That one game you wish you could feel the way you felt the very first time when replaying it

>that one game you wish you could feel the way you felt the very first time when replaying it
What's yours Sup Forums?

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for some reason walking into jinjo village in banjo tooie was a big thing for me

This and ratchet and clank going commando

Many games. Some games felt a lot better the 2nd time though. Like majoras mask. Played it when it came out and then again last year.

A lot of games man. A lot.


>ywn play halo3 multiplayer for the first time ever again


I want to go back
Let me go back

Every Souls game. The best part of those games is your first playthrough going in blind.

I'm with you OP , OOT was magical for me nothing has ever come close to it.Also Soul Calibur.
Metroid Prime was a really great game , I wish Nintendo would get off their lazy ass and make another Metroid game


I played the game for the first time when I was 16, completely high out of my mind. It was fucking amazing. The story, the combat, the enemy designs, the music, all of it was great. I wanna go back.

You live your full life. Good, bad, happy, sad. Then you die. And you wake up at five years old again. Is this a good thing or bad?

Do I have knowledge of my past life so I can have a chance to right my wrongs? if yes than most definitively I would love to be 5 years old again.

are you unaware of old school runescape?

It's a shame I was never able to play this when I was younger, because it doesn't hold up at all

Anyone who says you can play this game past childhood and still say its one of the best games ever is delusional

You have your past knowledge, but as a child, no one will listen to anything you say.

>tfw you encounter the first colossi

It's an unbeatable feeling

Yes, I'm quest caped in it. You can make the game 2007 again but you can't make me 2007 again.

I just want another metroid like super metroid with new power ups

Something like that wouldn't start happening right now. It would have happened several times before; and your current self would have been and will be through many cycles.

The common theories say that you get glimpses of it whenever you dream, have a premonition or experience a déjà vu. Or that you know about your previous life as a baby, but you forget it as your new memories overlap the older ones.

this or

>trumpet plays

This so much this

>tfw being stealth cat druid on alliance and waiting for low level horde players to come thru crossroads still toggled for pvp just to gank and run away.

fuuuuuckkkkk. This and running zulfarrak with friends is my all time favorite gaming moments. Tanaris was just comfy for me for some reason too.

Persona 3 and 4
Silent Hill
Suikoden 2

>Stepping into Violet City for the first time and hearing that music
>Comfy national park
>The Lake Of Rage story arc
>Whirl Islands and Tin Tower feeling epic and mysterious as fuck compared to the bland dungeons of the first generation
>"Do you know what you just did? You've just taken your first step into Kanto!" As that awesome route music starts playing
>Getting off the boat to Vermilion
>Final match versus Red
Man, there are so many moments in this game that i wish I could rediscover again with a fresh pair of eyes

so many comfy zones. i was horde but i have to say westfall was amazing. best low levelish dungeon was probably sunken temple. hard af at the time but great design

lucky for me I was at an advantage to have like 4 friends and a couple dozen clanmates from past games to join. we powerleveled in 2004 and just wrecked shit. just spent hours defending horde in hillsbrad, ashenvale and stv until everyone caught up.

This or Ace attorney

final fantasy 7

really, i was 12 when it came out and got it new. I never knew it was so popular until much later. it's the reason every game plot and world are a massive fucking letdown and you all know it.

Ocarina of Time or Chrono Trigger on DS.

This soundtrack has got me wanting to go back to play it again for the first time. Fuck, everything about this game was so good. The music, the aesthetic, the story. I can't believe they had to fuck it up by pandering to the normies and turning it into an action RPG and then an almost straight action game.

And it's not nostalgia goggles either. I went back and played through it critically, and it really fucking does hold up after all these years.

I just want to reset my whole gaming experience altogether.

>Metroid Prime
This game and Dark Souls 1. But more importantly I wish they would actually make proper sequels to these games. You know, all the enhanced mechanics, bigger world WHILE still having interconnectivity ala metroidvania design (in both Souls and Prime) and stop with this pandering bullshit of "Exploration is too hard because I get lost". Fuck that, make a solid game again.

This is actually the feeling I got when playing Metroid Super Zero Mission. Except for the crappy Maridia snake fight, everything was done SO well in that romhack. It really did feel like the excitement I got when I played Super Metroid first. And for information, I actually didn't play Super Metroid til 2010 when I was in my early 20s, so that game REALLY holds up.

heres a pick that isnt just nostalgia like 90% of this thread so far

tfw the remake is not gonna be REmake 2...

This game will forever be my golden standard for how a video game should "feel".

Also, Chrono Trigger.

I just want the pokemon games to go back to having actual good exploration and content again. Hell, I want to see them advance the gameplay starting back at the baseline experience from Gold and Silver again, not the neutered current outings of pokemon. Bigger world with the level of exploration that game had? Count me in.

Demon's Souls. I was very close to giving up on gaming in general at that time. It single-handedly rekindled my love for vidya.

I want my childhood back.

GTA:Vice City

for what it's worth mother 4 has a lot of effort put into it and it looks like it captures the same emotions of the series

although i'm hesitant to think it will be as good as mother 3 it'll still be enjoyable

>tfw playing this is high with no irl friends
so good ;_;
also this, used to spend so much time on this game as a kid

I've never played it. Should I play it with or without mods?

>Become programmer
>Suddenly games aren't magical anywhere
>Especially horror games since you realize 90% of the time the AI is horrible and you can easily abuse the engine

Perhaps my biggest gaming regret is learning about EVs and IVs in Pokemon. I don't even do any of the competitive junk. It makes me not want to play at all.


Worst part is that as an action game, Elder Scrolls is still one of the worst I've seen too. Yeah, they definitely should have kept enhancing, from their roots. Reminds me of all the people saying Mass Effect 1 was the best... and their absolutely right, because the other games sacrificed EVERYTHING just to make a twitch shooter to catch the "hype" around shooters. I miss when genres were just genres and nothing was over done into the ground. Give me the 90s again, god...

You guys realize that on January 7th, you'll be able to relive this all again on Nostalrius, right?

You could jump right in now if you wanted to, but they have a new, clean-slate Vanilla server coming out on the 7th.

It'll be the closest thing to reliving the beginning of WoW as you're ever going to get!

With mods, but only use graphical update mods. They make the game run smoother on newer computers and it looks better. As far as adding content, don't do it on the first playthrough. Appreciate the vanilla game first, maybe with the expansions installed, but go through the original game first.

I promise you, you will not regret it.

it unplayable nowadays, it'd be like playing deus ex for the first time right now, just shit

>but only use graphical update mods.
'Fair magicka regen' is also a very reasonable mod to have, and it makes magic so much more bearable.

Nigga, walk into the forest areas in Shadow of the Colossus and play the beginning of this in the background. Muh feels...

My dick

the games aren't magical because you grew up famalam

since becoming a programmer they've become much more interesting

>EV is a completely terrible way to make it so "trained pokemon are stronger than an equally leveled pokemon you just caught!"
>IV is just complete garbage and anyone that likes it has to have literal autism

I missed Demon's Souls at that time, but I too was close to giving up until Dark Souls 1. But like Fable 1 I feel like Souls hasn't made another good game since the beginning two. Bloodborne is solid though.

>there will never be a fighting game with an OST this good ever again
Not just 3rd strike, but the whole sfiii series.
2nd impact had some pretty jammin tunes too

This. Also, there is all kinds of arbitrary bullshit that they try to put in games now. You have this large faction of people who try to make video game designers feel guilty for making art the way they want to make it, so they try to force them to take on things that aren't relevant.

I'm not just talking politically, either.

On one side you have the commercial world forcing all kinds of demands on video game designers. On the other side you have these weird special interest "press" people forcing their own kinds of demands on video game designers. The art just gets crushed.

So many games (and even movies have changed within the past 15 years or so, mirroring this change) that were made 15 to 20 years ago wouldn't be tolerated today. The works of art that these people have given us wouldn't be possible if they tried to make them today.

Dont you have like a 1/32 * 1/32 * 1/32 chance of getting perfect IVs on a pokemon? with no indication except some guy in some town inspecting it and giving some vague hint?

I actually quite like Deus Ex original though. But I understand, I only really played Morrowind for a few minutes. I didn't like not hitting what I was hitting, but I don't really understand the mechanic at work there.

Oh there is a mod that I would recommend that changes the gameplay. The Quick Cast mod, to make casting more like in Oblivion. You don't have to put your weapon down to cast magic.

Ocarina of Time
Half-Life 2
Modern Warfare multiplayer with my friends from high school

I'm going to school for programming and computer science, but I wanted to focus on game design. But this shit has sort of scared me out of it the past couple years. I'm thinking I'll just work another passion, but then make games on the side until I can make something sustainable out of it, if ever.

EV and IV are just ways to reward players for putting in the time.

Sort of like how in Final Fantasy X you can complete the sphere grid for everybody if you want to. Yeah, you can get really powerful by having everybody do their own sections. But you can really get super powerful by having everybody completely fill in the whole sphere grid and break the game.

if you get into programming then you'll have no problem changing careers from game dev, design, software engineering, web dev

just do what you want to do man, it's your market

i would like that, but i don't know if the challenge would be the same; because you don't have to go around the same area as much, you don't need to worry about burning bodies. but the g virus is supposed to be somewhat different in t, so a REmake version could take an new creative license with that

I know that for a fact. Hell, many 90s games made in gaming's infancy actually have serious and controversial content matter to it. Not just power struggles like today's games, which turn everything into the racism/politics card. Reminds me of how FF7 was and how it's remake is going to be. FF7 will define gaming again, but not because it'll be a great remake. No, it's going to show how far we've fallen since the golden era of gaming.

-cut content for no good reason except money
-explicit ideas cut "for the children"
-episodic structure when the classic was massive
-all of the optional content is almost certainly going to be cut up into DLC and they'll still charge $60 - $70 for whatever crap does come out with the initial offering.

People can like the new changes to FF7 or not, but no one can deny how far gaming has fallen over the past 15 years.

Yeah, I'm aware. And, I'm honestly happy that I love doing it, too. That makes it better, but I hate to see the conditions of programmers in the game industry, despite that being my chosen field.

>makes magic more bearable
but magic is fucking op, and you can spam magicka regen potions as soon as balmora

I quit the game a few floors before that

I am a /his/fag mainly. Let me tell you that in both the rampant commercialism and ravenous social-justice cult, there is the death of civilization. I can't explain to you what civilization is, but you know it when you see it. You feel it in your heart, and it is what moves people to want to create, even something like video games.

When civilization dies, it doesn't die completely. It just sleeps. After the collapse of the Roman Empire and the influx of barbarians, there was little need for the sort of craftsmen that built the aqueducts and the great temples. But still, these people found room to work, and room to create. They found places to practice their craft, that might not have been on the grand scale of architectural masterpieces and great statues, but they were still able to pump their creative spirit into beautiful things.

Even if these gigantic video game companies and disgusting journalists destroy video games, there will still be space for you to hone your skills and create. If it is really your passion, you will find fulfillment in it even if it is not on so grand a scale as before.

EV def is
but IV only works to make pokemon slightly vary more from each other - but it's not tuned for competitive play at all

at least they fixed IV training this gen but overall it's a pretty terrible system to have so many randomly assigned static values

i guess i'm just complaining about people that go over the top with competitive pokemon - the system is just not there to support that

World of Warcraft. I mean, the game's ass-tier now but the first time I logged into Teldrassil? I never experienced a sense of wonder quite like that.

I realize this is why I like Japanese games better. Most of the time, each new franchise at least tries to include something new, even if it's gimmicky. All Western games nowadays just feel like the same fucking game. Same mechanics, same terms, same gameplay. Most shooters just feel like the same game with different skins. Open-world action games are the same. Western games never invite the player to master them, instead they pander to the audience because hard games that require you to actually learn something new don't sell. So you get games that basically play themselves, and are uninteresting as fuck. Yet these Star Wars chugging nu-geeks won't stop fingering their dick-clits over the latest Ass Creed or Bamham single-button mash fest.

I'm pretty sure they could implement other things to freshen it up. Just the change in movement speed made REmake harder than the original because you couldn't attack faster than piss and animation cancel out when you were afraid. I feel like REmake is much harder than RE1 and 2 classic.

nah that shit is still too heavy, it could push some poor depressed bastard into suicide

not ocarina, im playing that for the first time right now.
it'd probably be dark souls 2. i like dark souls 3 way more but 2 was my first dark souls. im still blown away by the beauty of majula and the rest of the world.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Not trying to get all philosophical or anything, but the whole "collective unconscious" idea rings pretty hard when it comes to what makes "culture". It's a feeling, and there are no fixed things happening that make it work. It's just that there aren't things being limited in the way that creativity is being limited. And power didn't impose over vision and goals. There are a few instances in history where powerful people and factions didn't interfere with certain cultures. And I think there are people that move from culture to culture just to find that again. I know, that some people who travel, don't just do it to see pretty buildings. Some people just want that feeling again. They get tired of what's being imposed on them and want to feel that fresh feeling again.

Oh, I definitely want to do it. Even, if people don't believe it, money isn't the motive. I just want to see games flourish more. I'm tired of it being about power and copyright and politics. I just want to see/make solid games. There have been some devs that speak out about this issue and I feel for 'em honestly. My sentiments are the same.

Maybe that's why we play video games in the first place, user.


Mother 4 has also managed to pick up a huge hatedom without even coming out. God knows how bad it will be if it's ever actually released.

Yeah, I think it's because western "culture" is often just so industrialized. We treat games like manufacturing plants. That's why they feel and are homogenized. And honestly, fanboys (including western "journalists") of these homogenized products aren't helping when they say "Japan isn't at the forefront of innovation because they won't 'get with the times' ". Whatever that's supposed to mean. Useless smokes and mirrors BS.

holy shit lol


Dawg, this thread is already a great one. But you had to bring me all these feels?


The answer is always Ico.

lmao. How is this even a thing? Oh well...

Ultimate feels song incoming.

Silent Hill was another one for me. First game that actually struck fear in to me. Kinda still does.

Many games. That feeling of discovering hidden shit in a game, in a time where the internet barely existed or damn faqs/guides existed.

That feeling of looking for a game in the store, buying it, going home. And while heading back home you would open the box, inside your parents car, open the brand new manual with that smell up in the air and then read it. That feel you could barely arrive to pick up the console/pc and insert the cartridge/cd on it. That feel that it was just turn on the console/pc and play the game, no update, no patches, no install for a hour with internet connection only.

>TFW most games don't have manuals anymore
What went wrong?

Feel'd into oblivion

I still think that bloody bathroom message and the Lizard boss in the school and that music... For sure Silent Hill 1 was the most frightening. I still think it holds true that anything a good graphic scary game can do; a bad graphic one can do better. No horror games bring me more fear than the bad graphics ones. In fact, bad graphics are so scary that older games that weren't even meant to be horror games were scary.

Most Japanese games are niche and know it. When a Japanese game panders, it also knows it, and panders so hard that it ends up becoming sort of entertaining. Of course there's also kusoge, but those are often laughed at.

Western games, like Hollywood entertainment, don't actually sell entertainment, but they sell sentiments and feelings instead. It doesn't matter if the product is homogenized shit, as long as it can fool the majority of buyers into thinking they are how they temporarily feel while watching/ playing it. Nostalgia and nerd culture is super in, so of course the prime objective is to make the player feel like they're part of the gamer culture when really they can't stand video games and just want to watch dumb movies.

Then these assholes start thinking they own the medium, and demand shit that no actual person who plays games would want in their games. So the devs mainstream their babby cries for attention and belonging, resulting in the shitfest known as the games industry of today.

>Digital games still cost the same as packaged games
>Packaged games are losing quality packaging and manuals
This whole industry is in shambles, senpai.

Ultimate feels song #2 coming up.

>Prior to internet
>Not knowing anything about the game
>Still young enough to believe they actually do stuff when I'm away
>Waking up an extra hour every morning before school to dig up fossils and fish and stuff
>Paying off your house entirely
>Collecting an entire set for your home
>Having your friend visit your town and bury all of his excess trash in the ground all over your town, just to screw with you
>Getting him back by having his favorite animal friend move in to your home

The original will always hold a special place in my heart. I still play the emulator version on my computer every once in a while.

>That feel that it was just turn on the console/pc and play the game, no update, no patches, no install for a hour with internet connection only.

God, how far we've fallen. No game breaking bugs. Shit just worked. And also, that feel when publishers weren't trying to literally rob us and take our freedom of gameplay. That feel when multiplayer everywhere had LAN and Local play. I love the internet, but it has truly warped companies into monstrosities.

>Buy physical copy
>Disc is a copy of steam with the code to download the digital copy of the game

It's time to euthanize it all and start over.