is being the guy who spergs out at games, so he forces everything.
>This is too hard to eat with a spoon
no, fuck off retard
I'm not incredibly familiar with YT, but wouldn't it make sense for Phil to do all of this shit under one account and just make playlists? Why the FUCK does he need a separate account for vlogs, games, reviews, shit like this, etc.?
why does he stir it
not everyone is a instant noodle connoiseur like us
>States obvious things that any person should know and some are just too retarded to know
>When he actually plays hes shit and whines which is the only reason hes watchable as a jester
I guess hes like Sup Forums in the sense alot of you faggots whine all day about shit that is your fault and will blame the game because it can't be you. Hell especially with fighting games.
his way to prepare it would be highly disturbing to even an amateur cup-noodler
this is actually a great point
but he uploads his sessions in 15-20 minute chunks, maybe thinks this earns him more money
>Making a living
I'm sure he is but he also feels the need to lie constantly saying hes going broke so that he can cheat his fans with over bloated Patron requests
>Moved across the country
Which made almost zero sense.
>Hot af girlfriend
No not at all. Mediocre body mediocre face. Ugly as fuck voice and annoying as shit. I guess anything that isn't a ham beast is hot af to people with no standards
>Was one of the best ST Players in America
He lost at the very next tournament despite shit talking the people who called him out before he even got far enough in to face them who made it far enough.
Also hes so trash he can't even play SFV properly a game that encourages hitting buttons and has low as fuck execution barriers.
He's fucking stupid.
>Has been on YouTube for 8 years
>Has uploaded over 100,000 videos
>Still hasn't broke 200k subs
>Literally might have to get a job because YouTube isn't paying the bills
How does he do it? People with a fraction of his time on YouTube make several times what he makes.
I want to see him play Sonic Mania next year. Hope he survives till then.
>DSP says he will never beg for money like those other "streamers"
>A year later hes saying the "a dollar donation just a dollar etc etc"
Needs to be necked. But after Nioh comes out so i can break into tears again.
A pack of gum?
He might not. His Patreon is slowly falling, and his Twitch revenue will likely follow this trend.
He also recently said that he may have to charge his taxes to pay them.
I can't help but think the amount of people subbed to those ancillary accounts is far lower than his main one, if he was smart he'd realize putting everything in one account would probably get more people to those less popular types of videos. But alas he's mentally retarded.
>40,753 videos
>8 years on YT
>almost 100 videos a week
The worst part is he genuinely thinks he invented LPs and that his raw, unedited, long ass videos where he takes 36 minutes to get off the menu screen is some gift to the industry. Not to mention high quality videos such as this:
algorithm changed a lot since then. remember his apartment was looking really empty and then later vids show it full of fuckin figures and shit
videos like this are the source of "americans are stupid" meme
He really has a big ego. And it's really unearned, he just plays fucking video games.
He's not a fucking doctor, fighter pilot, or some professional athlete. Why the fuck does he have such a damn ego?