What was the last game you beat this year Sup Forums?
Mine was GTA SA, but maybe i can beat Crash 2 tonight.
What was the last game you beat this year Sup Forums?
Shantae Half Genie Hero, that was quite average.
Now I'm playing Mankind Divided and oh boy, it is painfully fucking average/okay
castle of no escape 2. it was just one hour long but I guess there's also dragon ball fusions
Just beat shadow warrior (2013) this morning, I really liked it.
Resdient Evil 4 for the 6th time. Thinking of finally finishing RE6 now, but I get bored after playing for half an hour.
Beat Dragon Quest Builders. Was working on most of the challenges, but i dont feel like speedrunning every chapter. Pretty great game though.
Drakengard 1. It was good.
breddy gud/10
Megaman and Bass(As Bass)
Had something of a Megaman kick lately.
Final Fantasy XV
The game was a pile of odd decisions.
>as bass
now play it in "we didn't design his game with him in mind" mode
Would you say that it was a good game, overall?
I'll play as Megaman again. Eventually. I need a bit of a break now.
sounds about right when you factor in...that god damn motherfucking camera spawned from Taro's asshole.
Super Mario 3d Land.
Really liked it bar the Mario clone levels, so frustrating. Otherwise fantastic.
Is it true that anime stops being about basketball halfway through?
Gears of War 4
Replayed Parasite Eve, its a Christmas tradition
Stayed up to 5 am today to beat Virtue's Last Reward. I enjoyed it. Wrapped up a few loose ends, but I can't say I'm excited to play Zero Time Dilemma now.
You might as well go ahead, it really wasn't terrible just a little dissapointing, the wait between Virtue and Dilemma made it worse than it actually is
Yakuza 5, or the story at least because I only had like 1/4 of the completion rate by the end of it.
It was my first Yakuza, and I wasn't expecting to go from eurobeat racing with a taxi to hunting in snowy mountains, doing idol shows and playing baseball. Some parts were slow, but in general it was a great game with lots of things to do.