I have only played Persona 3 and 4, I preferred Persona 3.
Which of these two games should I start next?
I have only played Persona 3 and 4, I preferred Persona 3.
Which of these two games should I start next?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nocturne for fusion and no plot
DDS for plot and no fusion. Basically, you buy skills to add to each protag's equippable pool
>DDS still $20 on PSN
>Nocturne is $10
Fucking Jews.
Is Nocturne grind heavy?
Digital Devil Saga is a good introduction to the press turn combat system Nocturne uses while being a pretty cool game in and of itself. Of the two it's probably the better starting point.
No. You dont need to grind in any smt.
DDS is more of a traditional RPG with a fixed party that learns skills and is the more forgiving of the two in terms of difficulty
Nocturne was all the demon collectan autism you should expect from the series though.
Someone in another thread was saying some bosses are impossible without certain demon combinations.
Were they just retarded?
>You dont need to grind in any smt
I love the shit out of the series but goddamn son.
There are a few bosses that will make you painfully aware of your underleveled status if you don't grind a bit. Thor comes to mind as the earliest.
If you know ahead of time buffs/debuffs stack - to great effect! - and try to keep some around while you fuse instead of assuming they're shit, not really
Also notice how much null/etc. breaks Press Turn
Does DDS have songs as hype as this?
And mouth tits
Digital Devil Saga is much better to go into from Persona, because it's a lot more similar. You've got a full party of set characters, that you can customize the skills and stuff for, and they actually have plot and character development (Nocturne has the least of this of any SMT).
Alright sounds like I'll try that one first then.
Is it harder than the Personas because those two games were very easy.
Play nocturne.
Its easy as fuck. Just solo, fuck demon fusion.
Yes its harder. You actually need to use buffs
Definitely. DDS's music is almost the exact same as Nocturne's (same composer too), but with some added hindu music influences for some out-of-battle stuff.
Yeah, it'll actually make you use buffs, debuffs, and spells that negate certain elements for a turn just to stop from getting your weaknesses smashed.
It also has actual dungeon designs with puzzles and stuff, instead of randomized mystery dungeons.
I'd say the only thing DDS has over Nocturne for sure is the music. Every track is super hype. But as for gameplay, I liked Nocturne better, mostly because of the demon recruitment/fusion
both are free on the interwebs
>not dusting off the old PS2
Daily reminder Mitsuru has yet to be topped for best waifu.
Demon comps aren't hard to get, and you should be getting demons constantly due to fusion/recruitment, it's how you play the games. Also when people you need demon comps it's mainly don't use demons that are weak to the current boss/enemies. Keep an eye on your party/demons and you'll be fine.
She wasnt even best waifu in her own fucking game.
My nigga
Older Fuuka is 100x better.
>Not having a hacked fatty that can download games right off the web and into the hard drive
Best character coming through.
Is the sequel worth playing for Digital Devil?
DDS1 and Nocturne would have definitely been better off without that shit. Holy fuck the teleporter 'puzzles' were the worst shit.
If you want to finish the story, yes,
DDS1 and 2 are basically two halves of the same game, there's no reason not to.
Are they as bad as the teleport puzzles in Strange Journey?
>MFW Eridanus
Make sure to carry over your old file so you can play in Hard Mode right away.
Yes. DDS 1 is setup, DDS 2 is the resolution.
DDS 2 endgame question What the fuck actually happens at the end? It lost me at the sun
They're not as bad but the encounter rate in those areas is fucking awful and Nocturne's movement speed is way slower than it should be.
I'm replaying DDS right now, going for a WORLD OF STR for Serph and I forgot how awesome the music was.
>get to first dungeon
>hideout_of_the_chickens.mp3 starts playing
>TFW the bass is smoother than butter
>SMT and Dragon Quest are much better than Final Fantasy
>Final Fantasy threads plague this board with hardly any of the former two
Why is this allowed?
There are a lot of SMT threads all the time, although its general on /vg/ is not bad, so a lot of potential posters and discussions are sucked up there.
DQ has it real bad though.
DDS1 and 2 definitely had the best soundtracks in the series with the MMO being a very distant second. It was weird to realize that whoever did the music for IMAGINE remixed the ambient music from DDS' gas chamber basement into a boss theme.
It's all Hindu metaphorical stuff, From what I understand, when Sera and Serph merge into Seraph, that's the equivalent of reaching Hindu enlightenment, becoming one with reality and existence. As long as there was fighting and war in the world, the Solar Data would be endlessly recycled, as it is in the game, but by reaching enlightenment, Seraph is able to stop it.
That's how I see it at least.
why the fuck does SMT have GOAT soundtracks?
guess i got lucky then, dds was my first smt that i finished. posting best girl.
i think argilla is a cute name for a girl
>why the fuck does SMT have GOAT soundtracks?
Fuuka is equally great in all her appearances.
shit, didnt know meguro did dds please excuse my noobness. as if my hype for persona 5 couldnt be any higher.
He's done just about every SMT game since Nocturne. He is an absolute madman.
mah niggas
He didn't work in SMT IV.
they're all in a simulation and real Serph is evil
there you go, no play Nocturne instead
Key words were "just about", also that song sounds pretty bad desu.
Your opinion in pretty bad tbqh.
Also Meguro is not flawless. The battle theme of P5 is pretty lame, and lets not forget that he ruined the music of P1P.
IV has a good soundtrack, yo
>Also Meguro is not flawless.
Best human kinda SMT girl
I didn't say he was bad, but you are giving him far too much credit when other composers have made great music in other megaten games.
>first gf leaves me
>do nothing but play a bunch of vidya and drink all day
>buy dds on psn cause why not
>load it up, this starts playing
>sitting in my flat as the sun comes up through the windows
>was already experiencing feels before even playing the game
subscribe to my blog
He's what Uematsu is to Final Fantasy even though I like Hamauzu better and Kondo is to Zelda. Others have made great music but Sheguro is the man.
Subscribed. Have another song.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
>that bass
fuckin saved.
>didnt know for the longest time that they were actually speaking english
got a friend onto P4, he bought a vita and got golden, now hes further in it than i am. thinks best girl is yukiko. he is my nigger.
best girl is nanako
Is it true that P5 is more SMTlike than 3 or 4
Also SMTV with P5 demon models when
wew lad
>Louis Cypher
>Lou Cypher
>Louis C.K.
So chaosfags confirmed cucked?
And another one.
Also all these songs are from the same album.
The other albums aren't nearly as good though, so avoid them.
Those comparisons don't really work, since most of the series' most iconic themes were composed by Makuso.
>implying most people have played anything pre Nocturne
Fuck off,
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
I honestly feel like most people have only played P3 and P4.
sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our demons, especially since theyre such good fusions and all
>tfw you are one of the esteemed classy gentleman who has played SMTII
feels like im literally better than all people
SMT I and MT II are both better than SMT II.
Prove me wrong, you can't.
That game hold up at all?
games are cheap
I really liked the story, aesthetic, and music but unfortunately the gameplay feels a little clunky and tedious.
It's also really easy once you get good guns so most of your time is spent meandering through dungeons that all look the same and auto-battling every five seconds
I still liked it overall, and it's worth a play if you really like SMT, but if I were to play through it again and get a different ending, I would definitely use some sort of speed hack and a guide
I see, I'll probably pass then. Strange Journey was a bit too much for me (still beat it) so I'd probably get filtered hard.
Good deal user.
What didn't you like about Strange Journey?
If you liked Persona you probably won't like Nocturne as it is an actual SMT game.
Oh no I liked it but it was just very hard.
>Teleporter maze
Meant for
I still need to finish I
is the iOS version worth it
depends do you prefer DEVOURING OR GO REJECTING?