Smash Sup Forumseekend

Game type: FFA
Tourney ID: 1412-1915-4252-23
Password: rage
Fuck everything

Other urls found in this thread:



I just wanna die...

English pls

What are you waiting for?

reminder to filter all the namefags for a quality thread

Your Roy sucks desu

I don't play Roy, but ik

Who do you play again?

Why is it so dead? It's 11pm, pussies.

Question time, why is Robin so hot

the "stream", the tournaments not made in smash are killing the Sup Forumseekend

We took over

people have been streaming more and more. A lot of the old Sup Forumseekenders went to streaming with each other instead

it's way more fun then this tho

yo spooks, ya gotta link to Fats stream

So what, one person makes a game and three other people play, then the rest of us are just supposed to watch and jerk each other off in the corner?


mainly bowser jr lucina and dark pit i play ohers too, but those are the main 3 i usually go to


especially if you think this guy is super hilarious and will play street fighter 5 soon

Why are you such a bitch about it?

it's better to play and chat with people that you are somewhat familiar with then to play anonymously and then get bitched at by some faggots because you beat them a little too hard

There's always some sort of flame war going on because you guys keep learn to shut the fuck up and just play and and instead constantly eat up Spookys bait and scream at each other

thanks senpai

kill all namefags and tripfags

spooky is fun as fuck and SF5 sounds like a nice change of pace, sign me in


So the solution is to kill Sup Forumseekends with your autistic bullshit?
It's Sup Forumseekend. I want to play with people. Not watch four faggots sucking each other's cocks live on stream.

>in fg as mac
>mfw its a sonic

Jab didnt stop his blue spin, I couldnt catch him and my god tier frame data means jack if I cant hit him. How do I play this mu?

If you weren't an autistic lonely faggot you'd know how the stream works. Whoever loses first leaves, and whoever gets in first plays, repeat


>wait in line to enjoy your time in the super special club
>or just play matches with random Sup Forumseekenders like a normal functioning person

Reminder that VenomRoy is a piece of shiiiiiiiiit

Theres no need for streamers to shit on anyone who disagrees with them, grow up

I'm new here is it always this dead at night

have fun in your shitter tourney with 5 people, at least youre "normal"

No, normally everyone is in thread

I'd rather be normal then special

Usually no, but autists would rather watch other people play than actually participate apparently. There's still full matches in the current tourney if you want to play though.

Stop being retarded

it's no one's fault for the these Sup Forumseekends to be dying
No one is forcing everyone to attend the streams. Sorry people would rather watch some people stream games then play with your autistic ass

Didn't expect to reflect that dair at the end

>it's nobody's fault that there aren't as many people playing
>sorry people would rather watch people play video games than play video games

people who played regularly starting thinking they "got good" and began naming themselves in these threads. suddenly there were reputations and diehard Sm4sh fans who didn't want to lose to scrubs decided to play in 4 man lobbies on twitch stream on team battles only, everyone waits their turn while fellating the others in chat

No, it wasn't always this dead.
It is now, because of the 20+ people that make up Sup Forumskend, at least 12 of them don't bother playing ITT, they just stream their lobby but come here to say "come watch, but don't make fun of us!"

So yes.

I'm already in the tourney

>something doesn't go spookys way in the first minute
>has a fucking crybaby fit and quits

people rather watch than play sad

>k bye


>it's no one's fault for the these Sup Forumseekends to be dying
>only ever ~30 people
>don't thread split the player pool
>thread splits the player pool
yeah, there are a lot of factors but this is the swan song

that's not their fault

Had Sup Forumseekend not turn into a mess of drama and bitching about the current popular-to-shit-on namefag, this wouldn't be happening

People just want to play sm4sh with each other without the constant raging coming from you autist's

but it's kinda cute having you try to use my own words against me

I guess this is what happens when you tell everyone you don't like to fuck off.
Everything falls a part

Nice 1v1 Megaman

Quit bullying Boney shit posting is cool! Trolling is cool!

Being a flowchart Cloud player is not cool

The problem is you guys still haven't actually fucked off, you're still in our threads advertising your bullshit.

Nothing is guaranteed to work but these are good methods against the spindash flowchart.

Walk slowly away from him when he does spin dash. Sometimes jab catch catches spin dash but go for pivot up angled f-smashes or pivot jump cancel U-smash to catch him in spin dash.

Shield his spin dash bait the next thing he does and try to catch the landing. This is very difficult but you can read and punish his flowchart.

If you lose to flowchart you shouldn't be complaining

they still lose overall to randoms they challenge anyway, which is the most hilarious part


No one is making them go tho

That's your problem

As it turns out, it seems like namefags kinda hold these Sup Forumseekends together in a way, dontcha think ;:^y

Time to shit post

If you are the mac user who helped me before, please help me here.

Who is the best black player?

Who woulda thought? It's the namefags who run this shit and not the nobodies no one cares about. Crazy I know.

Here you are, here's your thread, what stops you from making a tourney? That people want to play with other cool people and not bitter lonely autistic retards like you? well aint that just a damn shame.

The issue is user, this sonic did

>run to the very end of the stage
>spindash charge cancel thing
>i walk or approach
>continues spinning
>i throw out a jab of tilt
>spin into me and tear me a new a hole
>continue to grab me on landing

If I landed repeat. Or

>run into me in 1 second from his spin in place to shield in my face then grab me

Its like punchout except more brutal and the character also is waiting for a tell from me for them to attack.

I have no consistent way to force him out of the spin either through an attack of pressure him. Thats the core issue.

I tried smashes too and even if armour worked he span past me taking no damage.


There's one going on right now, now all that needs to happen is for you fags to finally go instead of clinging to these threads to brag about your pseudo friends.

You know what just wander the fucking wander you chuck and stop memeing. YOUR the cancer of the threads. Please kill yourself

Guess that means you're a shitter if you lose to FG sonic's

Anyone else keep getting the can't connect to partners device message?

maybe if you retards didn't go ape at the sign of namefags, this whole thing wouldn't have happened and Sup Forumseekends wouldn't be dying

kinda get's your noggin a cloggin

Where do you think you are? There should not have been names or trips to being with. People shouldn't have responded to them either but they should have been run out long ago.

>Sup Forumskends aren't dying we are just using the streams later in the night when it's mostly just regulars on anyways. We can communicate with each other much more effectively this way as well.

If people aren't playing it's their fault not the streams the stream isn't stopping anyone from playing


best advice I can give you this Mac taught me lots.

If we let the people that complain about having tournaments on any day but Sunday and nor more than twice a month make the rules then streamfags are the same problem.


Don't let them win.

fuck off tripfag


God dammit, I always do dumb shit in the end

I shall not.

As long as i draw breath,
I shall fight for freedom and justice.

I always wondered if there was a link between shit posting and cripping depression

hey venom join twitch(dottv)/fatsguy we gonna play sf5 soon

>Autistic oldfag looking manchild mii zard team chokes and gets MEME'D ON

TOP KEK kys zard player


You wanna play SFV?

So what if people join the streams. Sorry the streams are far more interesting to be a part of then this

If you didn't have an autistic ragefit over everything, people wouldn't be leaving

>There should not have been names or trips to being with.

Go bitch to m00t about that

or Hiro, he'll probably get rid of them like how he got rid of (You)'s

>Where do you think you are?

hey, that's a pretty good meme.

Sometimes i see it when i'm lurking. It''s a classic tbphwy

Nah, just shit playing

I LOVE Street Fighter V.

Buuuut, my internet sucks BAD in that game.

I even posted a video of me trying to play online.

So, i will just watch for now.

It's fine just try, if there's too much lag you'll just get kicked.

Boy you don't gotta worry about bad internet with us, Sup Forumskend is not known for good internet in the first place

I don't even bother with free for alls because they are lagfest. I just wait for teams


>So what if people join the streams.
Nice deflection.

>Go bitch to m00t about that
Retard. Learn the purpose of a trip. Everyone who trips on vkends does it for ego.

Alright then, even if i am more of a KOF guy becayse if my mexican genes, i will give it a try.

Just you wait i get home.

I shall not apologize by text, we, as fighters, know that our answers lie in the heart of battle.

Jigglypuff is cute

Ryan here, I'll be gone for the time being so the next tourney is up to you guys

You are cute.

>>Nice deflection.
alright so translation
>"i have nothing of value to say anymore, so i will simply claim you are projecting or deflecting, whatever makes me seem like the smart one"

>>Learn the purpose of a trip.

The purpose of trips is so moot could earn extra money
Anons use it for shitposting, not ego. And before you say something like "SEE, YOU ADMITTED TO THE SHITPOSTING, IT'S ALL NAMEFAGS FAULT"
You can always just report them, spooky has been reported before and it worked
Or filter them
Or ignore them
But in the end, everyone is going to the stream, that spooky is in, so stop being a retard

>The purpose of trips is so moot could earn extra money

Not him but this shows how new you are spooky

banning every single tripfag and namefag in this thread would improve thread quality 100%
prove me wrong

>2 stock is the current ruleset
>zard guy in the stream wants 3 stocks so he can get fraud wins
>still loses to opponent's best overall
>Then they want to play SFV

No way i'm gonna watch smash babby's play SFV, too many keks. I've had enough laughing at you frauds later faggots.

Don't try to smooth talk outta this...

>claiming people are spooky

this is why people are leaving
Because you guys accuse everyone who disagrees with you is spooky. He's not here, he's in the stream. You guys eat up his bait and then foam at the mouth whenever he makes a post

grow up

which one

How about we find a more...scientific...method of discussion?

Don't forget

Sure let's kill these threads even more with your unfun rules

Rules are meant to be broken.

Hell, we are here to avoid society's rules.