>the final boss rapes your mind
The final boss rapes your mind
Other urls found in this thread:
>Final boss has 3 forms
>Final form is a giant animal
>Final boss transforms into the people you've encountered throughout your journey.
Dragon's Dogma
what am i looking at
>the final boss rapes you
>final boss has three forms
>last one is your size
>the final boss mind controls you to rape themself
>The final boss IS your mind
Hello Sup Forums
Source on image?
Hi there
>Final Boss Defeated
>You can now play him in multiplayer mode
>Final Boss is completely nerfed in multiplayer
>final boss rapes your cat
>First enemy rapes you
>first boss rapes you
>final boss rapes you
>pretty much every enemy rapes you
Fuck no, you power should not be able to extend outside of your board.
Name one (0.999...) game that does this
Best formula. Reminds you that in the end its still a human struggle. Here's looking at you KH2.
Sorry Dr. Pig, but gaining meme power on Sup Forums will be harder than what you're used to. Trips and Dubs are difficult to come by here.
>Final boss forces you to swap bodies with your friends to save them
>you rape the final bosses' mind
>you rape the final boss
>final boss rapes a homeless person
>final rape the boss you
a poultry pissing on a calf
>music during the final boss fight is your character's theme
>you boss the final rape
hi can someone post the majin helga in eva 02 picture? thanks
>This brings joy to your heart
>final boss morphs into your character which changes gear and ages until it catches up with the present
>game dev add rape in the game
>in real life I get those memories back that I wanted to forget
name one game
Name 26.5 (male) games that do this.
cant rape the willing
The barnyard videogame was pretty good
>final boss names one game that has features described in your post
>Giant Boss
>Can only see from his waist upwards
this one
Fuckin Wesker.
>final boss takes your delegates
>There is no final boss, only rape
I can name you a few H-games
do it.
Name 50 then.
>midboss helps you defeat the real final boss
>it's getting an anime/hentai
>the anime focuses on the low budget lewd scenes and not the plot
I'm not weird for playing for the plot, right?
All of Alice's H-scenes were good, though
Whoa, sauce?
>final boss has 5 phases
>final form is a giant insect
>final boss is so massive you have to go inside it to defeat it
Fuck it I feel the need to get this out
>Dreamworks sees how huge a maymay Shrek is and wants to cash in on that
>However they don't actually want to make a new Shrek movie because of all the degenerate sexual content the Shrek meme is associated with
>So now their marketing team is trying to force the fuck out of Barnyard to gather enough interest to warrant a cheap sequel/tv series instead because they're too poor to do any other 3d work and they hate mankind too much to make another Prince of Egypt/El Dorado-style 2D film
>you rape the final boss' mind
>shitposting is just an elaborate corporate ploy to shill for dead series
Barnyard isn't Dreamworks though
Do you really like barnyard Sup Forums?
it's pretty bombastic
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger?
>you literally rape the final boss
i liked the movie
the tom petty cover was nice
(you)? what do you mean by that?
i see no (you) in my post
Yeah, the bit where they all get chased by the police is pretty funny.
>You can't lose the battle with the core.
>you can't beat the final boss no matter how hard you try
The movie is fucking atrocious.
The TV show on the other hand, is unironically one of the funniest cartoons I've seen in my entire life.
name it
>it has 12 different boss fights inside, with over a year required to patch them all in, and culminating with a fight inside the soul of the boss itself