Is pat fuckboivin and darlington's dark souls LP going to end up well?

is pat fuckboivin and darlington's dark souls LP going to end up well?
or is pat going to actively ruin it by telling woolie to be afraid of everything and tell him constantly wrong information?

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I've already lost in interest and stopped watching it. They're going to take forever getting anywhere as evidenced by the last two episodes being just firelink shrine.

>E-celeb thread

Wrong board.

I know you're off from high school and all, but you need to go back.


I saw two people play a video game once. Now let me make an entire thread about them and discuss everything about them. Now that's video games.

>this thread isn't video game related because i said so
>it actually is related to video games
>we need to delete this thread!
>b-but leave up the 10 waifu/ fap bait threads, th-those ARE related to video games!!!

>If there are other bad threads, that means it's okay to have my bad thread up

>>>/high school/

Woolie is still too inept to believe after playing every other game in the series. Pat should've just played this one. It's pointless anyway since Plague already did this game to death.

>Woolie is still too inept to believe
I don't fucking understand how he isn't just ripping through everything at this point. It's actually offensive how fucking bad he is.

He's played 2, 3, Demon's and Bloodborne right? We've only seen him play 10 minutes of Undead Burg so to be fair it's too early to completely condemn. But if he doesn't just murder the Black Knight then there's no fucking point anymore.

It's depressing, right. This playthrough SHOULD be hilarious with Woolie showing Pat how DS1 is really not much different than any other game in the series structurally by just blowing through everything. But instead, he's falling for every trap like he's never played a Souls game before. It's kind of pathetic.

Their entire fucking job consists of playing video games you mouth breathing faggot.

It's already shit. Woolie is completely retarded and Pat squeals like a stuck pig at the most inane shit every 30 seconds.

What are you talking about? The only trap he fell for was the boulder one and that's basically just an anvil falling on your head.

Pat will never have a reaction like this to Woolie getting good.

>New Friday Night Fisticuffs
>Pat and Woolie only

>Calls other person a mouth breather
>Watches someone play video games

Time for 3rd strike

No, I think it's fine that he's getting punked by whatever traps are in the game. Like, if he gets smoked by the burning barrel trap then sure, whatever - everyone did.

The problem is that he is not competent with the controls.

Like, a person grows up on Mario or Sonic right? So they know how to jump on shit. Or a person who grew up on Mega Man knows how to run and shoot. Or a FPS player just knows how to shoot people. And if you ever pick up another game in the same genre, you just know how to run and jump onto a platform.

Or in Woolie's case, he should probably be able to pick up any fighter and immediately be competent with it.

So why the fuck he can't navigate Dark Souls after playing four fucking games is beyond retarded. There was nearly no challenge for me in Dark Souls 3 - and in many ways that's what made the game fucking worthless.

Paige is so waifu tier. Makes sense that best friend would get best girl.

I'm three minutes into it and I really don't miss Matt being either unfunny or uninterested and Liam being quiet and/or salty.

This is seriously fine.

That's fucking unreal.

I certainly did not beat Ebrietas that quickly. I'm pretty sure I burned through all my Vials to kill her. But that is the same degree of competency I had while rolling through Dark Souls 3.

That's the level of competent murder that I expect out of Woolie in Dark Souls.

>Zaibatsu is imploding on itself
>start watching Ustabaiz lets plays
I feel a bit dirty.

It isn't. You liking it doesn't make it one.

I've never seen these idiots play a Souls game before, but holy fucking shit are they bad. Pat wastes everyones time by telling him to go to the ghost place and he spends nearly the whole episode there

>ecelebs that got to eceleb status because of video games and are almost always discussed in relation to what video games they play and how they play those video game is somehow not video games

I think she actually died a couple of times to it beforehand but yeah she just beasted all over it that attempt.

>tfw you actually kind of liked Liam and you don't want to see him go

Yeah he was a cringy little faggot during Mighty Blunder 9 but he actually had a sense of humor without having to go all tumblr "ewww a girl in a video game has boobs" every five seconds like the rest of them.

I don't get everyone's butthurt over Ebrietas. I've been through the game twice and beat her my second try each time. One of the easiest fights in BB. Laurence and Maria were the ones that really blew my shit up.

Liam was second best. I'm bummed about him being gone, too. I hope he resurfaces on a podcast somewhere.

He's gonna be on some weebcasts for sure. Can't wait to hear how he skips all the good shows and only watches garbage.

Hes funny in small dosses when he has some funny/witty comment to make like the death note joke a few podcasts back. Hell even this year when Matt was being a bitch and pussyfooting around saying Nigger and Liam just goes DO YOU MEAN NIGGER MATT and you fucking hear Matt get uncomfortable and triggered that was great. But for every 1 of those funny moments you get like 5 of him defending something legitimatley bad, starting an argument over something stupid or sounding like hes almost crying because hes losing an argument.

Remember Titanfall 2 will sell fine the holiday season will help it.

Liam sucked, but at least he was good at SOME games. Still, it didn't matter because game he didn't play in his free time he didn't give enough of a shit about to play properly.

To be honest, the absence of Matt is more worrying. Matt sucks, but he's always been a good foil to Pat, and Matt+Pat playthroughs remain the best thing on the channel.

Even when Liam was wrong about things at least he could present an articulate, thoughtful analysis. And the guy knows his shit about sales numbers on weeb games. The podcast is going to be shittier without him. Especially when Matt comes back.

Liam and Woolie feel like the kind of guys I could actually talk to and have a beer with.

Pat feels like the guy I wanna talk to if I want to just lock my apartment and play video games all weekend without answering the door.

Matt reminds me of my fucking coworker who I wouldn't piss on if he was on fire or brake if I saw him in the road.

it took a fuckiing episode to get outta the tutorial
took 3 episodes total to start even doing burg

why give woolie the fucking controls?

what a gay intro

Is it true that Woolie never learned how to read?

Nailed it.

Oh for sure Liam is also way less annoying on Podcasts when Matt isn't around he tended to not get into arguments that he knew would go nowhere. Because he knows Pat and Woolie won't agree with him so he didn't bother.

Remember when he got super butthurt over some fucking cooking show and brought up gun laws for some reason.

Woolie got the Zweihander and the Fire Keeper Soul, so atleast he's starting out ok.

Even if she died a couple times, she certainly didn't try enough times to know the visceral trigger until this go at it.

I smashed hundreds of vials trying to kill her. I had to learn to dodge charges, avoid headslams, Call Beyonds, and even used cheese like three Ash Cannon shots.

It's fucking impressive she did it like she did. She's just going to ravage Orphan of Kos. Pride is what I feel for some stupid Twitch streamer that I don't even know and doesn't know me.

Woolie has to display that same level of competence. I wonder if Matt and Pat realized that in terms of entertainment value that when Woolie reaches the final SoulsBorne game he has to just beast it. Like, that's what everyone wants to see. Nobody wants to see him bumble through the game like has before, by this point he NEEDS to show everyone that he has learned. Nobody's going to hand him end-game gear in Dark Souls, he has to seriously fuck shit up.

I will be fucking disappointed if he doesn't rip through the game. It should be complete easy-mode because he'll have the Drake Sword followed by the Lightning Spear and the best shields in the history of the series.

>Those view numbers

The channel is fucking doomed.

No, but it is true that Woolie still isn't comfortable telling left from right.

what do you think matt and liam are doing right now instead of making the channel shitty?

sitting in bed or on their couches with racing hearts, worried about their bleak futures

that's the same amount of views they had like a year ago. what's your point? they never made game grumps numbers.

Honestly, woolie shouldn't have any trouble for a little while regardless. Aside maybe the black knight in undead burg. There's not that much in the way of difficulty spikes until arguably the bell gargoyles and he could just do those way later anyway due to how flexible DS1 is regarding that kind of thing.

I love it in videos when somebody tells him to look left and he looks right.

great so hes going to use the broken shit to cheese his way through since he needs a handicap

Well the soul was pretty much forced orders from Pat. I was actually surprised he got the Morning Star on his own despite Pat, but they'll probably never realize it deals bleeding damage.

reminds me of jaboody show on twitch. the main guy is absent and everyone has a better time

Matt doesn't give 2 shits hes going on a cruise and mentioned on twitter hes going back to LA to visit people. (I think hes going to move to LA)

>megaman views
>any vid with liam on the thumbnail has lower than normal views

aww yeah, guest grumps!
>moving to LA
doesn't he constantly talk shit about west coast being worst coast?

Probably because its a shitty megaman RPG that isnt battle network that goes on for way too long and is played by idiots

I actually really like Liam and even I skipped that LP.

I "watched" that LP for like 38 episodes. I'm done. The game is boring as shit and they have nothing of value to talk about.
I can't believe that the Breath of Fire devs worked on this game.


>suck my dick
fucking hate it when girls say this. whats their/his stream?

everyone that i have paid attention too they all move to fucking california and end up piss poor

rpgs are just really fucking boring to watch someone else play and it takes a lot of effort to engage an audience. reading text outloud isn't enough


Angriest pat i think also for twitch

He has said a few things about how he really likes people out there and would like to visit and see them more. I think its going to just be an excuse for him to leave the channel so he can just stream because his streams are an echo chamber of only people that like him watching and hes the center of attention.

I don't know man, I liked the other rpg playthroughs they've done, partly because the games themselves looked like fun.

This game looks really really bland though, even the combat system looks shallow (doesn't help that they didn't grasp it for like felt like 35 episodes)

If you don't desire a small-town (i.e. outdoor recreation) lifestyle, there are few better places in the world than LA.

Having lived in uncultured conservative shitholes, I am enjoying the life in neo-liberal SJW-central because quite frankly they have better food. No scratch that, they have better everything. If you ever sit down and decide you want something, somewhere in the city has it.

The channel is better in general now that the other two shits have left.

If advertising is against the rules and advertising your Twitch stream gets you banned, how come you are allowed to advertise some fat faggots' youtube channel and have long threads about them?

can someone explain why a lot of jewtubers only do like 3 uploads a day? is there some sort of limit?

I dropped it when they got to the second area with the stupid stealth shit and more bland corridors.
They should of just played a proper Megaman game, it would have been much shorter and more entertaining.

Easy, it's because Pat is next to him and will bitch and moan about anything, so he waits for Pat to talk before moving.

I still remember when Woolie was about to bodyslam him during the bloodborne LP, and he was even right, since Pat was saying strength is useless, the most blatant lie in bloodborne

>caring about your three subscriber twitch channel
>caring about getting banned

Diminishing returns. If you upload too much too quickly, the views aren't nearly as high. You'd just be wasting your time when you could do less work.

If you churn out too much people will just unsubscribe or there will be a drop-off in views since people won't have time to watch everything.

Woolie and Liam truly picked the worst games for LPs. I don't understand their thought process behind it.
If I had to guess, Woolie wanted an excuse to talk about his Megaman comics, Liam wanted an excuse to talk about Battle Network, and neither of them played that rpg at that point.

thats true honestly didn't think of it like that.

you can tell when pat is going to say something. he backseats really fucking hard to the point where he should have just played.
wait nevermind. he would just over level and use broken shit which is what hes trying to get woolie to do

Google Adsense pays you less if you upload more than one or two videos a day. It considers it spamming given that your payment is based on views.

>Liam and Matt aren't on a podcast
>it's the funniest fucking one they've done all year

Is Sup Forums going to make e-celebs a banable offense?

Youtubers are not fucking videogames and invites the most wretched children to our board


yeah, the DS playthrough is going to take forfuckingever. ill enjoy it, but still. i wonder if theyre intentionally being slow and shit just to drag it out?

fuck i hope they do a persona 3/4 lp

pats pretty much controlling woolie and getting him to do mundane shit that woolie would never do.

>woolie go here
>go there
>pan the camera
>look at the view
like dude shut the fuck up and just let him play

I don't usually listen to their podcasts. Do you have a link?

You people have been complaining about it since youtube started, and it still hasn't happened, so my bet's on "no and shut the fuck up."

The episodes are cut entirely too short.

They should be longer to compensate for their obnoxious tendency to just stand around and do nothing but talk for long periods of time.

Also, Pat thinks that he's using DSFix but it's obvious he is not.

And woolie will hopefully provide the viewer with some variety instead of sticking with backstabs.

Liam vids tend to get half to 1/3 of everything else on the channel except Nier

They really arent losing much

>Eva fisticuffs
>Pat still pushing Asuka as best girl

When will he learn there's only one best girl?

>Shilling for these guys on a daily
Sup Forums's changed.

Have you not seen the DS2 or Bloodborne LPs? It's exactly the same shit.

DeS was even worse because he had Spy telling him what to do all the time too.

To be fair, the +10 memesword shits all over Ebri-chan

>it's "woolie is nudged to do something instead of naturally figuring it out himself, even though pat isn't saying anything"

I wanted to see what woolie would do, all the shit he'd miss etc.

Sage for e-celeb shit, but I actually did watch these last two episodes even though I haven't kept up with these retards at all since probably 2013. Does whoever's playing have an actual disability? I can't imagine being so fucking retarded you spend over an hour playing without even getting to the second bonfire after Firelink, when you've played other games in the series AND have someone sitting right next to you who knows what to do. I mean, when I first played Dark Souls I spent 2 hours trying to fight the skeletons because I attacked the guy sitting at the shrine right away and didn't realize I had to go up that path, but that was playing it blind and without spending even a second with Demon's Souls. This shit is a chore to watch.

>Woolie playing Reboot has more views than Command Mission parts

We should go back to shilling for new releases and consoles.
Maybe give some """gaming news""" website a few clicks. That'd be more appropriate.

if its going to be anything like des then i'm going to just stop giving a shit right then and there.
>regenerator shield and ring
>blessed weapon
>people dropping him shit
>hearing spy's voice in general

i dont know why i get my hopes up for their souls playthroughs when its a game notorious for backseating. its not the greatest game to watch and its better just to play them yourself

i'm willing to bet hes going to use the zweihander

really any heavy weapon kicks too much ass in this game.

getting the sword cane is a mistake.

Na Migga.

>zwei is broken
Not really. I find ultragreat swords to clunky to be anywhere close to broken or even all that useful.

its swag but just sucks ass in general. i still haven't done a full playthrough with the cane since i drop it as soon as i get the saw spear

>mfw 3 parts of him just shooting the Red Drake's tail while they talk over it just so Woolie can have the Drake Sword to carry him

Rei still bae for me.

it can stagger some bosses pretty easily. i watched my bro fuck up artorias when he used zwei and i struggled with a painting guardian sword

Pretty sure Pat said they wouldn't do that last episode, but he might of been talking about something else.
At the very least, I'd think they would have enough decency to cut that if they did do it.

>that stupid battle in between shadow and fish angel
10/10 would watch again
Hope they keep up till matt comes back with his shitty double dragon week