This game is such an absolute piece of fucking shit...

This game is such an absolute piece of fucking shit. I keep trying to tolerate it because I hate playing things out of order but the gameplay and design are so outright terrible that it makes me want to pull my hair out. Would I really be missing out on much if I just skipped this piece of shit?

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>Would I really be missing out on much if I just skipped this piece of shit?

You'd be doing yourself a favor if you skipped the whole franchise. Witcher 1 is the best game in the series by far. After that everything goes downhill fast.

quit trying to play it like dark souls. the first game is a top down nwn style rpg. if this is a barrier that is too high for you to climb then go ahead and skip it, you've already convinced yourself anyways.

How could anything possibly be worse than this horrible fucking game? I don't give a fuck about how good the writing is, the game plays like absolute shit.

I honestly was in the same boat when it released, uninstalled it and didn't think about it. Re-installed it two weeks before TW2 came out and almost uninstalled again, but once I pushed through the starting area and got to vizima, it's like the game really opens up...the writing is fantastic and definitely worth a play through, but god damn it starts off tedious as all fuck.

It's literally Morrowind tier garbage.

>Clicking LMB at the right time on the enemy I want to hit is too hard :(
I can agree with finding the first chapter uninteresting though.


Try making a funny noise with your mouth everytime you click. If you're really advanced you could set up a macro so every left click plays a funny fart noise through your computer.

That'd be boring and silly.

The problem is that there's a good game in small doses there. The intro sucks, then it starts to get good, then you go to a shitty area, then it starts to get good again, then you go back to that shitty area again.

I like it better as a game than TW2. TW2 just seemed like it was a story that you're forced to play. The combat wasn't terrible, but it never felt like it let you play it as an RPG because half the shit was useless. Spec for alchemy? Well have fun having your potions expire through cutscenes before a boss fight anyway, nigger. All you do is roll around like a faggot, roll away from the enemy and then hit light attack so Geralt basically just jumps across the floor to slice him with a sword and then repeat. There is no better strategy.

TW3 was a giant improvement over both games, I feel. The dodge button helps a lot and you can meme all you want about it being a watered down RPG, but it still feels like you're building a character again like in TW1.

i love the clicking combat. you act like you remember playing pc games in 2007 when it came out. user you huge youngfaggot queer, this game was fine then and is now. you'r ejust a huge faggot who has faggot tastes. and then comes to v ona friday night to bitch about something he hasn't even put in the time to play

eat my ass loser. twice.

op is a huge faggot. glad I played all three games, easily my favorite series.

eat my ass queer. remember that.

The combat isn't the best but you have to power through and see the game through. It'll be like when you have to do something horrible in real life but then looking back you'll feel really glad that you did it.

Witcher is a great game and you'll probably get into it and stop giving a shit by the time you reach vizima. You only care so much because you stop every five minutes and go in a huff and then post a thread on Sup Forums about it.

Delusional faggot, get sent to a correctional facility

The witcher is a shit game

Which act was it where you went back to the retarded ass swamp of invisible walls? Why the hell would they make you revisit that of all places?

Each Witcher game is a self contained narrative so you won't miss much plotwise by skipping it especially if you at least played enough of the first one to establish the setting and major characters.
The next two play a lot smoother and look much nicer though a lot of people claim that the story and writing in 2 and 3 isn't as good I disagree.
I you can't stomach it then just move on and try coming back to it later after playing 2 and 3.

I can only remember you being there during acts 2 and 3. After you open up the tower you don't go back. I think.

>Spec for alchemy? Well have fun having your potions expire through cutscenes before a boss fight anyway, nigger.
God I hated this. What the fuck were they thinking? TW1 had it right, so why change?

Just watch this

and skip to Witcher 2

Shut up plebe, and never reply to me again.

TW1 still had the best potion system. It was fun brewing your own potions and then being able to drink them at any time. Having to meditate to drink potions in TW2 might be one of the worst game design choices I've ever seen, and having them expire through the cutscene just makes the game basically broken, I never even want to play it again. TW3 was an improvement, but they were basically just buffs instead of potions. I know what they were going for, but I still think it would have been cool to have us brew them again, just make the ingredients for the basic ones abundant or drop off enemies sometimes.

witcher 1 is best played with a guide desu famallamadingdong

it gets better in chapter 2. by chapter 4 you'll wish the game wasn't gonna be over so soon.

Witcher 1 is fucking awful. Skip it and go straight to 2.

That's its biggest problem. It starts to finally get amazing toward the end of the game, but it's almost over.

TW2 isn't any better, it has too many of its own types of flaws. If you're gonna skip, skip both and just play TW3.

TW1 is terrible in the beginning, then it gets good, then it all falls apart as they scramble to finish it up. Also, weirdly unbalanced. Early on it's easy except when it's occasionally bafflingly hard (that stupid fucking dog), then by the end it's almost insultingly easy.

and that's when you play tw2...and then tw3.

i actually skipped most of tw2, not because i really wanted to but because i just started playing tw3 on last year's winter sale.


Scoia'Tael do nothing wrong
Humans deserve it
Gwynbleidd 4 lyfe

Just watch the ending cutscene, and cinematic where Geralt defends Foltest. Aside from an incredibly small reference in Witcher 3, and I really do mean like the smallest reference they could possibly come up with, Witcher 1 holds almost no relevance on the franchise as a whole.

fuck that ending cutscene is awesome

He did nothing wrong

>yfw "That sword is for monsters"

I bought the full trilogy but went straight to 3 and it was just fine

>heh... youre just not good enough to appreciate this superb gameplay!

that's all you're going to get, witcher fanboys are notorious for this

skip the game, it sucks dick


Did you enjoy Neverwinter nights? If so you will enjoy Witcher 1.

It is a pretty bad game overall. Fans of the game like to say "it gets better" but it never really does. The only good part is the very end which is actually really cool.

If you hate the combat just upgrade igni to max, it becomes an insta-kill move on pretty much every enemy and makes the game stupidly easy.

Kys underage xbot, it's the RPG of the decade

it's not even from this decade

Literally top tier game. It gets so fucking good after act2 tbhqtp

Have two choices, are you a casual baby who is shit at games and has ADD? You will find an excuse to skip it.
If you aren't a shitter that needs mainstream gaming hack and slash gameplay to not fall asleep every 2 min, then you will complete it and be thankful for it.

Regardless nobody wants to see yet another fag come here and parade he can't play videogames.

when's the last time you shaved your neck?

I always thought it was funny how Geralt uses pocket sand tactics to save Foltest.

The Scoia'Teal have tried to murder Geralt multiple times without provocation. They're rapists and murderers like any other group of bandits.

At least The Order had one decent guy living up to their virtues, even if the rest of them are bad news.

Siegfried is the top lad and made the order great again. Scoia'tael are a bunch of knife eared pricks. Humans and dwarves need to get together and stomp out the elven menace for good.

>Aside from an incredibly small reference in Witcher 3, and I really do mean like the smallest reference they could possibly come up with, Witcher 1 holds almost no relevance on the franchise as a whole.

Not true. Geralt still has amnesia in TW2 stemming from the events of TW1. Additionally, TW1 establishes that the Wild Hunt has a personal vendetta against Geralt and sets up the close relationship between Foltest and Geralt that's crucial to the story of TW2.

If you don't read the books, it also introduces Triss, Dandelion, and Zoltan, whereas TW2 assumes you know who they are.


TW1 also introduces the Order of the Flaming Rose, who play a big role in TW2 and small one in TW3, and grown-up Radovid (who was still a kid when the books ended).

>that note in the book store

It's a boring pile of shit with bad gameplay and boring everything, why did you think it was gonna be good?

put marks into igni and just spam group/silver group/steel.

nimble styles are almost purely useless. strong silver is good for later game.

honestly, if you just pump up damage and use group style, you literally one hit up to like 8-9 drowners at a time by chapter 4. and people you just igni them so they are on fire, and group steel them and they die in like 3 hits.

any enemy that can dodge well, just igni them a couple of times then aard and insta kill them.

The best thing about witcher combat is the style specifically designed for taking out hordes of angry manlets.

do you mean the writing gets better or what?

I miss the good old days when this series wasn't shitposted.

I thought the dog was easy. You can just aard him and then execute him straight away.

What exactly are you having problems with, user?
