Was this worth playing?
Was this worth playing?
no, it has amazing meme potential but you don't need to play it to enjoy those
it was an ok watch on youtube, as good as Beyond: Two Souls
Played it recently on PS4
Boring beginning but ended up being pretty decent
You can get the same enjoyment/experience by just watching it on YouTube without having to spend a dime.
Ironically? Hell fucking yes
David Cage's games are just campy movies you watch drunk or high as comedies.
The origami killer is the old guy detective, saved you time, you're welcome.
Eh, it could be good if the gameplay was more streamlined. And there's far too many parts of the game where you have no real control, but you still have to sit there manipulating the controller to make the story move forward.
I enjoyed aspects of it. I liked the FBI dude, the story was kind of cool, and there are good moments. But all the good stuff has a lot of filler crammed in it.
It has its unintentionally hilarious moments but I enjoyed it, it's worth a playthrough.
It's literally the game version of The Room. If that sound fun to you the sure it's worth playing.
It's definitely an experience. But it's easy to break if you just fuck around with it.
Yeah, get some friends together and make it into group effort. It's really fun that way. If alone, watching on Youtube is probably a better idea.
The killer is the fat detective dude.
Don't waste your time with this shit and play a good cinematic game instead, like Asura's Wrath
>there were supposed to be 3 story dlcs
>instead they've wasted all their money on making a MOVE supported version.
The controls were horrible
it gets worse the more times you replay it