Sup Forums plays Final Fantasy V

>Rance, a wandering adventurer, came to the aid of Princess Lenna and an amnesiac old man
>Then, they headed off to the wind crystal, finding out that the crystals are in danger
>Being joined by the pirate, Faris, they were empowered by the crystals.
>On the way to the next crystal, they found out something shocking about faris:
>He's a male(female)!

What's going on?
>I'm playing through Final Fantasy V, taking input from you, Sup Forums
>which jobs I use will be decided from you as I reach any decent milestone I can
>I'll also try and share trivia and small, helpful pieces of information as I go through it.
Previous threads:

>Who the fuck are you?
I'm Nigger, the guy who expertly played through several Fire emblem games and Soul Nomad
>What makes you think this shit is allowed on Sup Forums?
What, video games and video game discussion?
>What do you plan to play next?
Don't know yet; maybe final fantasy tactics advance?

>naming your MC Rance even ironically

nigger its been forever since i saw you

FFT original better be next

I didn't do shit.

likely not, I'm not a huge fan of the original tactics beyond its story.


why would you rather have the law system

Alright, if you heal the MP of the tombstone enemies, they can use flash, which is a learnable blue magic.

This is my blue magic so far:
Goblin Punch: Learned from goblins
Aero: learned from Moldwynds in the wind crystal shrine
Vampire: Learned by the bats near the pirates cove
Flash: Learned by the tombstone enemies on the North Mountain

the varied races and job system feels better, not the laws, though the laws add a nifty element of challenge.

biggest problem with laws was they could be utter bullshit in random situations, never understood why people hated them so much though, you could bypass them pretty easily once they started throwing out the shitty ones.

This feels very topical in gaming world right now but it's not. Lol.

steal some glasses from those rock dudes

Careful: These flowers poison you if you step on them.

oh my god, king tycooon was here!

Fuck off with this shit. Back to tumblr you go.

Oh, cool. You're back.
Keep up with the good work.
Sad that you only post when im going to sleep.

In what way is this tumblr?

No, really.

Oh shit, a poacher!

Says the pirate.

boss time, and in a nice touch, lenna starts off poisoned!

LPs should be removed

it's the dragon from the opening crawl!

Lenna just walked across the poison grass to get to herbs for the dragon.

I'd say reddit-tier images should go first.

This desu.

Seeing as your threads are reddit-tier I guess you would know huh

Oh nice, it's the latest blog update from nigger. Upvoted and shared. Keep making repeating threads over and over again, Nigger. You are definitely not a cancer.

and now we have ourselves a dragon!

He can't go past mountains.

You seem to know a lot about reddit.

The ones that take a lot of input from posters are fun, but with games like this where everything is going to play out more or less the same, it's pretty boring and predictable.

Time for new jobs, since we're going to a new area.

What's Rance going to be?

blue mage


Thief it is. Next, Lenna!



>expertly played through several Fire emblem

that's 2 thieves now.

What about galuf?


tumblrposters let's play in this fashion on a daily basis. This is Sup Forums. Fuck off. Tripfagging attention whores go in the trash.

Didn't know you played anything but tactics games, nigg. Have you played ff V already?


Is there anythino missables by killing magrissa before the other dude spawns or just fucking yourself out of a 100% bestiary

I guess you'd know how tumblr posters do their thing on a daily basis.

multiple times.

Also, I'm actually not the biggest fan of tactics games, I'm just a big FE fan, and they made for good LPs.


you don't get the bestiary entry, and I think the other guy has an extra item drop pool.

I missed him myself.

....freelancer it is.
how about faris. any changes?

Dont think he drops anything and barely anything has a worthwhile steal.
You fight them again in the bonus dungeon if you care that much about the bestiary.


you miss out on a giant drink which is useless for some time, you also have a low chance to not get the whip after winning

alright, any other changes?

Make Galuf a knight.


BLU galuf

Rance a freelancer

change to all freelancers and move on

Just go.


nope. no mass changing anymore after yesterday.

Like that didn't work out perfectly.

re-rolling this

Leave already.

true, but defeating the purpose of rolling individual jobs is just enough that I'm not doing that anymore.

well, seems the thread is being slow right now, I'll continue tomorrow.

Is there another princess as "well-written" as Lenna?

Dammit, aside from Loli, I feel for all of the characters, even though the writing is Saturday-cartoon-tier over the top, and even Pirate(princess) has her own charm aside

faris is better written, as is garnet.

if we're not talking just FF, then Eirika.

Well, yeah, she has a good background behind her, but for a princess, Lenna WILL do everything to make things happen instead of just sit around and wait for the heroes to do things for her.

While I do like Eirika, Sacred Stones just throw her into unfortunate events instead of her encountering things that open her eyes in the world.

Can't say anything about her. Haven't played enough of the PS1 FF games

Lenna Monk
