How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?

Other urls found in this thread:,

They didnt, everyone called out their shit.

>Quarians weren't cute half-bug people

Fuck Bioware

>people will never accept that aliens shouldn't look exactly like humans.
>better base Tali off a stock photo

Anybody got those screencaps from the forums? You know the ones.

Wasn't it some dev that snuck it in last minute or some shit?

But you knew that Tali had, at the very least, human like eyes and nose.

Hence why I said half bug

You know, with cute fuzzy antennae

Because they did it in Baldur's Gate 2. Except Viconia is a better waifu.

I'm out of the loop, literally what?

They didn't. Even the most die-hard biodrones were up in arms over this.

>living under a rock
the big waifu face reveal in me3 was a shooped stock image.

In Mass Effect 3, a character who's face was hidden the whole series was finally revealed via a picture frame left in your room. Said image is on the right in the OP pic. It turns out that the image is a edit of the one on the left, a photo from a stock image site.

Wasn't the face reveal also only used when you waifu her and then let her die to save someone else?

It wasnt just a single character hiding her face.
Her entire race was hidden.
That entire species was a mystery up until that reveal.

Video games don't have editors on staff who make sure you don't steal shit or say ridiculous things. This is fine because video games SHOULD be a niche product for fans to enjoy. Instead we have the current situation where "fans" of video games get mad that there aren't enough gay black people in my medieval themed rogueish

I don't see the problem. There was nothing to indicate Quarians were bugs or ugly or whatever the fuck you sick fags wanted. The stock photo thing is lazy as fuck, but Quarians looking human like is fine.

No. You def have to bang her, but I'm pretty sure living is a requirement as well.

It's tali from ME2 without her helmet. People are upset they used a picture of a real girl instead of a cgi alien, because aliens are supposed to be alien. I don't really care, I sided with jack and the geth in my playthrough.

They did not. There was a a shitstorm, but it was drowned in the giant 2011 japanese earthquake-tier tsunami of shit the ending of the game raised up.

after this and end of rine i have no idea how bioware is even still around. people just love getting tricked i guess.

Personally, I always got thri-kreen vibes from the features we could see

The people who shitted on bioware were branded as neo nazis pro consumerists anti semitic over entitled hobby grade bastards

>The stock photo thing is lazy as fuck, but Quarians looking human like is fine.
Yeah nah. Hooray for more lazy uninspired "human but with accessories" alien races.

To this day this shit still triggers me.

>BioCuck apologists/redditors have legitimate mental illnesses
>Instead of calling out the shitty moves by the devs, """journalists""" double down on the ENTITLED GAMER rhetoric or just straight up ignore it
>gamers have fucking shit for standards or willpower, see pic related

>see pic related
The misleading one of the free weekend that gets endlessly reposted?

The gaming industry let them get away with it. Its what started the whole "entitlement" buzzword and was the true beginning of GamerGate. The whore in 2014 was just the catalyst.

While this is incredibly lazy, anyone who expected alien looking race didn't play Mass Effect 1. It's clear from Tali's face in ME1 that was extremely human looking

fun times

but they did. they're making ME4 and every SJW is gonna buy it in droves regardless of how shit ME3 was



And these idiots wonder why no one fucking reads them. I've never seen such a complete and utter lack of respect for your audience. In any other industry you would rightfully be out on your arse if you did that.

The ending was so bad that people didn't focus much on this.

Maybe so with that pic but come on, gamers are fucking horrible when it comes to putting their foot down or being even somewhat skeptical.

>Aliens are just humans with stupid cosmetic features or weird skin tones
This shit always reminds me Americans are subhuman idiots in dire need of a nuclear holocaust.


I will never not be mad at this fucking game



Maybe not. Dragon Age Inquisition's sales were obviously affected by how lazy Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 were

I loved ME1 and 2 when they came out, really felt like modern successors to KOTOR. I never bothered with 3 because of all the collapsed hype during its release.

Now that the dust has settled, should I play it? Although I don't have any of my old Mass Effect saves anymore and I don't think I have the patience to start from 1 all over again.

>Asari remixed

Yeah nah. I like this guy's idea more

They're dextro, so they could look more closely to Turians in that regard

No you're a faggot, nothing about their culture or look screamed bug people, no wings, no buglike habits, nothing other than obvious references to gypsy culture.

All you furries, scalies, or whatever else you faggots call yourselves can kill each other

>and every SJW is gonna buy it in droves
>buying things

Oh lad, you are 'avin an uproarious giggle there.
Idiots buy their games, and DA:I's rapid sale cut off shows that people idiotic enough to buy bioware are declining

I wouldn't pay for it. But if you play it through other means I would use the mod that changes the ending on mass effect nexus. That is unless you want to experience why everyone was so pissed off.

Inquisition was their last chance for me. I only gave them so many because their games pre EA were top tier imo.

SJWs don't buy games, as proven by any new BioWare games and shit like Sunset. Let BioWare cater to them and the consumers will sort it out, for the most part.

The worst part of Bioware for me is that I really really liked the first Mass Effect and Dragon Age: Origins, and they just took all that potential and flushed it down the drain. Notice how they havent really made new IP's in the last ten years of EA owning them? There's literally no talent in there. I dont understand how they fucked up so hard.

Honest question here, what's so bad about EA? If they are so rich, they must do something right.

They produce half-assed games, kill decent studios that come under their wing for support, and stifle their PC games by forcing them to be on their shitty Origin platform, some with Denuvo.

They're locusts.
Every company they touch ends up being a husk due to their pushing of flavour of the month garbage, anti consumer practises, forcing ridiculous deadlines and booting out anyone that has a high wage.

Eventually the company collapses due to nobody in authority having a fucking clue what to do, and EA moves on to the next host.

they did not
holy shit im beyond mad right now

They get lucky every now and then. Honestly they're not that rich, I remember at the point that Sup Forums voted them for "Worst Company in America" their stock prices were dwindling at an all time low, near-bankruptcy. They went through two CEO's and now they're focusing on the shit that worked for them. Aka Battlefield. Titanfall is now the "competition" against CoD and by pushing out two same-genre IP's at the same time they're forcing discussion of their products and normies who don't realize they're giving money to the same company might avoid one only to buy the other. They've gotten better at business decisions thats for sure, but its a money first, video games second company.

I wasn't super upset or bothered.

But I was let down by ME2 after enjoying the fuck out of ME1 so I didn't buy any further Bioware games. It was overall a "Its like ME1 but more and a little lazier".

I heard almost nothing great and very few good things about ME3 so the series is basically done for me.


The developers got so fucking butthurt at the lack of sales that they threw a Twitter tantrum and claimed they were quitting the industry.

However, unlike Phil Fish, I don't think they actually had the decency to fuck off for real. Their game showed up in the upper tier of a Humble Bundle shortly afterward, and they probably made quite a bit of money from it, because the default settings on Humble will send your money to ALL developers even if you only pay for the lowest tier.

Basically, if your game is in the higher tiers of a Humble Bundle, you're going to get free money. You literally get a cut of the revenue from customers who aren't paying enough to get your game, unless those customers deliberately remove you from the split, and most customers probably don't bother to do so. No one ever seems to talk about this.

human face literally made me unwaifu her

Is that really how it works? I thought humble bundle just got keys in bulk on the cheap.

>go hang out with friends
>redditor friend shows ME: Andromeda trailer on TV
>can tell he's already watched it
>everyone is silent throughout the trailer
>gun grab scene comes up
>absolutely lose my shit
>this was before it became a meme
>no one understands why
>other friend just kinda laughs with me because he's high as shit
>trailer ends
>redditor friend stands up and yells ''GET FUCKING HYPE''

This shit pisses me off the most. Why is it so hard to fucking come up with some actual non-human looking aliens? ( two arms, same body structure, similar hand shape,) Bungie is probably the only company that can create aliens that aren't just head skins. And it's a shame the lore is locked on the website intead of being in the damn game.

>have artist on team
>artist is paid to make art
>have artist make art of unmasked tali for the portrait
>instead use stock photo
still boggles my mind

>tfw volus unmasked

I find that hard to believe they made any decent sums off of that trash. It sold 4,000 copies its first month, and they can't be getting that big of a portion from Humble Bundles. I'll gladly eat crow but I doubt those cunts are living large off of that shit. Good riddance.

I don't know how they obtain keys. However, when you buy a bundle, you can specify which developers/publishers get your money by adjusting a slider for each game. The default settings put each slider in the same place, even if you're not paying enough to get all of the games. See the attached screenshot, which is from an earlier bundle which has ended already.

I would have actually died of laughter.

interesting. thanks user

Get away with what?

The entire industry is built on plagiarism.

>using House as an example
Are you fucking retarded?

Some of the fights are annoying, the dlc isn't worth purchasing, the ending is balls.

But it does the same things the games did well, provide you with a great universe, and have great characters, if you loved anyone from 1 or 2, you'll enjoy what happens to them in 3

you are a moron

Mfw suitniggers get dominated by the synthetic master race.

House was based directly on Howard Hughes. It's an homage.

Play though ME1 again, the gameplay hasn't aged well, 2 was overconsolized, but the gameplay at least won't stagnate. Not a single entry in the mass effect series is perfect, they aren't trash either, they offer different things.

>>redditor friend stands up and yells ''GET FUCKING HYPE''

You need to kill him.

Quarians were always human looking, even ignoring that there are a lot of truly alien species in mass effect like the Hanar and the ones that look like Gorillas, it's not the most diverse but it's ok.

I did earlier this year and somewhat agree. I don't think the gameplay has aged poorly so much as the games just don't have great replayability after you've heard the story they are going to tell.

Get outta herw faggot, you've been replaced.


>'s not plagiarism, it's an homage!


the female voice actress in one of the trailers for Andromeda is the trans girl in sense8. and a rumor i heard spread around is that the asari are actually all dickgirls now. now you tell much of this is just a giant marketing tool for fetishists and SJWs.

I tried playing both just a couple of years ago. ME1 was a little clunky, but it was unique enough and had enough customization to keep my interest. ME2 bored the shit out of me and I eventually dropped it without finishing. They made it more like just another formulaic TPS and ripped out almost all of the the customization, it was a drag.

>and a rumor i heard spread around is that the asari are actually all dickgirls now
Well that's me sold.

Also don't the Asari adjust their biological structure to their sexual partners anyway?

The delicious irony is the only alien looking species (Hanar, Keepers and elcor) never move, they're all stationary. So Bioware can't code for shit to actually add anything really alien. Humanoid aliens can work but just make them fucking different. Like in destiny. Nothing looks alike both in design and in tech.

Holy shit Tortanic was that long ago damn

Because people have real shit to worry about than video games. We're not all jobless faggots like you who think video game issues are real issues.

This, their inability to adapt to their own homeworld makes them even less stereotypically bug-like. Bugs are known for being hard to stomp out

The stories still are pretty great, the side stories, I agree everything with the geth, the council, and the reapers are pretty poor, but it does do the little things properly, such as character arcs, Mordin, Grunt, and Wrex specifically. I'm playing through the trilogy again, currently at the second game, I kinda just accept it as a B grade thing that didn't really live up to the potential, but still maintained a solid ride till the mediocre, but not worst ever end.

Biotic powers are a riot, so I disagree there, the combat is completely improved, the customization is pretty terrible in 1 actually, it has a lot of options, but they're mostly meaningless, in fact despite constantly clouding your inventory in shit, you could still beat the entire game with your starter stuff, I literally just beat the gmae for the 3rd time just yesterday, I could write a huge list about what's wrong with the game. I would honestly put it on an equal level with 2 so far.

Don't fucking do it. It ruined the series in such levels that i still can't replay first two games because of it. I'd rather play Plumbers Don't Wear Ties with screwdiver stuck into my dick rather than that shit.

>doesn't know what plagiarism is
That's some next level retardation.

I know Bioware has done everything to distance itself from the origins of ME1, so it's forgivable not to spot it, but the aliens mostly being human looking WAS THE ENTIRE POINT.

ME1 was written as one colossal shout out to old school sci fi such as Star Trek, Blade Runner, etc. The aesthetics and music was supposed to mirror it, and that included the classic human with a bit of make up/prosthetics style aliens.
Just look at the jumpsuit style armour, the music, and the environments.

Going for a different for the sake of different alien would have missed the point even more than Bioware already did.

Wonder where Stanley is now


if that's true then how come it got game of the year?

You are a God dam retard.

>you could still beat the entire game with your starter stuff
that doesn't mean you couldn't actually do some crazy shit with the customization
My weaponfu was a crazy ass explosive sniper, basically a hitscan bazooka that overheated with every shot. Can't make anything like that in the other Mass Effect games. It was a huge part of the experience for me, personally.

surely you don't need to be told that one

considering bioware's track record, this is entirely believable

>it's almost 2017
>retards still trust game "reviews" and (((GOTYs)))

Politics and virtue signaling.