You could be gaming with Kim Jong Un RIGHT NOW

>you could be gaming with Kim Jong Un RIGHT NOW

Other urls found in this thread:

Like I would ever play vidya with you faggots

>inb4 that North Korean arcade

Tea Girl is dead. I'm sorry user.

>playing vidya

This isn't the Sup Forums I know.

Maybe he plays Tropico and thinks to himself "man, why did I get the shitty asian country instead of a tropical one?"

>implying kju isn't just using steam to launder money via hats like the rest of asia


I refuse to believe your capitalist lies.

I will make it my mission to storm the gates of Pyongyang in order to find and rescue Tea Girl. There's no way she is dead. My heart will not allow it.

W-what if the was that guy with Korean alphabets in his name who stomped me with North Korean army in Wargame: Red Dragon multiplayer yesterday?

im going to be alone on new years and you've just made it 100x worse by reminding me that tea girl was executed or sent to die in a prison camp


That's probably just based on GeoIP info, and considering how small of a portion of public IPs they have, that could be anyone.



there's no shame in losing to a korean in a strategy game user

Who the fuck still plays videogames lmao.

>that could be anyone.

>implying anyone can just fucking play vidya in north korea.

jesus christ user how stupid are you

>raped, tortured, and executed just for asking the anons on Sup Forums if they wanted tea
I hope it was worth it


I believe it. Do you ever see any old people in North Korea?


If this is true I'm gonna go all Team America on their asses

>tfw Kim will never shitpost in your thread

>introducing the new Sup Forums banner

>Do you ever see any old people in North Korea?

>do you ever see any old people in a country that follows confucian hierarchy where the youth must submit to the seniors


There was an NK poster in Sup Forums the other day

There's a NK flag on Sup Forums

it's either Kim, or someone with an illegal hook-up



What are some games set in NK?

you dumbass niggas

it's a fucking VPN


I think he was trying to say do you ever see any old people in NK that aren't government officials

I believe Sweden has an embassy there. I'm sure they are allowed the internet.

Imaging nk's refugees being exposed to vidya world for the first time.

I'd like to believe

I would reenlist if we went to war with NK.

>be a one of the best countries in the world citizen
>get sent to a dangerous boring shithole

Same desu. I would probably enjoy the spoils of war too. Fuck Geneva.

>not taking the opportunity to get all the gook spy pussy you can handle

>implying it wouldn't be the rape of nanking 2: electric boogaloo

>you will never go to north korea

To protect your citizens or the citizens of your allies should they choose to visit. It's a pretty noble job to be honest. I'm curious how well NK would respect the embassy if push came to shove though. The leadership must realize they aren't hot shit

>you will never escape from north korean prison camp
>you will never suffer from PTSD
>you will never discover vidya
>you will never bury all the traumatic events of your life by playing vidya day in and day out in worst korea living on welfare

It'd be over in two hours, literally. The worst Koreans are still assblasted 50 years later, and they'd just go fucking ham while every one of the norks major cities was getting nonstop bombed by B-52s, because their air force and anti-air capabilities are a total joke.

If they were to swallow their pride and surrender, it would be over in one hour.

>best country in the world
he said sweden though

>Sure wish I was back home
>I hope the wife made some cash renting out the loft to muhammed


I wonder how boring they have it there. Not saying that it's an useless job, but they must have literally nothing to do majority of the time, and most likely even diplomats can't roam that much outside embassy area.


>asking the anons on Sup Forums if they wanted tea
Did that happen? I thought she was from that vice video

>noble job to be honest
No doubt about that. I just wonder how diplomats superiors decide where to send people. Do they throw a coin or something

literally who?


Russia wouldn't get involved even if they gooks did, and even they are afraid of a real war with NATO/the US.

Why in the ever living fuck would you want to?


She talked to capitalists. She is being raped and tortured as we speak

>It'd be over in two hours, literally.

how does it feel to be that guy who's always saying

>war will be over by christmas lads

and then its 2 years in and your balls have been shredded because you stepped on a landmine.

what's this gif from

literally who?

I wonder if it's a sort of a volunteer thing. I guess you realize what you're getting into though when you take that sort of job. Like theres tons of embassies in plenty of shithole, but I'm guessing no takes the cake simply because if things go down you can't exactly rely on being air lifted out.

>She is being raped and tortured as we speak

tea girl's dead user

it's her teenage daughter who's being raped and tortured as we shitpost.

Not him, but because its really Intresting even thiugh ita fucked. Would never wanna stay though. Fuck that gook shithole.

How is Pakistan the best country in the world?

>2 day old reddit memes

is this what we're become?

As someone who works close to diplomacy stuff (but not exactly in it), I would say that your guess is closer to truth than you most likely would expect. Obviously the ones deciding consider who's knowledgeable about what, but being a diplomat is still a very unpredictable profession that will send one to unexpected places. And you usually won't be that long in one place either.

Not really: It was posted a while ago before that here on Sup Forums.

Remember that journalist who went to North Korea, tore down a poster and was sent to a prison camp for like 15 years?
>streets are clean
>not crowded
>food looks good
Pyongyang actually looks somewhat comfy, if a bit cold.


who the fuck is running a NK VPN

it's at least a month old v post. I remember anons discussing what was that dude in a middle of nowhere Canada playing

You really are retarded if you think that's how it is daily.

Yeah, it's alright when there aren't any public executions going on.


You can spoof an IP address very easily. I'm assuming that's where the flags on the Sup Forums posts come from (IP geolocation)

she looks like snsd seohyun

even if it is, it still means that somebody has access to a VPN from NK. it's not like those are exactly available to the everyday user


>ywn corrupt/culturally enrich a north korean woman with your dick

Why live?

Man, Asia is so bloody weird, fucking hell


Was it a journalist? I thought it was some college kid who got talked into stealing a poster for some chick in exchange for... something or other. A blowjob? I dunno.

What ever happened to him?

Sauce on that?

Screw this gay earth. I refuse to believe you.

You're right it was a college kid, I guess at this point they are no different to me. He's been in the camp for almost a year I believe and I don't think he's dead.

It looks like any desolate post-soviet European city circa 1994-95.

Behold, North Korea's weird ass Calico Styled AK. I would fucking defect to NK just to get my hands on this baby.

>big city
>quiet and peaceful
>not a ton of people around
>qt korean girls

Would be a paradise if it weren't for the whole getting executed for dumb shit thing.

There are some pretty qt escapees. Although I'm not quite shure how you'd deal with the trauma that she got from escaping

your gun waifu a shit

Dude went to prison as a show of example to the west. Nigga was crying and bawling tearing apologizing profusely.

>helical mag on an AK


Russia doesn't even like North Korea, and hasn't for a long time. China's relationship with NK is strained, they would probably sell them out if we guaranteed we'd keep the border as it is and allow them to keep their mining operations.

How many ammo can it hold?
I think it can at least 45

It definitely does look comfy in that video. All of that goes out the window after knowing what happens behind the scenes though.


There is actually an article up on fox that came out like 6 days ago talking about him.