Is this the most braindead card in existence?
Is this the most braindead card in existence?
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hearthstone got pretty anime all of a sudden
what gaem ?
no but this is
Beginner here, which deck do I pick to just steamroll everything?
Neutral :^)
Discard Dragon is the best one for beginners!
shes awesome. still deciding if i want to build a daria, dragoon, or nep thread next.
>5/5 for 9
better have an OP ability
>building a thread
>building a nep deck, which is impossible
Banner sword, they are dirt cheap and a meta deck as well
here, just for (You)
What's the point of this card though? It certainly can't be run in a dshift deck.
aggro decks
Did rage bring any good cards for my meme bat aggro deck?
Pot Of Greed is the most braindead card
Runecraft can't run aggro. They don't have any monster to attack
>Runecraft can't run aggro. They don't have any monster to attack
Banner sword is easy and you get to chop shit up with maids.
There's a 2 mana 1/3 with "Whenever an enemy follower comes into play, deal 1 damage to the enemy leader."
There's also a 3 mana 3/2 with Ward and Clash: Summon a Forest Bat
I have have no idea if they're good or not though because I'm just a faggot who plays Haven all of the time
What does it do?
Credit where it's due; shitstone lets you see what a card does, on the fucking card.
It allows me to draw two cards from the top of my deck and add them to my hand.
you havent updated to the new xpac I see
aggro rune is now the strongest rune deck by far
define braindead
wtf i love hearthstone now
no it doesnt. you have to click to see them just like in shadowverse. and thats not a good thing even if it were true, its a waste of space when youll know what all the cards do if you play the game for more than a month.
reply to
every good card game at least has a version of The Gatherer on its site
this shit
Take a look at the new expansion and then come back here.
If I connect my android game account to my PC version will I still keep all the cards I got from packs in the PC version?
Whichever has a loli on it. Choose wisely.
So Shadowverse expects no new players nor any new cards.
Good to know.
no it doesnt expect brain dead nintenyearolds like you, and thank god for it.
counter this shit with 2-3 mardroemes in your deck, shit is easy to counter. also banishes those reavers that NR loves to play
>15 packs
Really makes you think how SV got its new players. They must've did some voodoo magic since learning the game is impossible with no text on the card art.
Can't have a post without pretending to be superior to the guy not playing your game of choice, huh?
All I'm saying is day one download, you don't know shit about the game including how to check out the details, and a few years and expansions down the line you're probably not going to remember what anime bitch 35807 does on the fly.
But feel free being defensive when one thing your game does isn't perfect.
Remember to play private games against 20 opponents to get extra 2000 gold.
It's pretty intuitive to click the card for more details.
You don't even need to click the cards, just hover over them with your mouse.
It's confusing for new players.
op is crying about daria. when while she is good if you dont draw her you dont do shit all game.
top fucking kek, stop being a shitter op.
its called reading the cards while they are in the book.
you dont seriously just jump strait in without doing anything do you?
I also forgot too add the Daria Runecraft deck is easily countered by aggro.
>Gets countered by aggro
>Gets countered by control
>No one plays midrange anymore
What is this supposed to beat again?
>he doesnt play epic meme Hamsa, Cyclone deck
>oh man why are you guys playing that shit card game when shadowverse is clearly the balanced superior weeb game jaja
rip shadowverse
This post is very confusing because I don't know who in the thread you are quoting.
anything in the new expansion help garuda storm? only meta deck I got so far
No clue. 90% of the games on ranked are rune. And every screenshot of haven is playing seraph.
New player here. Are the pre-made decks worth getting at all?
To play with? No. To get important key cards? Yes.
sword or dragon
Do I just put all my rupees into the standard packs for now?
>dump your hand
>opponent kills everything with evolve play
>all you have left is more 2/2s and 2/3s and he still has his game winners
aggro without storm is garbage and will always be garbage
You get standard packs as rewards for daily login and playing Take two. Probably better to spend them on other sets.
What rewards do you get for winning 5 times in take two?
As a beginner you should shoot for cutest
Erika is the cutest girl in the game bar none. A hand maiden sword wielding goddess of battle with a beautiful black hime cut is unbeatable. Arisa comes in second as she is undeiably cute, but elves are very generic. Even past their rapability factor, Arisa is merely an elf and that's it. Third comes Luna with her cuteness on a factor far past the others. Cute demeanor, cute voice, cute plush, it's all great. But her deck is filled with ugly monsters. Not enough to make up for the difference. After that, Rune is alright for sex but she's not cute. Haven is hideous. Ugly. Horrid woman. The other two are male, so worse than Haven. Vampy can replace old man and she's adorable, but she and Forte cost 500 gold which can go to packs.
That's fucked up, man.
how to dragonfang amulet?
Like, standard pack + 250 gold.
Take two can award expansion packs. Its rare, but it can happen.
Vampy is 100% worth it and better than those old hags
Trampy isn't core and thus is back of the line. Weighing the cost of an oji-san versus trampy is hard, but she wins out in the end. That said, Erika is far cuter, purer, and stronger than anyone else including her.
What's wrong with Streets of Gadgetzan?
The matchup against aggro isn't nearly as bad as you think.
Luna is the cutest, but shadow is far from cute
Just uninstalled this game, everyone is riding this card now.
No worse than Albert
Expansion just released and it was the first strong deck discovered. Give it some time.
it's entirely based around you getting good draws and your opponent getting shit.
Even saying Albert is still balanced IMO. Powerful cards are fine with me. It's not like sword is ridiculously broken. Plus he deserves to be something since he's trash in GBF
I've gone through the entirety of AA0 without my evil deeds ending on turn 4. This is a glorious time to be a Shadowcraft player.
is this game basically hearthstone for pedophiles?
To anyone still trying to do the private matches for 2000 rupies thing, we also have a discord where you can trade if needed:
I really hope they will nerf her in the next patch. This deck is too OP.
Anyone played that Elder Scrolls cardgame?
How shit is it?
Royal is the easiest to play. You just keep summoning follower and attack
anyone have any luck finding viable control decks?
my elana haven was carrying me fine until I hit the shitstorm that is A rank aggro decks
that's what you deserve for playing elana faggotry.
Shadow control is pretty good with the new expansion.
good decks are good no matter what you draw. strong aggro decks in this game are brainless and can just play whatever they draw and have a good chance of winning. I've had multiple games where I ran out of cards and couldn't win because shit was in the wrong order.
>shadow viable at all
>control shadow
the only dumb faggot here is you
I do
it's god tier
It needs to come out of beta and put out its mobile client so I can have a general to post in and play on the go. It's basically the closest to truly being "mtg-lite". It has 5 colors and colorless. Your deck can use 2 different colors + colorless. It has an almost pokemon like prize system where every 5 damage into the opponents 30hp they break a rune and the opp draws a card so aggro fags can't just blindly rush in, you HAVE to be a patrician. Two lanes of attack. decks have 50 cards at minimum. 3 of each copy even legendaries except for unique legendaries.
They have standard arena mode and also an arena mode vs AI so if you suck at drafting you can play against shitty bots and still make a profit (put in 150 gold walk out with 2 packs, crafting material, and more than 150 gold).
And if you've played elderscrolls game it's comfy as fug playing these cards. Shit like orcs, khajit, argonians etc are tribes.
standard mana system except it goes up to 12 as a soft cap and you can push it 15 if you ramp. They have cards that cost more than 10 mana.
They even have an arrow to le knee card.
It's the superior card game out of them all imotbhfam
I play it for it's constructed while I play shadowverse for it's arena since for some reason it's insanely easy to go 4-1/5-0 in it. Hearthstone every once in a while when expansions release.
sheeeit might as well mention the runescape card game. It's a COMPLETELY different game that is fun as fug but they shit the bed and don't give you a ton of free stuff like current card games do.
That game is a stillborn. It won't even last a year.
what makes you think this
I hope you're talking about the runescape game
>fight both against Daria and Discard dragon
>burn through their deck fast as fuck
I wish I have a decent Haven control. Shit would be fun to watch to kill themselves.