Is this better than Dark Souls? You have to admit it's the only truly original game in the series

Is this better than Dark Souls? You have to admit it's the only truly original game in the series.

>truly original
that's bait, friendo

I think it's a fantastic game, and is on par with base DaS. But DaS with DLC is simply much better, and deeper.

and DeS has not aged well at all. remaster when?

It was only better for those of us who played it first. You'll probably feel like it's Dark Souls Lite.

most of the levels are way WAY better as far as design goes, but many of the bosses are lacking in comparison. personally i hold it higher

I mean I've beaten and played it. It isn't lite: if anything it could use mechanic trimming. But at least it doesn't have a useless second half.

>most of the levels


Just 1

Das1 is the only one with a proper interconnected world so it's more original

I liked it the gameplay in DeS more, the level design is better and more consistent, barring the swamp, which is horrendous. It's no surprise that Painted World is the best Dark Souls area, since it feels very much like a DeS stage.

i played darksouls first and when i ordered demons online and played it it was pretty obvious to me that the levels in demons souls had way more thought put into them and are vastly superior to explore, especially if you account for multiple play throughs

the first bolitairian palace level, both tower of lautrias are on another level compared to darksouls and more subjectively each valley of defilement too

DaS is the better single playthrough game.
DeS for multiple.

>muh interconnected world
>this is somehow a valid point when most of the individual levels are trash outside of sens and the demons souls level that didnt make the cut
1-1 alone is more complex than both undead burgs and the undead parish combined, youre delusional as fuck

i'm and played them all in release order

Saved. this is the correct and objective order

Why is Bloodborne best anyways?

I really like DeS but I feel like DaS was an improvement on several major areas.

>estus over grass
>more gear and build variety
>better bosses

also I felt that the lack of warp for the first half of the game and the way the world is designed really gave DaS a sense of grand adventure that DeS kinda lacked. on a level by level basis DeS probably has more solid level design tho.

It's very silly to count the expansion packs as separate games, they ought be examined as a complete package.
I'm also not sure how you Das3 can be considered better than the original, the differences become very apparent on a replay.

All of this is fair.
I think the big problem with DeS is that they felt compelled to have a set 3 bosses for each zone. If they just cut some of them they'd work so much better.
Imagine if Valley of Defilement was just a long, arduous slog to Astraea. I think that would be far superior.

most unified vision, sets out to do something hyper specific and all of the art direction and atmosphere and gameplay just fucking nails it

Ehhhh I see DS doing that just as much honestly.

t. babs who never played kingsfield


Contrarian losers are not welcome here.

the image is specifically about counting game+DLC as a package, or base game only

Imo Dark Souls has better gameplay, while Demon's Souls has better areas/atmosphere