What are you gonna do when Nier automata inevitably flops?

What are you gonna do when Nier automata inevitably flops?

I will be happy on so many levels because:

>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games
>It will show degenerates that devs should focus on making a good game before making fapbait trash
>It will show nierfags that nier will NEVER be a good franchise
>It will show tarofags that taro is a hack.

Seriously, this game failing will be a win on so many levels

Really? Won't even let your other thread archive?

>Not even the same image

these threads are just so amusing.
Convinced me to preorder. thanks, OP.

Go back! It's berenstain bears in this timeline!

>>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games
But we know that already.

We also know they make good games when they try.

>>It will show nierfags that nier will NEVER be a good franchise
Nier isn't a franchise.

>>It will show tarofags that taro is a hack.
Everyone always knew.

>you will never be this mad over a game being popular
I'm buying it and you can't anything about it.

Mt. Berenstain of the Vice Norden?

Nier isn't a franchise and everyone knows platinum is terrible

>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games

I already know they don't always make good games.
I'm much more of a Kamiyafag.

It's pretty amazing how 2B has single-handedly garnered so much shitposting and falseflagging.

>Nier isn't a franchise.

This is factually wrong. You got nier and this is nier's sequels, 2 titles, that makes it a franchise

I, for one, am glad that the majority of Sup Forums seems to be against fapbait characters.

Not yet :^)

Pretty sure the game has already gone gold, we're just waiting for the release. And either way it's not like it's gonna be cancelled 3 months prior its release

>cult hit doesn't go michael bay

>>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games
But we've already have Avatar and TMNT.

Toobie a CUTE

>majority of Sup Forums is against fapbait characters

>inevitably flops
If I've learnt anything from these threads, its that that tarofags will never consider any taro game a flop, no matter how bad it is

>I will be happy on so many levels because:
>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games

Did you forget Platinum made that shoddy Legend of Korra game?

Ain't gonna read the rest of your shitpost, you don't even play games.

You know someones life is terrible when they claim to get joy at the hope something fails that other people enjoy. Very sad.

>implying those games tarnished their reputations.

Nah famalan, still everytime you got a thread about a platinum game, you get a bunch of fags saying "BE COOL, BE COOL, PLATINUM'S GOT THE COMBAT SO IT'S ALL GOOD!"

>can't get any opinions on game because ASS
>kind of pissed anons won't actually talk about the game
>finally get to play demo
>best part is the ASS

It was alright, the dodge mechanic felt like it was completely broken though.

>you can post the same image on 2 different live threads.

There's literally nothing wrong with fapbait

honestly, it's just dick sucking from both sides of the coin. The only one who actually wins is Square Enix.

I sure do like you people who wish for failures in this industry you are meant to support and enjoy

When has anyone claimed that the barely advertised entry in a niche as fuck cult series is going to sell well? The pushed it back away from FFXV just so it wouldn't immediately die; Drak3 was immediately forgotten because it released next to FF13. Even Taro knows how small the series is compared to basically every other JRPG franchise, and I doubt any Tarofag expects more than modest sales.

Automata only has more attention because Platinum's on board, and even Platinum has been struggling due to taking on too many projects too quickly.

>Implying sales=quality

>When has anyone claimed that the barely advertised entry in a niche as fuck cult series is going to sell well?

a few threads ago actually.

t. numale

I'd say it has a chance though. Releasing a demo definitely helped word of mouth and Twitter hype, and it's far enough from Horizon.

upvoted! xD

I think the dodge was intentionally forgiving to make Very Hard playable.

I thought it was pretty good, but to be fair I wasn't expecting Platinum to reinvent the wheel with this one; I'm actually looking forward to all the genre-bending stuff Taro will try and throw in. But I do believe that once all the weapons and chips are in the full game, there will be more variety and stuff to play around with.

>What are you gonna do when Nier automata inevitably flops?

Nothing? Had to do a refresher on what this game was and from the gameplay trailers it doesn't look like something I'd care for.

Nothing, because that won't stop Taro from getting another game

There is you fucking faggot, if it's successful then devs start making less effort for their games because they know they can half ass (no pun intended) everything and just throw a couple of tits in it and call it a day.

>Its a good thing that a game that would set bad trends for the industry to succeed.

I guess you were also happy when gone homo and slenders were big hits huh

What the fuck are posts like these?

>don't know what the topic is but i'll take that question as if it was addressed to me specifically and answer you when i have nothing to say

>What are you gonna do when Nier automata inevitably flops?
I will continue to live my life because it will not affect me personally?

>>It will show degenerates that devs should focus on making a good game before making fapbait trash
>He didn't play Drakengard/Nier

>It will show nierfags that nier will NEVER be a good franchise
I think most of us already know it. We still like it.

The korra game is better than DoD3, which tarofags love anyway, get over it, we will love everything he does forever. I will be very happy and you will not

>the devs will start making less effort
What would a waste of life on Sup Forums know about creative work and effort?

>go out of bounds in a demo
>omg why did i fall through the ground wtf

>you have to be a chef to say that a meal didnt taste good

>I don't like it so its bad

Same old, same old. If you think gone home or slender man suddenly changed every single game that came after it, you're even more delusional than I originally thought. This game is clearly not aimed at you and it has no bearing on any games other than similar games that already use the same formulas. Quit being bitter at people being happy and go play something you like and stop being just as bad at the crazy feminists who try to censor everything they dont like.

who are you quoting?

Stop being retarded. That's a problem with devs, not with fapbait. You can replace the word fapbait with anything else as you put it. They can half ass any game and put a bunch of pretty graphics/celebrities/socially progressive protagonists. In the end fapbait doesn't make a good game worse or a bad game better.

who are you replying to?

You can say the game is bad. Saying that you know what goes into the developer's creative process is retarded and impossible.

This is factually false.

Gone home and Dear Esther set a trend for walking simulators, it told developers that these games could be made (which don't even take half as much effort as a REAL game) and still sell a lot, despite being "games", half assed, bland pieces of shit.

So developers started making a bunch of these.

>But it didn't affect other genres!

Nope, it did, for example Amnesia went from a survival horror to an actual walking sim.

Just like how 9/10 horror games released after slender were just jumpscare simulators.

The games set unhealthy trends that a lot of developers follow, reducing the quality of games.

You're wrong about literally everything except one thing.

Taro is a fucking hack.

Some food tastes bad to certain people yet others love it even if technically speaking its made perfect its called having different tastes. You're not even comparing the same things.

nier is a walking simulator now?

stop being mad 2b is a cutie and you're ugly

Uh, no. Amnesia came out two years before dear esther and 3 years before gone home ...

Who the fuck said that Nier was a walking sim? I was establishing an example of how games can set negative trends, gone home and dear esther set a trend for walking sims. It's completely unrelated to Nier.

You were also wrong, so there's that.

That's BS. We would see way less Casualwatch threads if it were.

>There are Tarofags who unironically called Kojima a hack
>mfw Taro is actually a fucking hack, and Tarofags are butthurt about it

Even Kojima's worst games are better than Taro's best. But Nier 2 is going to be great, and OP is a massive faggot.

Everyone knows it will flop just like all other Taro games.

The whole gimmick behind Taro is "I don't make good games, I make wacky games for wacky people". Whatever it means.

Are you fucking retarded.

I'm talking about Amnesia a machine for pigs, if I said "AMNESIA WENT FROM HORROR TO WALKING SIM", it obviously means the fucking franchise, you dumb fuck, you need some reading comprehension, damn it.

I'm curious how many different kinds of chips will be in the game. Some of them demonstrated so far show some pretty huge mechanic additions like Witch Time, a parry (don't know if its revengance styled or not), and ranged waves for melee attacks.

>l will be happy about bad vidya
Get out.

Are you really implying the original isn't a walking simulator? Ok you really are retarded.

>Sup Forums hyped product is failure


Alright now I keep seeing this so I've gotta ask. What exactly was wrong with Korra? It was a decent enough brawler that ran really well even on lower end consoles. People say it's like the shittiest game ever but I thought it was pretty fun and I'm not really even a Platinum/Korrafag.

What bad trends is this game making? Involved gameplay, difficulty, unique world building?

Girls who are cute and make you feel insecure?

Korra's biggest fault was that it wasn't on par with Bayo, W101, or Devil May Cry. That's basically it.

LOL Nice try and recovery faggot, you know what you meant.

>I conveniently didn't mention the sequel or elude to the series at all only specially stated Amnesia then got told but "LOL YOUR READING COMPREHENSION SUCKS"

Sure buddy, sure.

>random 5'9 you didnt bother to edit out

>Nier Automata

but that's what all of Taro's games do.... it's expected.

I think that's implying most Sup Forums posters are manlets.

>Has puzzles
>Has inventory and health management
>Has actual failure conditions
>Has scripted events

It's literally not a walking sim you dumb retard, walking sim doesn't mean "I can't attack!" It means there is literally nothing to do asides from walking, like in dear esther and gone homo. And no, picking up books doesn't count as doing something.

Please state how was it wrong?

Dear esther and gone homo were very successful games and after them we were swarmed by a plethora of "games" (walking sims), why? Because devs looked at them and said "wow, these games are seriously cheap, easy and fast to develop, and they sell like hotcakes, we're gonna start shelling out more of them!"

No different to how we had a bunch of minecraft clones after minecraft was successful

Not him, but your reading comprehension factually does suck if you didn't take away that user stating Amnesia went FROM horror TO a walking sim.

That was his actual fucking word, retard. Apologize.

Misery loves company. OP is a very sad broken person who just wants to make other people unhappy.

>Drak3 was immediately forgotten because it released next to FF13.
You mean Nier was?

Even the most hardcore of Platinum fans admit that TMNT was shit, Korra was massively wasted potential, and that Anarchy Reigns had an awful single player.

>Involved gameplay

gameplay is bland as fuck m8, which is just another symptom of developers focusing on how to make the game more lewd instead of giving it proper gameplay.

>"Amnesia went from point A to point B"

Yeah it does fucking suck

>getting triggered


He didn't but okay, even if he did, which he didnt, hes wrong anyway implying Amnesia changed anything from the first, both are walking similators and were not changed due to gone home or slender. Literally retarded if you think otherwise.

Everyone played the demo so we know you're full of shit. Just admit you're wrong, it will help, otherwise you'll stroke out at 30 after getting so angry over being wrong.

Are you retarded both games in the series are literally the same...nothing changed.

>I wish people would stop being excited about a notoriously shitty game series they enjoy finally getting an installment from competent developers. Makes me so fucking pissed that they like things I don't!!

So is there reverse shilling going on for this game to butcher the sales?

As a red blooded male who likes females I find 2B appalling and the fapbaiting to be an insult. Fellow straight men agree with me.

>said no real straight male ever

Probably a Nintendrone.

They've had nothing to play for years now. Switch is all they got, and it isn't looking too hot either. M8 should just buy a PS4, then he'd actually have games to look forward to, rather than shitpost all day.

This exposure is going to do nothing but make people who knew nothing about this game look into it and decide that it looks fun and think that OP is a raging autist. OP is either a clever shill or mentally ill.

People are mad because 2B is a goddess. It's okay though because I'm going to buy 3 of the black boxes

every game has character designs. Making a character lewd or wear a burqa take the same amount of time and resources and it isn't even done by the actual coders. How is focusing on making a lewd game taking away from gameplay?

God I just want her to sit on my face for all eternity

Go back to tumblr you fag.

>reverse shilling

Not him bub, but there's been like 20 daily threads since the demo released and a lot of them have plenty of people saying the gameplay is bland, which I agree with. The main complaint being that the dodge mechanic is too easily abused and the combat system seems to rely 100% on it. The devs themselves said that they wanted to make a more casual experience with simplified gameplay to attract a broader audience.

What? I don't think you played the two games. In Amnesia 1 you need to manage supplies such as tinder and health potions, you need to manage your sanity, you can die in several points and there are several puzzles. Meanwhile Amnesia 2 got rid of the inventory, gave the player regenerating health, got rid of the insanity mechanic, if I recall correctly it also got rid of the journal. There's also no real puzzles, it's just "walk over here, grab a piece and place it in the slot". Encounters were greatly reduced and once you escaped the monster/"got killed" (it's not even a death, you awake like 1 room away inside a cage) the monster would permanently despawn.

Go check the user reviews at metacritic for the game, see how everyone tells you the exact same things i'm telling you.

hey newfriend eat a dick

>It will show platinumfags that platinum doesn't always make great games
that's already been proven by team d games such as korra and tmnt you stupid frick
>It will show degenerates that devs should focus on making a good game before making fapbait trash
but they were making a good game, Sup Forums just chose to latch onto the skimpy leotard, besides when you try to aim the camera up her dress it get's pushed to the side

What's the point in being happy when something that isn't affecting you in any way flops? MN9 deserved it because people were conned out of their money and the end product was shit but what has Nier: Automata done? What has the game done to you?
I would tell you to kill yourself but you seem like such a miserable cunt that you might actually do it.
With that said, kill yourself.

Bitch don't you fucking dare say AMFP is even remotely the same as TDD

I will never forgive frictional for handing over the development to the chinese room.

I'll be honest I have low expectations

either a 4 hour game or the same exact 6 enemies throughout the entire fucking game.

They only showed off 6-8 enemy types in the debug menu which tends to mean there are only 6-8 enemy types in the game excluding bosses and holy shit that'd be boring

Stop making these fucking threads and stop fucking replying to them. What kind of anti-viral marketing is this shit?

Anyone else can't see (You)s anymore since xmas?

Why are so many people concerned about the gameplay? It's a Taro game, your expectations shouldn't be that high. Platinum is not a sudden seal of gold medal gameplay, only that you will know what to expect from dodge and combo mechanics.

When I heard Automata was getting Platinum to handle the gameplay my first thought was, "Great, some not shit gameplay to pad out the worldbuilding, story, and characters." What were any of you expecting? The next coming of Jesus Christ?

It's confirmed as a 25-40 hour open world RPG game.

Additional enemies and weapon styles/gun attacks have been shown in trailers.