did you ever get the feeling you're only playing nintendo games cause you're supposed to?
Did you ever get the feeling you're only playing nintendo games cause you're supposed to?
I don't play shitendo memes
No, I don't play Nintendo games anymore
Everytime I do I usually get the feeling it's more a sequence of events as a time sink with a story attached and feels very rote.
No, not at all.
I never liked their games that much (besides the Marios and the Donkey Kong Countries) so I jumped from the SNES to the Playstation 1 automatically.
nope i play because i like them now fuck off fag
I grew out of them.
Seriously Reddit?
Fuck off with your shitposting and FUCK YOU for dragging Futurama through the mud in the process.
No I'm not a sheep.
I got a 3ds and fuck me am I not impressed. Super Mario 3d Land was the same level over and over again, New Super Mario Bros. 2 added nothing original to the formula, Animal Crossing: New Leaf is literally a housing permit simulator (I had to give up after four hours) and I've never liked Smash Bros.
The only title I enjoyed was DK Country Returns, which was still inferior to the first two.
Nintendo is the only company that can keep releasing the same games over and over and get away with it. Well, besides Insomniac.
Yes, but I grew up.
No. I'm not that insecure.
>Buys the shitty Mario rehashes but not the actually new or innovative games like Kid Icarus Uprising
You're LITERALLY part of the problem. Nintendo makes Mario rehashes because it's literally all you gullible idiots buy. When they actually make something original you ignore it and then have the gal to whine about how they never try something new. Protip: they're a COMPANY, they make what SELLS. If you're tired of rehashes, DON'T BUY THEM, BUY THE NEW SHIT.
Not really, I was ultra hype as fuck for ALBW but as soon as Triforce heroes came out, I literally did not give any fucks.
I find myself caring less and less about Nintendo games every year.
>tfw watching Futurama after it was revived on Comedy Central
Holy shit it was like watching Family Guy with Futurama characters
>in this thread, OP accidentally implies that people who dislike nintendo are gay
>Fry fucked his grandma and killed his grandfather
The absolute madman
No? I do things because I want to, not because I feel like I'm obligated to.
>it's a repost from years ago
It's funny because ALBW was just a soulless rehash of LTTP, but TFH actually had great design and was an excellent multiplayer game
Kill yourself sonycuck
ALBW while it perfected the formula for 2D Zelda and was a blast, it did feel like it borrowed too heavily from ALTTP, I feel as an experience, it holds on its own. Music is fucking ace too.
Triforce heroes, I was already satiated by ALBW and I saw no reason to even try it.
>Triforce heroes, I was already satiated by ALBW and I saw no reason to even try it.
The multiplayer was fun as fuck, though I imagine it's quite dead now. I really hope Nintendo doesn't abandon multiplayer Zelda because of how poorly it sold, because it's really a concept that works well
In general I play video games because I'm supposed to.
I don't have fun anymore.
no. i've always liked nintendo games, and always will.
Is that why you have a backlog?
I don't play video games, I'm too busy having sex with men.
I don't have fun anymore because I have to finish my backlog.
Post snes I've played the 3d mario platformers and that's about it. Everything else seems very dull to me.
Just buy pokemon lol
The victory yodel was 11/10 and the revival was worth it for that alone
i play nintendo games because i enjoy them
At this point in time, not playing nintendo games is the normie thing to do
Wew lad
No, I play them because I enjoy playing them. I stopped playing them for many years until I bought a Wii late in the cycle and just binged tons of games and now been keeping up with them.