Thoughts on Etika?

Thoughts on Etika?

Plays his hype up way too much

I don't know how anyone can stand his streams. He literally sucks donator cock for 2 hours straight.

Seems like he tries a bit too hard to be funny.

He is pretty okay when he actually tries to do a stream. Holy FUCK, last 3 streams was so god dam awful. One of them all he did was get himself drunk and just saying im doing this for you all, even though most of the stream told him to stop.
Next one cuts it short for no god dam reason after promising what hes gonna do, just basically dtreaming for donations. Last one was being a jew about his shirt for the 1st part and i wasnt and didnt bother watching last one. All them basically just reading donations and doing nothing and not following up to his schedule he told his fans.
>user is a autist
Yea, probably. He seemed pretty cool over a month ago for some reason.

Pays too much attention to donations, taking like 1-5 minutes per donation. Pretty funny at times and seems like a cool dude to be friends with given his interests line up with mine.

>actually giving a shit about e-celeb garbage
its past your bed time kids

Literally one of the only streamers/youtubers I actually care enough to sub/watch. Every stream he does feels like a party. The donations are annoying yeah, but it almost adds to the complete cluster fuck of it all.

I had no idea about the Otaku Killer till that sad satan stream. Pretty fucked up.

Plays for hype now, went down the shitter once he sold his soul to the Smash train, and even for a bit he did YouTube drama videos. Puts aside 10 minutes for a $5 donation because "they're helping the boy's dream". People like to make fun of Maximilian for that, but good god man.

Also humongous over reactor, you could've even seen that coming in his later Pokemon videos. Also, let's not even bring up his fanbase. The word cancerous is way overused, but it's fitting for his fanbase.

Could've been great, but he's a sellout, they always end up sellouts.

I been a long time fan since the time between X&Y and OR/AS, so it saddens me shit hasn't been the same. One of my favorite periods was when Sm4sh started buildinghype, when he was getting into Fire Emblem and when he was homeless, hell I miss his Attack on Titan playthrough vids or at least vids of that nature where he plays with his friends where now he just streams and 5% of the stream is any gameplay. user above me said the last 3 streams have sucked, but in fact I believe ever since he started transitioning to streaming more on Youtube, it has gotten a ton worse very quickly. A well known problem is how he spends so much time just on donations and just playing up entertainment and memes on his channel. These can be funny, but with these streams they feel downplayed and forced or at least overused. He stated two or three times he focuses on donations for a long time because he appreciates people donating since he grew up with little and learned to appreicate money a lot more. While I agree, there is no reason why other streamers can get way more frequent donations than Etika, and be able to not go off track for 20-45 minutes. The streams lack substance nowadays since Etika can't stay focused and tries to be funny through his comedic timing and memes that have grown within the community and his channel, thus whatever game he is playing, anime he's watching or whatever is pushed to the fucking side(rather a fucking hill) leaving the streams feeling not as memorable as they once were as streams used to feel like an epic adventure like during his FE Awakening walkthrough or even his Undertale walkthrough where it felt like we felt the tension of the story as Etika did through his personality and connection to the story of Undertale. I just wish he focused A LOT more on making videos as most of his content lately is primarily clips from streams it feels like unlike back when he was staying with 5 other people and the vids felt personal or even prior.

fuck off.

I find it interesting how he still has an audience giving the fact that he does nothing but reading donations for hours, I don't even now how he himself don't get tired of it, I guess the money is just that good.

In fairness he has entertaining videos and his brief af streams sometimes help fill a void, and he for better or worse has grown to be at least relatively known in the community to the point of people gravitating to his videos whenever he makes a very good one. Besides his gf works as like a manager or something at Gamestop and he quit modeling to do this a few years ago, and I think he has a passion for it but he has allowed himself to be so preoccupied with other things, he has(at times) loss site of why he has the presence and fanbase today. As my previous post said, he once was really consistent, now he has focused too much on streaming, heck, he changed how he records streams in order to pull clips from them easier in order to reupload portions of them to his channel. Usually barely edited.

JOY is gone

Hi Etika

oh god I remember when he mentioned he used to shill his videos on Sup Forums

he's here isn't he

Not even Etika my dude just long time fan wanting Etika to improve thus I stumbled upon this thread to shit out my opinions

He overreacts to everything.
Doesn't play or watch anything anymore.
Fuck donators.

e-celeb shit goes into the

the fucking nigger is not going to end jojo

He needs to continue watching jojo it's been almost a month and the pillar men are the focus of the next episode



He didn't finish OPM and he is extremely particular with anime so maybe he won't finish it

crazy black man yelling about donations