Are there any video games that let me hug little girls?

Are there any video games that let me hug little girls?

This is a genuine question, I want to know if any real-time genre lets me actively hug, cuddle, or squish young female children aka "lolis".

That would be lewd.

Not exactly a loli hugging simulator, but play the princess maker games. Just don't get the ending where you marry your daughter and make her your wife.

Headpat Simulator, kinda.

just made sure there is no brats in it

Lolis aren't allowed Nu-Sup Forums.

Visible pantsu are too lewd

Are headpats okay?

>Played as a Lalafell for like a good year
>Switched to an Au Ra so I could actually start dressing sexy instead of having all my pantsu turn into bloomers
>Headpat every Lalafell I see because they're so fucking cute
>70% of them end up being fucking RP'ers that follow you around and do their cringy custom "Lala poked user's butt!" emotes

It was even worse when I was a Lalafell myself and you get those faggots in dungeons who want to hug you and babytalk you every five seconds

>mfw playing a tank one time and having to deal with "You can do it, user-chan! You're so tough and strong :3!"

As expected of little girls.

I hated Tarus because of my days of FF11 and would actively kick all the Taru DPS I came across because I could. I queued with two friends so it was guaranteed to pass.

I promise I was the one Lalafell that wasn't an RPing faggot

I just have an absolute weakness for cute shit

Russian roulette




I'm calling the police

There is an open-source game in /jp/ where you kidnap and hug little lolis.

pretty much why I switched from a lala to a human, I wanted stuff to look normal on me.

dumb brat poster

What games let me beat up little girls?

you're actually a retarded newfag if you think that lolis are a nu-Sup Forums thing